Is it possible to feed rabbits with sorrel

The plant, which will be discussed in our article, can be found in almost every yard or park. Horse sorrel is a frequent ingredient in traditional medicine recipes and an indispensable supplement for domestic rabbits.

Is it possible to give sorrel to rabbits

Horse sorrel - an indispensable herbal supplement in the daily diet of domestic rabbits. This herb contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, vitamin K, organic acids and iron compounds, flavonoids, and essential oils.

Its regular addition to food has such a beneficial effect on the organism of animals:

  • improving appetite and motor activity;
  • improvement of intestinal perilystatic;
  • boosting the immune system;
  • antibacterial and antihelminthic action.

Important! In nature, there are many herbaceous plants that resemble horse sorrel, but are very harmful, for example, spurge and black root. They contain hazardous substances that can cause poisoning and even the death of ushastik.


The essential oils and tannins contained in the plant give the fresh leaves of horse sorrel a bitter aftertaste that not all rabbits will like. Fresh sorrel is much slower eaten by rabbits, and they chew it with obvious reluctance. In order not to deprive pets of fresh and healthy delicacies, experienced breeders recommend the use of cuttings - the bitterness in them is almost not noticeable, and the number of useful substances is not less than in the leaves.

In dried form

In the process of drying, the bitterness of the leaves disappears, and their taste becomes much more pleasant. In winter, oxalic hay is an ideal treat for rabbits.

In combination with other feeds

Herbs in the diet of rabbits are the main sources of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for their full growth and development. Most readily, rabbits eat sorrel in combination with wheatgrass, swan, alfalfa, tansy, wormwood, clover, dandelion, plantain and yarrow.

Did you know? Rabbits are able to recognize their master among other people, they remember their name and distinguish two colors - red and green.

The greatest benefit to your pets will be able to bring herbal, which combine 2-3 types of herbs. Such a combination will help you significantly diversify the daily diet of your pets.

Feeding rules

Despite the fact that grass food is most useful for eared rodents, it is important not to exceed the portions recommended by veterinarians.

We advise you to read about whether it is possible to give dill, wormwood, grapes, pear, cabbage, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, peas, corn, beets, cereals, bread, bran, plain milk and dried milk to rabbits, and also find out what kind of water to drink rabbits and what grass feed the rabbits.

The active ingredients with which horse sorrel is saturated, in large doses, can cause the following disturbances in the body of rabbits:

  • renal failure;
  • allergic reactions;
  • blood clots;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • violation of mineral metabolism in the body;
  • heartburn.

As a rule, after the timely exclusion of sorrel from the diet of animals, all violations and malfunctions in the functioning of their body pass.

How to enter the sorrel in the diet of rabbits

If your animals have not tried horse sorrel, then familiarity with this grass should be started gradually and with small portions. When adding a plant to food, it is important to observe the behavior of the rabbit. If your pet has diarrhea or diarrhea after taking horse sorrel, then you should immediately stop adding it to food and show the animals to the vet.

Important! In the diet of rabbits must be present solid feed. Such food will saturate their body with essential trace elements, and will also be useful for their teeth.

How to feed

Young rabbits are allowed to eat 50-130 g of fresh horse sorrel per day. For adults, a portion is 150-200 g, and up to 250 g of fresh plants can be given to pregnant and lactating rabbits.

Collection and storage rules

In order for your animals to get the most out of green food, pay attention to the conditions under which the grass sprouted before you gathered them. Try to avoid the roadsides and places nearby industrial enterprises - the greens gathered there will be more harm than good. If there is a forest or park nearby - choose a dry morning and go there in search of grasses. The most juicy and useful herbs are growing near rivers and reservoirs. Remember that proximity to the swamps gives the plants a sour taste.

An important influence on the quality of the feed has the appearance of the grass - it must have a fresh and unspoiled appearance. Plants with signs of disease and damaged by any pests have no place in your pet's feeder.

Learn how to feed rabbits with compound feed, which branches can be given to rabbits, and also what can and should not be given to rabbits.

How to prepare

It is believed that it is best to harvest herbs in the spring - at this time of year the plant is most saturated with juices, which retain their useful properties even after drying. Choose a fine spring day and gather greens before noon. It is advisable to tear sorrel with your hands - when in contact with metal, oxidation occurs at the cut point, which significantly reduces its usefulness.

After collecting the sorrel, you need to rinse under running water and carefully sort out - damaged and damaged leaves can be safely discarded. Next, you need to blot it with a paper towel - so you remove excess moisture, which can cause the occurrence of putrefactive processes in the plant. Selected leaves are dried in the fresh air - spread it in a single layer and protect from direct sunlight. To understand whether the plant is well dried, it is enough to bend it - if it is cracked, then sorrel can be sent for storage, if the leaves bend, then leave them for a couple of days in the fresh air.

Did you know? Rabbits of Pygmy breed are recognized as the smallest representatives of these animals. The weight of adults does not exceed half a kilogram, and the length of their body - up to 30 cm.

How to store

Store dried herbs in a dry place with good ventilation. Most often for these purposes use the attic. It is believed that properly harvested plants do not lose their beneficial properties for two years, but veterinarians advise to eat stocks of dried sorrel within a year from the moment of its harvesting.

As you can see, horse sorrel can not only be given to rabbits, but even necessary. Experienced rabbit breeders who care about the health of their pets must include this plant in their daily diet.

Watch the video: How I Feed RABBIT to Puppies!!! (December 2024).