Livensky chickens: how to contain the breed, description, its advantages and disadvantages

Poultry farmers know many breeds of chickens that were bred in the process of domestication. There are breeds that are obtained by experienced specialists, and there are so-called "folk", bred by amateurs.

And today we will tell you about this breed. These are liven hens that appeared in the 19th century in the peasant farms of Tsarist Russia.

The history of the breed

This breed of chickens is obliged by its name to the Livny district of the Oryol province. It was here that the first specimens of poultry appeared, which was distinguished by good weight and excellent eggs. The savvy peasants, although they were not familiar with the scientific methods of selection, were able to empirically get an amazing pedigree group of Livén hens. Until the middle of the 20th century, liven hens could be seen in almost every household, and in the post-war years - on most poultry farms. But, despite all the advantages, in the 60s of the last century the breed group was lost.

Nowadays, under the name "Liven chintz", chickens of Ukrainian (Poltava) folk breeding can be found, which some poultry farmers consider to be livens, and some distinguish the "Ukrainian calico" as a separate group. It is worth noting that the calico color of this breed of liven hens was not observed.

Did you know? There are completely black chickens in the world. They have black not only feathers, but also bones, meat and entrails. These chernushki bred in Indonesia and called ayam cement.

External characteristics

Breed refers to the meat and egg direction. We give them in relation to females and males.


The average chicken weight is 3.5 kg. On each feather you can find several colors that all together and create an unusual color of the entire plumage. The body of the hen is powerful, stretched horizontally. Scallop on the head is in the form of a rose or a leaf. There may also be a crest and feathered feet.


The rooster has a larger and massive body, respectively, and the weight is more - 4.5 kg. But its main highlight is the magnificent tail, which forms a right angle with the body and has well-developed braids. The color of feathers is black with yellow, there may be splashes of golden or silvery shades. There is also a dense plumage on the neck, which has an average length. The head is small, ends with a crest of modest size, leaf-shaped.

Puberty and egg production

Livensky chickens can be attributed to the precocious in terms of puberty. After all, carry eggs, provided good content, they get from 6-7 months.

Important! When the chicken has an incubation period, the weight of the egg decreases. She also begins to carry fewer eggs during the molting period, that is, in late autumn.

In young individuals, eggs are small and there are not many of them. So, for the first year of laying, about 80 eggs weighing up to 60 g are obtained. But when a chicken is in its prime, the number can reach 200 pieces per year, and the weight of some excellent specimens reaches 90 g.

The eggs of the hens of this breed have a light brown shell, and there may be two yolks inside.


Character in liven hens calm, friendly. Also, they are not very active, we can say - phlegmatic. These features make these poultry very convenient for keeping on the farm.

And one more plus: this breed of chickens is very silent. Liventsy will not wake you up with their hungry shouts at sunrise, and in this respect they are perfect.

Also, these birds are not shy, they recognize their owner by voice. But spoil the whole picture of males who love to fight, sometimes even with their master. So consider this unpleasant feature.

Did you know? Chickens have a real language for communication. Ornithologists have identified about thirty chicken sounds, which mean specific actions. For example: "I'm going to lay an egg!" or "Hurry up here! There are worms here!".

Peculiarities of breeding and care for liven hens

When breeding and caring for this breed there are some points that you definitely need to know. Consider them in detail.

Home Improvement and Climatic Conditions

The housing for liven hens is generally standard for such poultry. This is a closed chicken coop, where the bird spends the night, and the adjacent free area for walking.

The coop can not be heated in winter, because this breed is frost-resistant. But the temperature should be monitored - it should not be below -5 ° C. It is very important to make a good ventilation of the room and provide the birds with a bed of hay or straw.

The litter should be changed regularly. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the hen house, especially in winter. This will ensure the well-being of the birds and prevent the spread of infections.

Learn more about building a chicken coop: how to make ventilation, lighting, perches, nests, feeders and drinkers; how to insulate the chicken coop with your own hands, what floor is better to do.

Livenki love to fly, so the chicken pen should be surrounded by a high fence, otherwise you will look for your living creatures from the neighbors. Also, do not forget about the love of live roosters for fighting. Best of all, this family should be kept separate from other inhabitants of the bird yard. Between themselves, they live peacefully.


An important aspect of poultry care is to provide it with good nutrition. Of course, we must take into account the age of pets.


If you have chickens, get ready to feed them about 12 hours after birth.

Important! In the first seven days of life, chickens should be fed every two hours, even at night. Before going to bed, check their goats - they must be complete, otherwise feed the babies separately.

The first food experts recommend making corn grits finely ground; You can then give boiled yolk mixed with dry semolina. Greens will not hurt - for example, nettle, but it must be boiled beforehand. There are also special feeds for chickens of this age (starting).

After a few days, the older chicks need more varied dietwhich may include:

  • cereals (wheat, barley);
  • potatoes and carrots, pre-boiled and grated;
  • finely chopped green onions;
  • fermented milk products - kefir or cottage cheese;
  • feed for chickens, according to age.

Further, the diet does not change much, only introduced new types of cereals, soaked bread, boiled fish. The number of feedings gradually decreases from seven to eight to five times per day.

When the chicks are a month old, they should consume the grain - first, coarse, and after two weeks and whole. At this age, they are already walking in the street with might and main, therefore fresh greens are necessary.

Important! Provide chickens with a daily portion of fresh water in the troughs and a separate feeder with fine gravel, sand, and shredded egg shells.

From three months old grown young chicken is transferred to an adult diet, but food is given 4 more times a day.

Adult generation

Adult livenives are not at all demanding of food, but in order for the bird to remain healthy and productive, the diet must be balanced. Chickens should be fed 3 times a day. And since they are valuable both in meat and eggs, it will be very convenient for owners to keep chickens on ready-made feeds. But it is quite expensive. Therefore, you can feed as follows:

  1. In summer, the best food will be the one that the birds will find under their feet. And this is a different green grass, seeds and insects.
  2. In winter, you will have to work hard to provide chickens with good nutrition. You can use a variety of ready-made feed, grain, but be sure to have vitamin supplements - for example, germinated grains of various cereals. You can also prepare delicacies from shredded pumpkin, potatoes, carrots and give meat and vegetable waste, but only in boiled form.

Some experienced poultry farmers prepare wet mash for their poultry farms, which feed the birds both in winter and in summer. They are made from raw and dry foods: potatoes, finely chopped greens, soaked in dried sour milk, ground chalk, shell rock, carrots and fresh cabbage.

Important! When wet mash are given in summer, they should be in the feeders for no more than three hours. After that, the remains are discarded, and the dishes are thoroughly washed with clean water. Otherwise, poisoning can not be avoided.

Diseases and methods of dealing with them

Nature gave livents a good immunity, so they are not very susceptible to diseases. But this is subject to compliance with all the requirements for care. The prevention of various infectious diseases is very important. The owner must:

  • prevent contact with wild birds such as pigeons and sparrows;
  • regularly disinfect the chicken coop using hydrogen peroxide, iodine and chlorine;
  • daily change water in drinking bowls;
  • examine the plumage of birds every two weeks to identify external parasites;
  • observe the behavior of birds - the slightest change should be alarming.

At the slightest suspicion of a disease in your pets, it is best to consult a veterinarian. He will establish an accurate diagnosis and give recommendations on the use of drugs.

Read also about the symptoms and treatment of diseases of chickens: salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, coccidiosis, mycoplasmosis, conjunctivitis, Newcastle and Marek diseases, diseases of the eyes and legs.

Advantages and disadvantages

In conclusion, we give all the pros and cons of liven hens.

Their benefits include:

  • unpretentious to the conditions of detention;
  • do not sort out food and gain weight well;
  • give high-quality eggs in significant quantities and meat with excellent taste;
  • hens carry eggs even in winter; besides this, they are good hens and caring mothers.

And the disadvantages are as follows:

  • aggressiveness of live Cockerels to other chicken breeds;
  • low distribution, which is why it is very difficult to find chicks for breeding.

Reviews on breed liven chicken

Livenskie - local breed group. Not even all-Russian. She was in the Oryol region and in the district. It was not brought to the breed. So they don’t offer it as a pedigree ... Maybe it’s Poltava cotton print, maybe some other kind, brought to meat and egg poultry productivity ... I understand that. I am not going to the exhibition even with the breed ones. Meat is, egg is, aesthetics is. The disadvantages are that the breed signs are not fixed. Color varies ... Will it make out as a breed? Probably not. But the main three factors: egg, meat, aesthetics suit me.

Now, any chicken with a live weight of 3.5 kg from Livensky district can be safely called liveven - you will not be mistaken, still no one will understand anything. I have scans of old photographs from the archives of the institute, there are generally Colombian livenies there. And the photographs from the archives of the Moscow Agricultural Academy are painted black and golden. In the old books (there were a lot of them at one time, such as "Ltvenskiy Ptitsesovkhoz - shock indicators of the five-year plan", etc.) photographs of a gray-black bird, black-spotted ... I mostly trust dissertations written about this breed. As well as academician Smetnevu (they say, the cleverest and cleanest man was), who wrote that in the 70s they destroyed the liven hens in the breeding farms, and they could not find the other selected and homogeneous birds for the needs of the TAA. And now, under Livny, in the Oryol region, there are a lot of birds running through the streets, moreover, in color, not white. But to call it livevensky is the same as calling an earflap any chicken with a beard and tanks.
Alexander Alex ...

My Livenies rush like a TTT cannon Testicle large. Although I “rolled a barrel” on them in the first, but now I am pleased with this bird. Just need an approach and attention to it.

I look different opinions about them, can really each his own and need to find a breed for himself. Personally, I have showers in favorites, I love them simply and arrange in all respects. I am working on the selection and selection of the best of the best, I want to end up with the ideal, as I imagine.

Now you know a lot about the unusual breed - Liven hens. They appeared over a hundred years ago, and then disappeared. But whether it was possible to recover the lost bird is still unknown.

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