The reasons why the chicken lays eggs without a shell, the decision

Unusual eggs found in the nest of the hens cause a lot of questions. Whatever the reason, for the owner it is a must to understand and eliminate it, because the situation may lead to the death of the birds. In this article we will understand the reasons, consider the methods of troubleshooting and measures to prevent such.

The reasons

The reasons for the appearance of eggs without shell in a soft membrane can be several:

  • nutrition that does not correspond to the needs of birds (poor quality, lack of vitamins, minerals, other elements);
  • errors in the maintenance of pets (dirt, crowded, stuffy, other);
  • hormonal failure due to stress or age characteristics, other deviations;
  • infection with an infection or a virus in egg production.


The problem of nutrition is often found in small farms: the scraps are given to the bird from the table, without thinking that a certain balance of substances should be observed in the diet of birds.

Check out the egg breeding rating of hen breeds and the selection of breeds with the largest eggs.

Dry food

Low quality dry feeds may not contain elements that are necessary for productivity. In the case of the absence of shell you can talk about lack of calcium, protein and phosphorus.

You can rectify the situation by purchasing a special feed for layers, produced by the small fraction. This contributes to the exact calculation of the dosage, so as not to cause overeating and obesity, which often suffer from hens. And obesity may well cause changes in the structure of the egg. It also takes into account all the needs for effective productivity, takes into account the optimal balance of minerals and vitamins, BZHU. The dosage per day for one individual is 130 g.

Did you know? An egg without a shell is not the only anomaly, there is one more - a fat egg, that is, without a yolk. This is not a disease, and do not worry. Just in the oviduct accumulated a certain amount of protein, which at the exit through the genital tract was covered with a shell.

Mixed feed

When fed with mixed foods, the rate of dry and the rate of wet food are not always accurately calculated. The amendment for the season is not taken into account: it is especially important to add vitamins in the winter time, since there is no walking, no greens, and the basis is mainly mixed fodder.

In this situation, you need to consider that a mixed diet consists of mixed feed and grain with additives in equal parts. In winter, the proportion of vitamins and cereals increases. Bird give vegetables - carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, steamed bread.

Wet mash

This bird's dish includes such products:

  • boiled potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini and others;
  • cereals;
  • wheat bran;
  • meal or cake;
  • chalk or other calcium supplements.

Knead food based on cottage cheese or whey, boiled water. Prepare one serving so that the food does not remain for later, it should be eaten fresh.

Important! Do not give the bird boiled beets in large quantities, it causes flatulence and diarrhea.


The bird organism for some time compensates for the loss of vitamins with its internal reserves, which naturally affects the general state of health. You can find out that pets lack calcium. normal palpation. Their bones (keel) will be soft, highly mobile and flexible. In order to prevent such a situation, various vitamin-mineral complexes are given to the layers. In the feed add crushed shell, eggshells, chalk. However, it is also important not to overdo it: hypervitaminosis is a painful condition. Additives are mixed into the feed no more than three times a week.

Video: sources of calcium for laying hens

Infections and viruses

Infections complicate the situation by the fact that late detection can spread to the entire poultry house, in addition, not all avian diseases can be treated.

Infectious bronchitis

The disease affects the respiratory system, and with it the reproductive system, which affects both the quality and quantity of products.

Characterized by such symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing through the open beak;
  • refusal of food;
  • sick birds are lethargic, they are collected in groups;
  • observed discharge from the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Learn more about infectious bronchitis disease of chickens.

Syndrome falling egg production

In international veterinary medicine, the syndrome is called a virus; it can be transmitted from individual to individual. The virus is contained in mucus and during general feeding can get into the feed.

In the syndrome there are such signs:

  • decrease in productivity;
  • change in the color of the shell;
  • egg shape change;
  • complete discoloration;
  • as a result, the appearance of eggs in the membrane.

Newcastle disease

The disease of Newcastle, or pseudo-podium, is developing rapidly: within two or three days, all livestock can be infected.

Did you know? The disease received its name from the English city of Newcastle, which is located on the northeast coast of Britain. There, an outbreak of atypical plague in 1926 destroyed all the livestock in the city.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • difficult, hoarse breathing;
  • diarrhea;
  • mucus from the beak;
  • head lowered;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • lack of coordination;
  • convulsions.

Hormonal changes

All processes from formation to release are controlled by the nervous system and regulated by hormones. If one of the systems fails, it automatically occurs in the process:

  • two eggs are formed instead of one;
  • shortens the time of maturation and passage through the genital tract;
  • the shell formation process is strayed.

Hormonal background may change under the influence of stress, illness, lack of nutrition. It is impossible to determine by eye, it is only a veterinarian who can diagnose this particular problem.

Find out why you get two yolk eggs and eggs with blood, as well as why chickens lay eggs with green yolk, peck eggs, carry small eggs, do not carry well.

Conditions of detention

For high productivity, birds should be provided with the right conditions. Due to crowding, for example, rare walking, lack of sun, birds suffer from stress, therefore pets need the following conditions:

  • cleanliness in the hen house (bedding, perches, feeders);
  • Sufficient space in the room for each bird (per individual 1 sq. m);
  • nests should not be lit;
  • fresh water;
  • free walking area, closed to wild birds and animals, with a shed, under which you can hide from the rain or the scorching sun;
  • diet at the same time.

We advise you to familiarize yourself with the tips on keeping chickens: how to equip roosts, nests, make an automatic feeder and water bowl, build a paddock for walking.

Problem solving methods

Problems of a non-painful nature are easier to solve:

  • purity is induced in the house;
  • expands the space if necessary;
  • revised diet.

If hormonal dysfunction is suspected, an adequate treatment can be prescribed only by a specialist after laboratory tests.

If an infection is suspected, a veterinarian will also need to be examined, materials for analysis will be collected and the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor will follow.

In case of any disease, one of the following must be disinfected. the following solutions:

  • 3% hot soda;
  • iodine preparations;
  • 6% chlorine-containing lime;
  • Lugol solution.

Birds are treated with veterinary drugs: "Anfluron", blue iodine. The dosage and course of treatment will be determined by the doctor according to the form of the disease.

When Newcastle is detected, the bird is not treated, because the virus spreads too quickly and the risks of losing all the livestock are high. Sick birds are disposed of, healthy vaccinated, the room is subjected to disinfection (phenol, ethyleneimine). In the case of egg drop syndrome, disinfecting cleaning is also carried out (with chloroform, beta-propiolactone), treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian, based on the results of tests. The specialist also conducts culling of birds from the herd and vaccination.

Important! In case of an epidemic of infectious nature, the enterprise is closed for quarantine, the sale of meat and egg products is prohibited. Thirty days later, the quarantine is removed after the final disinfection of the enterprise.


The complex of preventive measures consists of the following actions:

  1. Equipping the premises with ultraviolet lamps (detrimental to many strains).
  2. Install protection from rodents, slugs and wild birds.
  3. Keep different types of poultry separately.
  4. Chickens vaccinated.
  5. New individuals before obselenie expose the inspection and vaccination, preliminary separate content of about a month.
  6. In coop work only in workwear.
  7. Regularly engage in mechanical cleaning of the entire premises and feeders, drinkers.
  8. Twice a year to carry out cleaning, disinfecting, using chemicals.
  9. Follow the diet of the wards, regularly inspect them.

Poultry farmers reviews about the problem

The phenomenon of eggs without shell often happens during the winter and this is not surprising. At this point, the body is experiencing great stress due to the lack of the necessary substances in the diet. Therefore, I join the majority of those who believe that the main reason for the lack of calcium in the feed.

The simplest and most effective is crystalline fodder phosphate combined with vitamin D 3
Irina Parii

In order for the eggs to be with strong shells - the bird must first of all be healthy and receive adequate nutrition.

And so small limestone can still be given, and in general, small gravel should not be forgotten - it is necessary for it for proper digestion.

And as an alternative to sprouted grains, hydroponic green fodder has worked well - here both the egg size rises, the shell thickness, and the saturation of eggs with vitamins (even the color of the yolk becomes bright dark orange), well, it carries longer.


To summarize: the problem can be prevented by observing veterinary and sanitary regulations. By showing attention to the content of birds, to their diet, you will receive in response to the high productivity of your farm.

Watch the video: SENT HALF OUR EGG LAYING CHICKENS TO BUTCHER. WHY? (December 2024).