Variety of potatoes "Aladdin"

The potato variety "Aladin" is popular with gardeners due to its excellent taste and lack of difficulties in cultivation. In this article you will describe the description and characteristics of this variety, as well as all the intricacies of its cultivation and storage.


Potatoes "Aladdin" was bred by Dutch breeders and is table high-yielding variety. In the state registers of varieties of Ukraine and the Russian Federation was introduced in 2011.

The fruits of this variety are fried, stewed, steamed. They are often used for the production of chips.

Botanical description

Particular attention should be paid to the description of the bushes and tubers "Aladdin".


In height, the bushes of this variety reach 50 cm. The leaves are elongated, have an emerald shade. The size of the corolla is small or medium.


One bush gives up to 12 tubers, whose weight is 100-180 g. The tubers are smooth, of medium size, round-oval in shape. Eyes shallow, not brightly expressed. The peel of a red shade, pulp on a cut white.

The fruits have excellent taste, the starch content in them reaches 21%.

Characteristic variety

Due to the following characteristics, the popularity of this variety among gardeners is quite high.

Disease resistance

"Aladdin" has a high resistance to late blight, scab, cancer, potato nematode.

Terms of ripening

"Aladdin" - medium late variety. The period from planting to harvest is 95-110 days.

Middle-late potato varieties include "Blue", "Zhuravinka", "Melody", "Lorch", "Lasok".


This variety has a good yield. WITH 1 hectare land can be collected 450 centners potatoes


"Aladdin" has good keeping quality, in cool storage tubers can be stored for more than 6 months.

Growing regions

Potatoes of this variety are not sensitive to drought, so it can be grown in both southern and northern regions. The most suitable soil for it is loamy and sandy soil.

Landing rules

In order to collect the maximum yield from the site, you should follow the simple rules of planting "Aladdin".

Optimal timing

You can plant "Aladdin" in May, but you need to calculate that the harvest period falls on Indian summer (September 10 to 24), because at this time the weather is usually dry and sunny.

The soil temperature should be + 7 ... +8 ° C at a depth of 10-12 cm, and the average daily temperature should be at least +8 ° C.

Learn more about the best time for planting potatoes and landing on the lunar calendar.

Choosing a place

Planting is best done on light, light sandy and sandy loamy soil, and black earth and floodplain soils are also suitable for this. It is necessary to choose a sunny open area with a slope to the south and south-west, protected from the north and northeast by shrubs.

Important! Strongly recommended watering potatoes immediately after planting.

Low beds with heavy clay soil, where water stagnates in spring, are not recommended for planting. Landing should also be abandoned if groundwater comes closer than 1 meter to the surface.

Good and bad predecessors

To plant "Aladdin" in the same place for several years is not very favorable. This leads to depletion and disease of the soil, the appearance of pests. Potatoes are planted in their former place no less than 3 years later.

The best predecessors for growing potatoes are legumes and cereals, cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin.

It is impossible planting potatoes in the soil, where before that there were sunflowers, tomatoes and plants of the family of nightshade.

Familiarize yourself with the basics of crop rotation, and also read about the significance of green mans for potatoes.

Soil preparation

The soil must be moistened before planting. Excessively moist soil will only harm the growth of potatoes.

Preparation of planting material

Recommended before landing pre-germination of tubersThis is especially true for regions with a cold climate.

20-30 days prior to the intended planting, potatoes are taken out to a room with a temperature of + 5 ... + 7 ° C.

In this way, it is possible to determine which tubers from those selected for planting will germinate.

Tubers on which no buds have appeared during this period are not suitable for planting.

Scheme and depth of landing

Tubers divided into small fractions, with a weight of not more than 35-50 g. During planting it is recommended to adhere to a distance of 32-36 cm between fractions. About 40 thousand tubers are planted per hectare of soil.

Important! Break off the shoots of "Aladdin" can be no more than once. If you do it more often, the tubers are poorly formed.

Unlike other varieties, "Aladdin" is planted more deeply, it is associated with moderate stolons of this variety. Bury potatoes need to a depth of at least 10 centimeters.

How to care

Caring for "Aladdin" will not cause much trouble, if you follow simple rules.


Watering the potato bushes is not required, watering is needed only if the weather is dry. In this case, watering is carried out exclusively along the furrows, with direct watering there is a high risk of the disease of potatoes by mushroom diseases. If the summer is hot, in no case should watering be done during the day, otherwise you can harm the tubers. The most suitable time for watering is morning.

Top dressing

To achieve maximum yield "Aladdin", you need to periodically feed the plants. During the growing season root dressing contribute three times:

  1. The first is done during the growth of the tops, if the bushes have poor development, the stems are too thin, and the leaves have a pale appearance. For the preparation of top-dressing it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp. l urea 10 liters of water. On one bush make 0.5 liters of solution.
  2. The second is introduced during the period of formation of buds to accelerate flowering. 1 tbsp. l potassium sulfate and 3 tbsp. l wood ash diluted with 10 liters of water. Under each bush pour 0.5 liters of solution.
  3. The third is produced when the potato is flowering, to promote the process of tuber formation. 2 tbsp. l superphosphate and 1 cup mullein diluted with 10 liters of water. On one bush make 0.5 liters of solution.

Learn more about feeding potatoes.

Weeding and loosening the soil

From time to time it is necessary to do weeding and separately, and combining with loosening, which will help get rid of small weeds. For loosening, care is needed, otherwise you can damage the sprouts and tubers, the recess into the soil should be 2-3 centimeters. This procedure has a good effect on potatoes, because when loosening the root system is better enriched with oxygen.

Did you know? The first to grow potatoes were Indians in modern Peru.

The first time to loosen the soil should be a week after planting. Then this procedure is carried out as necessary after rain and watering to prevent the formation of a crust on the ground.


Hilling promotes good yield, accelerating the development of the bush, flowering and the formation of tubers. To pile up a bush, it is necessary with the help of a hoe to pry up a small amount of damp earth to the tops, so that there is a mound around the bush. During the season, spud potatoes need three times. The first hilling of bushes is made when they reach a height of 10-12 centimeters. The second hilling need to hold 10-12 days after the first. The third hilling produced as needed.

Preventive treatment

To protect "Aladdin" from late blight and Alternaria for preventive purposes, it is necessary to spray using special preparations. The first spraying needs to be done before the plant shows signs of disease, when the bushes grow to 20 centimeters. The following treatment is carried out after 7 days if the weather during this time was dry and after 4 days if there was precipitation.

To protect potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle, spraying with special preparations is done when the first larvae appear on bushes. Since the larvae hatch in three generations, the spraying is done three times at intervals of 10 days.

Read also about the struggle with the Colorado potato beetle by folk methods (mustard and vinegar) and with the help of the following preparations: Prestige, Tabu, Regent, Konfidor, Tanrek, On the Ground, Commander, Lightning ".

Harvesting and storage

To avoid spoiling and rotting potatoes, it must be collected on time and properly stored. The best time to harvest is Indian summer, which is usually between September 10 and September 24. The optimum air temperature should be + 10 ... + 17 ° C. You need to collect the tubers before frost, otherwise these vegetables will be unsuitable for use in food.

Did you know? The largest potato tuber was grown by a Lebanese farmer and weighed 11 kilograms.

You need to dig potatoes on a fine clear day, after which the tubers will need to be dried in air for 1-2 hours. After that, the crop is harvested and dried for 10-12 days, spreading the potatoes in no more than two layers.

The optimum temperature for storing potatoes is + 2 ... + 4 ° C. Humidity should not be more than 85-90%. If you store "Aladdin" at a temperature below, the tubers will be sweetish and unpleasant in taste.

The best storage option for the crop is fully recessed. well ventilated vaults and cellars. Potatoes must be placed in boxes that do not have to stand on the floor, but be raised by 15-20 centimeters. If you make additional shelves in the cellar, you can store the harvest on them in bags or nets. Potatoes can also be stored in burtah, which are indentations up to 20 cm with dimensions of 2 m by 5 m. The tubers are folded into a cone-shaped embankment, sprinkled with straw and covered with earth.

Learn how to equip a collar for storing vegetables and fruits.

In room conditions, you can store the harvest on the balcony. Potatoes must be placed in boxes that need to be insulated with sawdust or foam and put on the balcony. The box is covered with a dark cloth to keep the potatoes green.

Advantages and disadvantages

Virtues Aladdin potato varieties are many, among them:

  • high quality fruit;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • good yield;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • widely used in cooking, suitable for dietetic meals and feeding children in kindergartens and schools.

Disadvantages "Aladdin" a bit, among them are:

  • poor tolerance to a large amount of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • insensitivity to growth regulators.

Video: potato variety "Aladdin"

In the cultivation of potatoes "Aladdin" there are no particular difficulties, because it is unpretentious and suitable for cultivation in all regions. Following simple instructions, caring for potatoes of this variety will not cause difficulties and a rich harvest will be harvested.

Watch the video: Different kinds of potatoes and the difference between them (January 2025).