How to plant and grow strawberries - strawberries varieties "Marvelous"

The oblong shape, juicy dense flesh, delicate aroma and delicate strawberry flavor - these characteristics of the strawberry fully explain the name of the variety “Marvelous”. Is it worth it to acquire this kind of berries on your site, we consider in this article.

Variety description

During its thirty-year history, Strawberry "Divnaya" has established itself as a high-yielding variety with increased resistance to cold and drought. The plant takes root well on any soil and quickly adapts to new conditions. Therefore, the variety is grown both in greenhouses and in open beds. According to experts, this is a valuable variety of strawberries, which can be successfully used for industrial and amateur purposes. Moreover, some homeowners manage to harvest even under room conditions with pot cultivation.

"Marvelous" has inherited a lot from the parent varieties - "Holiday" and "Festival". Outwardly, it is tall, not sprawling, a bush of compact form with strong straight-growing shoots, large wrinkled glossy foliage and long mustaches of medium thickness. A significant advantage of the variety is that its numerous flower stalks are located at the level of foliage. Many-flowered inflorescences.

Did you know? Strawberry is not a berry, but a nut. The fact is that the true fruits of this plant are small yellowish seeds that are located on the surface of a huge red receptacle.

According to experienced gardeners, the main advantages of this variety are:

  • early bloom;
  • frost resistance;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • resistance to common strawberry diseases (gray mold, virticillosis);
  • good strawberry transportability;
  • versatility (berries can be used raw, frozen or canned).

We recommend to learn how to plant strawberries in spring and autumn.

At one place the bush can not grow more than 4 years. Also, the plant is very attractive for spider mites. Signs of purple blotch may appear on its wrinkled leaves in spring and autumn. Therefore, regular inspection of bushes for signs of pests and disease symptoms will not interfere.

To the shortcomings of a variety, many credit it with intensive learning. If this does not interfere, "Marvelous" braid everything around.

Did you know? In the New Orleans restaurant "Arnaud's" strawberries are served as the most expensive exclusive dish, worth several million dollars. It includes fresh fruit, cream, mint, and a 5 carat pink diamond ring..

Characteristics of berries and yield

According to the standard varieties, fruits are characterized by a specific slightly elongated conical shape with a rounded tip. Often, due to this quality, they are called "finger". It is characteristic that in the process of cultivation, regardless of weather conditions, climatic or soil characteristics, the berries can change their configuration. Often they are round-conical, folded, knotted, square-shaped and deformed.

The first fruits are always distinguished by their weight. They are larger than the next. Each berry weighs in the range of 17-25 grams, rarely giants (up to 35 grams). Average fees are much smaller.

You may also be interested in such varieties of strawberry as: "Marmalade", "Darlelekt", "Vicoda", "Florence", "Bereginya", "Alba", "Albion", "Queen Elizabeth II", "Malvina", "Albion" , "Asia", "Gigantella", "Lord".

Externally, strawberries are traditionally red in color with yellow medium-recessed seeds of varying thickness. The flesh is dense, but juicy. Inside the berry there is no hollow space and coarse shear fibers of the core. The skin is elastic, which makes the berries suitable for long shipments. They taste sweet or sour-sweet (depending on the level of illumination).

Video: Description of strawberries varieties "Wondrous"

"Marvelous" is characterized by friendly fruiting. For the season, each bush gives up to 1 kilogram of the crop. Even in regions with a cold climate, up to 1.2 kg of berries can be harvested from each plant with the help of intensive agricultural practices. According to farmers' estimates, the variety also justifies itself on an industrial scale, since the yield per hectare is about 149.2 centners.

Did you know? Record large strawberry was picked in 1983 in Kent (USA). This giant weighed 231 grams. But the taste of the berry was sour and watery.

Agrotechnics of growing and caring for strawberries

If a strawberry bed is left without proper care, then you should not count on high yields. In order for the berries to have a marketable appearance, excellent taste and ripen in a satisfactory amount, you need to make a lot of effort. Consider in stages what the landowner should do for good fruiting.

Read also how strawberries are fed in the spring and autumn; how to care for it in the spring (during flowering), after harvest, in the fall.

Selection of seedlings

Buy any seedlings better in nurseries or specialized shopping centers. This is the only way you can be sure that you have become the owner of a healthy uterine plant.

It is better to purchase seedlings with open and closed root systems from May to July. Such cultures have already wintered and strengthened. These are the most valuable plantings, because in August the harvest of the next year will start. Until then, the bush will take root and will have time to adapt to the new conditions.

Important! In order not to infect their beds with strawberry mite, thoroughly disinfect all inventory. Remember that this microscopic organism is carried on shoes and clothes. Experienced gardeners are advised, as a preventive measure, to always start work on the youngest plantations.

In the autumn, you need to buy only seedlings with an open root system.. As a rule, they are cheaper. The disadvantage of such rooting, according to experts, is the lack of harvest throughout the next year. For garden strawberries to lose so much time in the empty irrational.

When choosing planting material, you need to visually assess its condition. Remember that strawberries are very sensitive to various infectious and fungal diseases, as well as pests. Therefore, choose only healthy specimens.

If you are a novice gardener, we advise you to learn how to make a pyramid and a vertical bed for strawberries with your own hands.

They differ:

  1. Powerful, well-branched root system (length of 7 cm) without mechanical damage and signs of rotting. In seedlings in cassettes and cups, the roots must completely fill the pot volume. You can verify this by removing the plant from the container by the leaf stalks. If the pot is peaty, it must be rooted outwards.
  2. Rich green shade of foliage, as well as its clean glossy or hairy coating.
  3. Thick horn (not less than 70 mm). From this indicator depends on the yield of the variety.

Important! If spotting, pale foliage or deformation of young leaves is noticeable on strawberry seedlings, the purchase should be abandoned. These are clear signs of unhealthy seedlings.

Conditions of detention

Gardeners often cultivate the “Divnaya” variety in the open field, greenhouses and greenhouses. Less often - in the tunnels. The scheme of cultivation is no different from the standard.

For maximum impact, the choice of the seat is important. After all, the strawberry painfully reacts to the shadow and partial shade. For her, the best option is a well-lit areas, away from the lowlands, where cold air is collected and a lot of moisture. In improper conditions, the plant is subject to disease and quickly dies.

Important! As root crops for garden strawberries, all root crops, onions, garlic, legumes and leafy vegetables are very suitable. Extremely undesirable potatoes and tomatoes.

In the selected area, the level of underground currents should not come closer to the surface of the earth than 70-80 cm. It is desirable that the landing is not exposed to drafts and northerly winds.

Soil and fertilizer

It is also important to pay attention to the level of soil oxidation. This culture prefers subacid places with enriched soil. Experienced owners of large berries when choosing a place for planting "Brave" advise you to look at growing crops.

For example, white clover indicates depleted soil. A nettle and woodlouse, in contrast, are eloquent testimony of copious amounts of nitrogen. If in the future the berry grows coltsfoot, horsetail and horse sorrel, the owner will need to dilute the heavy soil with peat.

Even an ideal plot needs to be fertilized with compost or rotted manure at the rate of 5-10 kilograms of organic matter per square meter of allotted area. It is best to conduct these activities for six months before landing.

If rooting plan to implement in the spring, and the ground in the fall is not prepared, seedlings need to be planted 14 days after fertilization. Also, siderats, whose main function is to disinfect the substrate, will not interfere.

Do not forget after planting cover the area with compost, straw or peat mulch. This layer will not allow moisture to evaporate, which will be the key to abundant fruiting.

Important! In the rainy season, fungicides and bactericidal preparations are recommended for disinfecting strawberry bushes ("Alette", "Infinito", "Teldor", "Coronet").

Watering and moisture

In this aspect, you need to focus on weather conditions. If spring is not rainy, then abundant watering will be relevant already in the last decade of April. In May, June and July strawberries are watered no more than 3 times a month. In August and September - enough and 2 times. Late autumn watering is done according to need (if the soil becomes dry).

For every square meter you need to pour from 10 to 12 liters of water, and during the flowering period the rate is 20-25 liters. The lack of moisture is especially acute when a ovary is formed on the strawberries. Therefore, it is important at that moment to provide a bed with a full water supply.

We recommend to familiarize with tips on watering strawberries.

Many gardeners have solved this problem with the help of drip plants. If you do not have such an opportunity, do not use cold water when moistening manually. Give her the opportunity to settle a little and warm up at least to room temperature. Watering should be done in the morning.

During the period of prolonged rains, professionals advise to cover the plantation with plastic wrap.

According to gardeners, strawberries require additional moisture all year round. To not harm her, water the plantation, guided by the following rules:

  1. In spring, watering is relevant, when leaves start to grow on the bushes.
  2. The first 2 weeks are recommended to be carried out by watering 20 g of ammonium nitrate diluted in a bucket of water.
  3. It is recommended to double the amount of water poured after winters with little snow, during the period of drought and during flowering.
  4. Be sure to moisten the plantation when the fruits begin to ripen.
  5. In the autumn, after harvesting (when there is no rain), the berry needs to be watered abundantly.

Did you know? In the Italian city of Nemi, strawberries are celebrated every summer. At this event, it is customary to fill a huge vat (with a capacity of several thousand kilograms) with fresh berries, and then fill the contents with sparkling champagne. Anyone can taste the festive treats.

Relation to temperature

The variety was bred under the conditions of the Leningrad Fruit and Vegetable Experimental Station and was tested in the harsh climate of central Russia. Botanists noted that the ripening of berries closer to the north occurs along with other medium and medium-early varieties. And in the center of Ukraine, these terms are shifted approximately 2 weeks earlier.

The variety is adapted to the surprises of the continental climate and will give a good harvest even on the site of a novice summer resident. In the Moscow region and Leningrad region, this species winters well. It can also withstand prolonged droughts.

It is useful to know whether to mulch strawberries.

According to breeders, for the full development of strawberries, the optimum temperature is + 17-22 degrees. With snowless winters, even for winter-hardy varieties, the -12 ° C mark is already critical for the further viability of the bushes. At this temperature, their extinction begins. Take into account that spring frosts can also be harmful: the buds die at -3 ° C and the pollen at -5 ° C.

Based on the early fruiting varieties "Marvelous", the bushes need to be covered when approaching frosts. For these purposes it is appropriate to use plant-peat mulch and agrofibre. In the northern regions are not superfluous film tunnels.

Important! At the beginning of the growing season, strawberries should be fed with nitrogen-containing substances, and during the formation of buds and ovaries - with microelements. Particular emphasis should be placed on potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Reproduction and planting

The easiest and most reliable way of breeding strawberries "Marvelous" is carried out with the help of whiskers, from which rosettes are formed. When they form up to 6 leaves, you can separate the plant from the parent bush. Note that the first 2 sockets from the masterbatch are characterized by a special strength. Extra mustache important to timely remove.

Also, many gardeners successfully propagate the culture by dividing a bush that has turned more than 4 years old. His digging is recommended in spring or autumn. It is important that during the formation of divisions, on each part there remains an intact area of ​​the horn. But since “Marvelous” is not a remontant look, there is simply no need for such events.

We advise you to read about the subtleties of planting and growing strawberries: under the covering material, in a greenhouse, according to Dutch technology, hydroponics, from seeds.

And for lovers of botanical experiments, a seed method of reproduction may be suitable. It is considered the most painstaking and not always effective. It is often used in laboratories for breeding new varieties. It is also the only option to propagate non-hybrid varieties.

Did you know? Strawberries are called "love berries". This is due to the discovery of the English scientist Patrick Holford, who discovered a large amount of zinc in the composition of the sweet fruit. It is this trace element that affects sexual arousal in men and women..

Planting strawberry seedlings is as follows:

  • Carefully inspect the root system for damage and rot. If necessary, remove all defects and disinfect with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Shorten the roots to match the height of the ground part.
  • Soak the root system for several hours in a solution of growth stimulator (Emistim and Kornevin).
  • Make a shallow hole taking into account the size of the rhizome and pour it abundantly with a solution of ammonium nitrate (10 liters of water a matchbox of the substance).
  • Lower the seedlings into the pit. Carefully straighten the roots.
  • Cover with fertile soil and tamp. Be careful: the roots should not look out and go deep.

Between the bushes recede 30 centimeters. Remember that the abundant yield in thickened plantings will not. Therefore, plan on each square meter of no more than 4 outlets, because this variety is characterized by increased absorption.

Growing difficulties and recommendations

Choosing and planting bushes correctly is half the way to success. In the process of growing strawberries, farmers often face various problems:

  • The absence of the ovary. This usually happens when the bushes grow for a long time in one place. Then the grade automatically goes into the category of weeds. To prevent this from happening, every 4 years produce sevosmenu.
  • Few fruits and they are small in size. This development is possible when the flower was not pollinated. This is facilitated by prolonged rains. Only bees and bumblebees can save the day. You should also take into account the varietal peculiarity of shallowing fruits.
  • Strong landing thickening. This difficulty is due to the increased formation of whiskers on the bushes. The problem can be solved only by timely removal of unnecessary branches.
  • Swollen and deformed leaf plates. Indicate the development of the disease. Fitosporin comes to the rescue. In case of mass manifestations, it is recommended to completely mow the above-ground part and burn it.
  • Wilting plants Indicates insufficient watering.

Did you know? A well-known activist of the French Revolution and an outstanding person at the court of Emperor Napoleon, Madame Talien, took a strawberry bath. To keep her skin always toned and radiant, she used up to 10 kilograms of berries for each bath.

Pests, diseases and prevention

The health of a strawberry plantation can be judged by its appearance. If the bushes dry, lose turgor, have deformed leaves and fruits, you need to immediately inspect them. Perhaps on the garden settled unexpected guests in the form of harmful insects or pathogens.

All types of strawberries are sensitive to the following diseases:

  • root rot;
  • Fusarium;
  • phytosporosis;
  • verticillus;
  • gray and black rot;
  • spotting;
  • powdery mildew;
  • ramulariasis;
  • xanthosis;
  • septoria

In order not to provoke their development, it is important to promptly remove weeds from the beds and ensure proper quality of watering and ventilation for the bushes. Make sure the landing is not too thick. Make it a rule: every autumn and spring to carry out preventive treatment of the plantation with fungicidal preparations (Fitosporin, Skor, Maxim), copper chloroxide or bordeaux mixture solution. They will come to the rescue in the case of treatment.

Did you know? There are almost no sugars in the strawberry composition. That is why Hollywood divas use berry as a basis for diets.

Among insects, cultural development is often hampered by:

  • aphid;
  • strawberry and spider mites;
  • weevils;
  • caterpillars;
  • May beetles;
  • slugs;
  • strawberry leaf beetle;
  • ants;
  • nematodes.

For the ant who has chosen the garden will have to arrange the purchase of poisonous traps. But the fight with birds will be crowned with success, if you stretch a fine mesh over the half-meter pegs around the perimeter of the plot.

To scare off parasites, do not neglect preventive treatment at the beginning of the growing season. In this case insecticides will come to your aid: Aktara, Aktellik, and also Karbofos.

The variety "Marvelous" fully corresponds to its name, because there are a lot of positive qualities in berries. With competent agricultural practices, the plantation will pleasantly surprise you with a good harvest of juicy and tasty fruits. We hope our article will help you achieve success in the cultivation of strawberries.

Watch the video: How To Grow Strawberries From Seed WITH UPDATES (January 2025).