Get rid of mosquitoes folk remedies, how to protect the house and yourself

Mosquitoes are small, annoying insects that feed on human blood. Some mosquito species are safe and only cause temporary discomfort with their bite. Other species are carriers of deadly diseases. It is impossible to limit the spread of these insects, since their eggs and larvae are extremely small. The insects caught in unusual climatic conditions quickly adapt to them and begin to pose a threat to those people who are not immune to their bites. This article will discuss the folk methods of protection against mosquitoes, methods for their destruction in confined spaces, and principles for eliminating the discomfort that appears after a mosquito bite.

The advantages of folk remedies

Unlike synthetic repellents, natural preparations for repelling mosquitoes, such as essential oils, spices and herbs, are absolutely safe for humans. They do not provoke allergic reactions, since they do not contain complex toxins. Natural mosquito repellents can even be used to protect young children. They have no side effects, can be applied directly to the skin.

Did you know? The squeak we hear when the mosquito is in flight is the sound of insect wings. Wings of mosquitoes are oscillating plates. The sound arises when the frequency fluctuates more than sixteen times per second. The sound emitted by mosquitoes is the highest among insects, since the frequency of oscillation of their wings ranges from 600 to 1000 strokes per second. For comparison, the "buzzing" May beetle manages to flap its wings only 45-50 times in the same period of time.
Natural remedies do not inhibit the human nervous system. They act almost instantly. In addition to repelling insects, these substances eliminate redness and itching on the skin, normalize sleep, improve mood. Also, the cost of natural repellents compared with chemical products is low. They can be purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket.

Important! If you plan to use essential oils against mosquitoes, do not apply them to the skin in a concentrated form. Be sure to mix them with the base oil, such as olive or almond, in a ratio of 1: 3.

At the same time, many natural remedies require preliminary preparation. Depending on the type of repellent, they need to be dried, rubbed, mixed with base oils, or they are used to prepare lotions for washing. Synthetic repellents are more convenient to use. They can be removed from the packaging and immediately plugged in or applied to the skin. Perhaps this is their only advantage over natural mosquito repellents.

Myths and truth about mosquitoes

There are many common misconceptions about these insects. For example, many believe that mosquitoes suffer terrible diseases such as hepatitis and HIV. In fact, it is the hepatitis and immunodeficiency viruses that are destroyed in the digestive system of insects. It is impossible to infect them through a mosquito bite. But mosquitoes can tolerate meningitis, tularemia and several types of fever. Humans are infected with these viruses by tropical mosquito species that are found only in South America and Africa.

If you go to the cottage and face the problem of bloodsucking mosquitoes, consider in more detail how to deal with mosquitoes in your summer cottage.

Seeing a mosquito with long legs and large wings, many people are afraid, taking it as a dangerous insect. In fact, this mosquito is called a centipede. He needs long legs in order to glide comfortably through the water and sit on flowers, the nectar of which he eats. This is a useful insect that does not carry danger to humans. Those who believe that mosquitoes can be saved by fleeing or constant obmahivaniem, are mistaken. Active movements accelerate the blood flow in the human body, contribute to the release of sweat and increase in temperature. All this attracts even more mosquitoes that flock to the smell of sweat and human warmth. It will not be possible to muffle your own smell with perfume, as these insects also react to fragrances. Fans can get rid of these annoying creatures. They bring air into constant motion, thereby cooling the surface of your skin and knocking down the insects' flight paths.

Did you know? Bloodsucking insects are only female mosquitoes. From the human blood they drink, they get the plasma they need to carry offspring. Mosquito males, on the other hand, feed exclusively on floral nectar. Because of the peculiarities of the diet, males live only one and a half to two weeks, while females can live more than a month in favorable conditions.
Another common misconception is the risk of blood poisoning due to scratching bites. Accidental scratching will not lead to serious consequences, unless it can prolong the healing period of the bite. At the same time, prolonged brushing of the bitten area with dirty nails can really lead to local infection. To avoid this, you need to apply cooling dressings on the bite site and keep your hands clean.

The latest misconception that arose quite recently is the confidence in the safety of ultrasonic traps for insects. They are produced in the form of keyfobs and stationary devices. In fact, ultrasound has no effect on mosquitoes. But it can cause headaches in humans and badly affect pets. Therefore, it will be reasonable to replace an ultrasonic trap with an essential oil fumigator or several branches of aromatic herbs.

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes

Best of all extracts and essential oils work in mixtures. They do not irritate the skin and respiratory tract, improve mood and well-being.

Important! Bring the children and pets out of the room before turning on the aroma lamp with essential oil in the room. Excessive esters in the air can provoke an acute allergic reaction in an unprepared organism.

Vanilla based

You will need pure vanilla extract. Vanilla sugar is not suitable, as it is an ordinary sugar, processed synthetic flavor. Take one packet of vanilla and one liter of water. Mix them well and apply to open skin with a spray bottle. The bitter taste and persistent smell of vanilla will not let the mosquitoes bite you. Acts such a tool for an hour. To extend the effect of the application must be repeated. Also, the basis for vanilla can serve as a children's cream. The components are mixed at the rate of one portion of vanillin for ten portions of the cream.


The rich aroma of cloves disorients bloodsuckers. They lose the ability to find a person by smell. To make clove, take twenty grams of cloves, half a liter of water. Mix them in a shallow saucepan, bring to a boil and cool. The resulting broth spray on clothing and exposed areas of the body. The decoction will effectively repel mosquitoes within two hours.

You will be interested to get acquainted with the healing properties of cloves.

Wormwood based product

The easiest way to prepare an extract from wormwood. In this case, wormwood roots are used. Take fifty grams of dried roots, pour 500 ml of boiling water over them and cover with a lid. Insist for half an hour. When the infusion has cooled, you can wash them and put a small amount on clothing. This fresh bitter smell frightens off not only mosquitoes, but also other unpleasant insects.

Learn how wormwood is used in traditional medicine.

Essential oils

The action of these substances lasts more than four hours when applied to the skin and two to three hours when flavoring clothes. Mosquitoes can not stand the smell of lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemongrass. Citrus essential oils have excellent repellent properties: lemon, grapefruit, orange. It is also possible to use geranium essential oil as protection. These oils repel bloodsucking, relieve redness and irritation on the skin.

Citrus juice

The more acid in juice, the higher its effectiveness. To prevent mosquitoes from getting close to you, apply lemon juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, on your skin and clothes. It will also be effective orange juice in its pure form. Remember, only fresh juices can protect you. Juice of tangerine or grapefruit from bloodsuckers will not save.

Citrus - a real storehouse of vitamins for our health. They also include: grapefruit, pomelo, Poncirus trifoliata (Poncirus trifoliata), orange, suite, lemon, kumquat, calamondin, limequat (limonella), tangerine and citron.

Elderberry as a mosquito repellent

The characteristic intoxicating smell of elderberry muffles the scent of insects. They lose their ability to distinguish odors and cannot identify a person. Mosquitoes are scared away by fresh branches laid on the window sill, as well as bushes planted under the windows. With the advent of the first leaves on these bushes mosquitoes disappear from the front garden.

How to protect the house from mosquitoes

To prevent the appearance of these insects in the house or apartment, spraying the premises with decoction will not be enough.

Essential oils

The aroma lamp is most effective in large rooms. Before pouring oil into the lamp bowl, dissolve six or seven drops of it in a tablespoon of water. Light the lamp so that it warms up the bowl and the oil mixture evaporates. Aroma lamp protects rooms up to 20 square meters. m. with the windows closed. To increase the area of ​​its action, put a fan at some distance from it or turn on another lamp. Keep the lamp on for no longer than forty minutes, then be sure to take a two-hour break after.

It is known that oils have medicinal properties. Read about the beneficial properties of oils: pine, oregano, clove, opuntia, cedar, walnut, flax, pumpkin, avocado, black cumin, castor, citronella, sesame and lavender.

A similar effect is provided by scented candles. Store candles use synthetic flavors to create a smell, so buy a simple, non-flavored candle. Light it and when the wax under the wick melts, put five or six drops of oil into the hot wax. Such a portion of oil lasts a whole half hour of burning, then it must be added again. Keep the candles on for no longer than half an hour, then take an hour break. You can use essential oils as a filler for the fumigator. When it runs out of liquid, pour a mixture of ten drops of oil and two tablespoons of water into the spare tire. The mixture in the fumigator will begin to heat up and evaporate after connecting the fumigator to the outlet.

Did you know? The reaction rate of mosquitoes is so high that they can fly in the rain and dodge its drops. In addition, they have developed night vision - in the dark mosquitoes see the infrared image.
Another way to use oils is an alcohol spray. To prepare it, mix in a spray bottle 100 ml of warm water, 20 ml of ethyl alcohol and 15 drops of essential oil. Spray the mixture on the fabric surfaces of furniture, window sills and door slopes at the entrance to the house. This spray is also suitable for processing clothes.

Branches of plants

In order for the effect of plants to be felt in the whole room, and not just near the bouquet, calculate the number of branches at the rate of one piece per seven square meters. Put them on the windowsill, at the entrance, at the foot of the bed. Good elimination of mosquitoes fresh branches of elderberry, slightly trampled juniper, blooming bird cherry. Also reliable protection will be crumpled leaves of walnut and basil. Do not put bouquets at night in the headboard. A strong aroma will not let you rest and will provoke a headache.

Pyrethrum as a repeller

Pyrethrum is a floral extract that is used in all modern fumigators. Pyrethrum powder can be bought at any pharmacy. To get rid of mosquitoes with it, apply the powder on the adhesive tape. Secure the tape fragments at the entrance to the house and on the window slopes. Tapes need to be changed daily.

Important! If you do not have access to the elderberry, use tomato tops. Dilute it diligently until the intense spicy smell appears and place it on the window sill by the window. You can put one or two branches on the floor at the head of the bed if you are going to go to bed.

Carboxylic acid

This is a substance that is part of human sweat. Since mosquitoes are guided by this smell, make bait for them. Dissolve five grams of acid in three tablespoons of warm water. Pour the mixture into the bowl of oil burner. Light the lamp and install it on the veranda or open balcony. A trap will distract mosquitoes from you for five to six hours.

Important! Alcohol compresses are especially effective in the first ten minutes after being bitten. They not only relieve irritation, but also disinfect the puncture site with the insect's proboscis, which will help to avoid possible suppuration. Alcohol evaporating from the skin will additionally cool the inflamed bite site.

Soy sauce

The sweet and sour smell of the sauce only seems to people unexpressed. Mosquitoes under its influence lose their sense of smell and, as a result, their ability to smell a person. To prevent these insects from disturbing you at night, place a bowl of soy sauce at the head of the bed. It is recommended to change it daily.

Acetic mixture

To make this simple tool, you will need: baby shampoo, vinegar, olive oil. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions until a homogeneous white mixture is obtained. Apply a thin layer of it on exposed skin. Vinegar will repel mosquitoes, olive oil will become a softening base, and shampoo will eliminate the unpleasant smell of vinegar. This mixture is easily washed off the skin and provides reliable protection for three to four hours after application.

Did you know? Mosquitoes - real "werewolves" of the insect world. At full moon, their activity increases by five hundred percent compared with the new moon. Now you know when not to leave the house.

What to do after a mosquito bite

Even if you follow all the precautions, a mosquito bite can not be avoided. To relieve itching and pain, use the following tips.

How to relieve itching

  • Soda. Make a soda solution from 250 ml of warm water and 10 g of baking soda. During the day, grease the bite with a solution every half hour. Apply a soda compress to your bite at bedtime, and the morning itching will finally pass.
  • Alcohol. Moisten a clean cloth with medical alcohol, vodka, or cologne. Apply to bite for five to seven minutes. Do not touch the bite for the next hour.
  • Ice. Local freezing will not only eliminate the feeling of itching, but also relieve swelling. Attach an ice cube to the bite for ten to fifteen minutes. If the cube has melted, and fifteen minutes has not yet passed, take a new one.
  • Lemon. Divide the lemon into four parts and cool it in the refrigerator. Every three hours, grease the bite with a cooled lemon quarter. This tool additionally neutralizes toxins injected by insects and anesthetizes the bite site.
  • Lotions. As an active ingredient, you can use potassium permanganate, green, furatsilinovy ​​solution (one tablet for two tablespoons of water). These drugs will not only relieve itching, but also disinfect the injured skin. You can also use dairy products for lotions - kefir, plain yogurt and sour cream.

Important! Before treating the room with essential oil, make sure that none of the people in the house have an individual intolerance to this substance. In poorly ventilated areas, oil evaporates up to five days. A person prone to allergic reactions will not be able to stay in the treated room during this entire period.

How to get rid of pain after a bite

  • Dandelion. To instantly numb the skin at the site of the bite, brush it with white juice from dandelion stalks. If the pain is particularly intense, put a patch on the bite, a pad of which is wetted with this juice. After three hours, change the patch. Two packs will be enough.
  • Onion. Cut a medium-sized onion in half and attach it with a juicy cut to the bite. Itching and pain will go away in three to four minutes, and the swelling will subside in about three hours after application. Try at this time not to moisten the bite with water.
  • Rue. Mash fresh leaves of rue in a creamy gruel. Apply gruel to the bite and fix it with a light gauze dressing. Hold the compress for three hours, then remove. Rinse off the slurry should not be, they dry out and peel off themselves.
  • Greenery. Mix three cherry leaves, peppermint and parsley in a mortar. Apply the resulting green mass in a continuous layer in place of the bite and fix with a wide plaster. The duration of treatment is two hours.

Did you know? During the mating dance, females look after males suitable for mating. At the same time, they give preference to medium-sized individuals who can stay in the air longer. Males prefer more mature females to young individuals.

Народные средства от комаров обладают значительными преимуществами перед искусственными химическими средствами. Они менее агрессивны, более доступны и не вредят ни людям, ни домашним животным. You can protect yourself from mosquitoes with the help of essential oils, fresh branches of plants, citrus juices and even culinary sauces. The validity of these funds is limited to several hours, while they can be used in poorly ventilated areas and have no contraindications. The same safe natural products can be used to relieve discomfort after mosquito bites without harm to their health.

Video: how to get rid of mosquitoes folk remedies

Reviews from the Internet about protection from mosquitoes folk remedies

I want to share an excellent and safe option that has helped me for many years. The fact is that in the summer of carnation oil helps mosquitoes very well. It is worth a penny. The effect is amazing. True smell, not everyone can like. But it is tolerable. To use it is quite simple. It is necessary to put shaggy points on the body, on the neck, in the elbows of the arms, under the knees, on the wrists and ankles, one on the abdomen and on the back, it is possible near the earlobes uh. Well, as if they were perfuming themselves. You can also leave a cotton wool dipped in this oil for the night in the room. Very effective, no bites, either indoors or outdoors.
Little flower
Canopy. I remember as a child I came to my grandfather in the village, there were a lot of mosquitoes and a lot of bed curtains sewn. They were hung up by carnations in the ceiling above the bed and you sleep all night quietly. The main thing is not to launch the mosquito into the canopy. Wait, I live in a private house, I also want to sleep in the attic room with a canopy for the summer, but where can I get it? In the internet I found them on sale in Tyumen. We must try to sew itself. Here I will buy gauze)) Wait while I use plates with anti-mosquitoes. However, that confuses me: if mosquitoes are so writhed by this smell, then how does it affect us, probably ((
The girl from the village
You've already been told about geranium. I read this year that the flowers of calendula also frighten mosquitoes - planted near the house and several boxes on the terrace, where we like to be in the evenings. I heard that tea tree oil is effective and non-toxic. There are also special candles with a citrus scent that repel mosquitoes. Bed curtains used to be seen in Ikea. Well, we also have special screens on the windows.
Exactly. Very good remedy and no allergic reactions.

As a child, a folk remedy was used in a pioneer camp, which helped to survive among mosquitoes - simple table salt mixed with water in dense concentration. In a 1 liter jar of water they poured 4-5 tablespoons of salt and with this solution they simply rubbed the arms and legs, the mosquitoes did not bite. Perhaps the story about the salt of mosquitoes is transmitted in mosquito traditions and they remember that you cannot bite a person who has hands and feet in a salt solution. Although, as for me, the bites are not as terrible as the nasty squeak-squeal of a mosquito over the ear.

Lavender oil helps. Say, the child is better to smear them than chemistry. Maybe they are afraid of oils, fearing to score their spiracles? Mosquitoes protection. Alternative options.

Watch the video: 8 All-Natural Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away (January 2025).