When the period of egg production at the quail

About the little bird called quail was known in ancient Egypt and China.

According to historians, it was domesticated in Asia in the 9th century.

So quails are old human companions.

They contain these birds mainly because of eggs, the value of which is difficult to overestimate.

What is the use of quail eggs

The beneficial properties of quail eggs directly depend on their composition.

It includes:

  • vitamins A and B;
  • trace elements (iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium);
  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • protein;
  • folic acid;
  • amino acid lysozyme.

This product is very important for a healthy body, and for people suffering from many diseases.

It will also be useful for you to learn about the most popular breeds of quails, about the rules for keeping and breeding quails at home, how to properly feed quails, and about the rules for incubating quail eggs.

Here are some useful properties of quail eggs:

  • used in dietary nutrition;
  • important for strong physical exertion;
  • support the level of female hormones;
  • remove radionuclides and toxic substances;
  • prevent fatigue;
  • contribute to the good mental development of children;
  • increase the potency.

Quail eggs can also help with certain diseases:

  • improve the condition of patients with bronchial asthma;
  • eliminate the effects of poisoning;
  • useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland;
  • help in the fight against allergies;
  • treat disorders of the nervous system;
  • facilitate the state of heart disease.

The shell, which is an excellent source of well-absorbed calcium, also has a positive effect.

It is used in such cases:

  • brittle bones;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • anemia;
  • risk of colds;
  • brittle hair and nails;
  • with irritability and insomnia.
For insomnia and irritability, they also recommend Kalina, dried melon, garlic, pine nuts, and cumin.

Did you know? Studies by Japanese scientists have shown that schoolchildren who eat quail eggs in the morning, improve memory and vision, they develop better, they have a stronger nervous system. Therefore, in Japan, students use 2 eggs before classes.

Most egg breeds

In quails, meat, egg and meat-egg breeds are distinguished. The most common include the Japanese eggplant. The method of selection obtained marble quail, English tuxedoes, Pharaoh and others.


Their second name is dumb quail. Productivity per year reaches up to 315 eggs. Egg weight - about 12 g. Based on the Japanese quail, almost all the most popular breeds were bred. Birds have variegated plumage, are very mobile and shy.


These birds are larger than the "Japanese" and appeared thanks to the breeding of the Pharaoh and English breeds. Refers to meat and egg. Productivity - about 300 eggs per year. The weight of an egg reaches 12-14 g. The weight of a carcass at 4 months is 150 g.

Poultry meat slaughtered at this age is very juicy and lean. This breed has one drawback: they are more voracious than the other quail.

English white

These birds have a white color with splashes of dark feathers. They are quite unpretentious. On productivity are between the Pharaoh and the "Japanese". This is an egg breed. Up to 290 eggs per year from this quail, one piece weighs about 12 g. A four-month-old chicken weighs 160 g, and a cockerel weighs 160-180 g.


The name was obtained because of the specific plumage: they have a dark back and back, and a bright spot in the front. Derived from the English white and black. This is an egg type. Egg weight - 12 g. According to productivity, they are similar to the “Englishmen”, it is about 280 pieces per year.


The light gray or red color of the feather resembles marble, hence the name. It is also an egg breed. Egg production up to 300 eggs. The weight of the chicken is 150 g, and the rooster is 120 g. The egg weighs 10-11 g.

When quails start to be born

An important advantage in the content of these birds is that they ripen very quickly and start rushing already at 35-40 days of life. Their mass in this period is already 100 g. Mature females whistle softly and cockerels scream. In the first month, chickens produce only 8 eggs.

Over the next 6 months from one hen you can get up to 25 pieces per month.

Important! The period of the greatest productivity falls on the first 8-9 months, then molt occurs, and it is better to change the whole herd. They will continue to fly, but the number of eggs will be much reduced.

Quarters rush along a certain cycle. They take down 1 egg for 5-6 days, and then there is a pause for a couple of days. After that the cycle repeats. The bird rushes mostly in the afternoon or late in the evening. The Japanese breed is an exception (the process occurs after feeding).

Factors affecting quail performance

The performance of these birds is influenced by 2 groups of factors:

  • individual characteristics (breed and age);
  • housing conditions (feeding and habitat).
As poultry, you can also choose guinea fowls, Peking ducks, partridges, Bashkir ducks, turkeys.

If the first group of factors cannot be changed, the second depends only on the owner:

  • the area per individual should be about 200 cm;
  • it is impossible that there were fluctuations in temperature, it should correspond to 20-25 ° C, and humidity - 60-70%;
  • lighting - at least 17 hours;
  • It is important to keep clean, as the ammonia smell has a negative effect on the bird;
  • good ventilation is necessary;
  • no noise or loud sounds should be allowed;
  • No abrupt change of feed.

Did you know? There is a bird that does not rush. This can be checked by probing the pubic bone. A greater distance between the bones ensures better productivity.

How to increase quail egg production

If you follow all the rules of quail, their performance will be 80-95%.

For high performance, it is necessary, besides the factors listed above, to take into account some more points:

  1. A hen should get three meals a day and eat at least 30 grams of food per day.
  2. It is important to provide high-quality lighting, it is better to use fluorescent lamps.
  3. It is advisable not to leave food in feeders (the bird will have a better appetite).
  4. It is necessary to give fat supplements, such as soybean, canola, corn or sunflower oil.
  5. An important stimulus is the addition of protein. Peas and soy significantly increase productivity and reduce the number of small eggs. The weight of a bird's egg that uses peas and soybeans is 14% higher.
  6. Feed must contain at least 50% of the grain.
  7. It is necessary to include in the diet of meat-bone and fish meal, gravel, crushed shells, chalk and sand.
  8. In the cells should be containers with sand and ash. While bathing, the bird cleans the plumage and prevents the occurrence of skin diseases.

Important! You can not buy a lot of feed, since the premixes included in it quickly evaporate, and they serve as the most important additive. Old bird feed can be poisoned due to the appearance of infection in it.

From the foregoing, we make the following conclusion: in order to increase egg production, it is necessary to create a good microclimate, to observe the correct diet and to avoid any drastic changes.

Causes of reduced egg production

Reducing the number of eggs can occur for various reasons:

  1. Violation of the lighting mode. Too long or insufficient lighting.
  2. Changes in humidity. With dry air, the bird drinks more and eats less.
  3. Temperature too high (above 25 ° С) or low (less than 20 ° С).
  4. Drafts not only reduce egg production, but also cause feather loss.
  5. Poor quality food, changing food or changes in the mode of food intake.
  6. Overfeeding leads to obesity of the bird, it stops nauseating.
  7. Cramped cells.
  8. Loud sounds and transportation. After moving the quail for some time stops carrying eggs.
  9. Shedding is also a stress for birds, and at this time they are not rushing.
  10. Replacing cocks stops egg production for a week.

Troubleshooting options

If performance is still low with good quail content, then try these solutions:

  1. Replace feed. When replacing for some time you need to mix the old feed with the new one. If the feed is bad, it will be seen in the balls. They should be beautiful, the same size, not purple, brown or yellow. The shell should be smooth, not porous.
  2. Add to the feed various additives, which we mentioned earlier. By the way, the addition of rapeseed oil significantly increases the productivity compared to sunflower.
  3. Turn on the heater with infrared radiation and fluorescent lights.
  4. Initially pick up egg breeds, not meat or meat-egg.
  5. Minimize the noise in the room where the bird is kept.
  6. Do not overfeed quails. A fattened bird ceases to trot. Let the troughs remain empty between feedings.
  7. Do not keep the old quail, as with age their egg production decreases. Rejuvenate the herd.
  8. For avian diseases, consult your veterinarian.

Methods to increase egg production

Briefly summing up the topic of increasing the number of eggs, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • need three meals;
  • feed must contain beneficial additives, especially protein;
  • you should buy only fresh feed and in small quantities;
  • observe temperature and thermal conditions, as well as humidity;
  • maintain cleanliness and silence;
  • need good ventilation, but without drafts;
  • do not overcrowd cells.

Increasing quail productivity is not an easy task. Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the cause of the reduction or cessation of egg laying. But the right choice of breed and the right conditions of detention will be a good guarantee of high rates of productivity of quail.

A calm atmosphere, good food and a microclimate are all that your pets need. And they will thank you for this tasty, dietary and very healthy eggs.

Feedback from network users

Quails begin to sweep about a month and a half. And sometimes even at 40 days of age. Such an early time to start laying eggs is due to the fact that this bird does not live long, for example, experienced quail breeders are advised to change the quail-laying quail every 10 months for new layers.

In order to prepelki rushed need to find the right diet. Quails must be fed with special feed for quails. If it is not possible to purchase such feed, then it can be made in the following proportions: 50% wheat, crushed corn; 30% is sunflower cake (you can grind sunflower seeds); about 8-10% of protein feed (milk powder and cottage cheese can be), and the rest is grass meal, felutsen, shell.

It is generally believed that quails do not like noise, they are afraid of it. It can also affect egg production. When they get scared, they start to worry and toss around the cage. But I think that as a training one. If the bird was always in peace and quiet, then of course She will react sharply to the noise. And if she was initially used to being visited, or to the presence of animals, then this does not affect her. Even when the children or strangers came, they quieted themselves calmly and were not scared.

Watch the video: How old before quail lay eggs? (January 2025).