What is a plum: berry or fruit?

Despite the fact that new fruits are constantly appearing on the market, those that grow in our gardens do not lose their popularity. One of these favorites can include plum, the fruits of which are famous not only for the original taste, but also for a large number of useful qualities - we will talk about them in the article.

Cultural history

Plum has been known for many years, but so far the exact version of the appearance of this plant has not been established. Archaeological excavations in Switzerland have revealed among other finds plum stones, which suggests that even in prehistoric people, these fruits served as a source of food. History claims that these fruits have long been exquisite products that were constantly on the tables of kings and other rich people.

Some scientists believe that plum appeared in ancient Rome. Already before the beginning of the new era, the Syrians made prunes, which they traded with other countries. In Russia, the fruit was a favorite of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. There is a theory that these fruits came to Europe thanks to the crusades.

Did you know? For the first time the plant appeared in the Caucasus. It is believed that the tree is the result of the hybridization of thorns and cherry plums. Later, by selection, a large number of different varieties were obtained.

Berry or fruit?

Recently, some people began to call plum a berry, although before that it had always been a fruit. Consider why such changes were made. According to botany, initially the berries are multi-seeded fruits that ripen on bushes and plants. A plum has one stone, while the fruit ripens on a tree, which means it is impossible to call it a berry from a scientific point of view. However, there are varieties of rather small sizes that grow on trees of a bushy shape and have very small fruits. In this regard, there were disagreements in qualifying - berry or fruit.

The best recipes from plum blanks for the winter.

Consider what a fruit is: according to the classification in botany - an edible fruit with a large amount of sap, growing on a tree, shrub, appearing instead of a pollinated flower, has a certain number of seeds that after maturation fall into the soil and sprout. It follows that if the fruit grows on a bush and has one stone, it means that it is a fruit. Despite all this, in everyday life, few people pay attention to such scientific information, so it cannot be considered a mistake when this fruit is called either a berry or a fruit.

Why berry?

The scientifically incorrect interpretation that a plum is a berry is due to the fact that low-growing hybrids are very popular today - shrub-like plants with small fruits. At the beginning of the last century, scientific research was carried out, as a result of which it was precisely established that the plum is a fruit tree. As already described earlier, the berries call these fruits only in everyday life, from a scientific point of view this definition is not correct.

Find out what the medicinal properties of plum and what is useful for women to drain.

Why fruit?

Since the plum tree is tall, with the stone fruit and on it grow fruits with one seed in a hard shell, growing on a small stem, scientists are sure that this is a fruit. Everyone knows that the berries have a lot of juicy flesh and small seeds in the pericarp, and they grow on the bushes.

What are the benefits and where are plum fruits used

The unique taste and a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are important for a person in the plum make this fruit not only one of the most favorite, but also useful desserts. Besides all this, she is also endowed with many favorable qualities that are used in different areas. Those who constantly eat plums for food, never have problems with appetite, since the fetus activates the bowels and improves digestion. Also for medical purposes, use the leaves from which the decoctions are prepared for external and internal use. On the basis of plums make different masks and decoctions for skin and hair. And of course, a large number of tasty and healthy dishes and preparations are made from it.

Important! The fruit bone contains cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin. In the body, it decomposes with the release of hydrocyanic acid - it is very unhealthy. It is important that during heat treatment this substance is destroyed.

In medicine

Fresh and dried fruits, compotes and plum juice have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. In folk medicine, there are many recipes based on this product. From the plum prepare tinctures and decoctions, poultices for the treatment of skin lesions. The fruit is characterized by the following positive properties:

  1. An excellent laxative agent, which is prescribed to both children and the elderly.
  2. Used to cleanse the intestines during inflammation, when other means can not be used.
  3. Unsweetened fruit is useful for obesity and diabetes.
  4. This fruit is prescribed for non-infectious hepatitis.
  5. Promotes the elimination of cholesterol.
  6. They act as radioprotectors, removing radioactive substances from the body.

Cosmetic properties

Plum is useful to use not only inside, but also as cosmetic preparations. The main thing is to first ensure that there is no allergy to this product. Most often, masks and body oil are prepared on the basis of the fruit.

The benefits of plums are as follows:

  1. An antioxidant.
  2. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, from which it becomes soft and velvety.
  3. Fights dry and brittle hair.
  4. Beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes.
  5. Used as a fragrance in cosmetics.
  6. It is used as an emulsifier for combining various components.
  7. Care for nails and cuticle.
Did you know? In order to drain faster ripened, it is placed in a container with apples and bananas. These ripe fruits produce ethylene, which accelerates the ripening process.

Culinary properties

In cooking, plums prepare desserts, marshmallow, compotes, drinks and sauces. Wine-lovers use this fruit for making homemade wine - skimmers. On the basis of fruits create strong infusions, as well as they marinate for meat dishes. Firewood wood is used in smoking, cooking kebabs. It is known that the smoke from such wood gives products an unforgettable taste.

Familiarize yourself with recipes for preparing plum jam, marinated plums for meat or fish, tkemali sauce, plum compote.

You will probably be interested to learn how to prepare a pan, plum tincture on vodka or plum wine.

As you can see, the plum is not only tasty, but also a healthy fruit, but it should be used in moderation so as not to harm the body, especially if there are any contraindications.

Watch the video: Fruit Tree UPDATE Berries Grape Vine Fig Apple Plum Cherry Orchard Trellis (January 2025).