What is useful carrot juice for the human body?

Carrot juice can be considered one of the leaders among vegetable juices due to its minerals and vitamins. Therefore, the carrot elixir of life is recommended to use both to support good health, and for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. At the same time it is well combined with any vegetable and fruit juices. Let's take a closer look at all aspects of its effects on the body, as well as learn how to make this life-giving drink.

The energy value

Freshly prepared drink from carrots can truly be called a concentrate of nutrients and trace elements in a form that is digestible for humans. This rich set of utilities prevents the destruction of cells by toxins and free radicals, helps synthesize hormones, pigments and structural elements of the body's cells.

Important! Carrot juice is drunk with a small amount of sour cream or vegetable oil, since all its benefits are dissolved only in fats.

Below is a detailed breakdown of these utilities contained in 100 grams of this product and constituting its value to humans.

Basic substances:

  • water - 88.9 g;
  • proteins - 0.95 g;
  • fats - 0.15 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.28 g;
  • sugar - 3.9 g;
  • dietary fiber - 0.8 g
Learn about the properties of viburnum, birch, apple, grape, pomegranate, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, beetroot, maple sap.

  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.092 mg;
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.055 mg;
  • B3 (niacin) - 0.386 mg;
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.228 mg;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.217 mg;
  • B9 (folacin) - 4 µg;
  • A (retinol) - 0,018 mg;
  • C (ascorbic acid) - 8.5 mg;
  • E (tocopherol) 1.16 mg;
  • K (naphthoquinone) - 15.5 mcg;
  • beta carotene - 9,303 mg.
Micro and macro elements:

  • calcium - 24 mg;
  • iron - 0.46 mg;
  • magnesium - 14 mg;
  • phosphorus - 42 mg;
  • potassium - 292 mg;
  • sodium, 66 mg;
  • Zinc - 0.18 mg.
Carrot elixir is especially rich in vitamin A. In 100 grams of freshly squeezed drink it contains 382.6% of the daily norm.
Find out how carrots are useful, how they are used and tops used in traditional medicine.

Calorie content

The calorie content of carrot juice is 56 kcal, where:

  • from proteins - 4 kcal;
  • from fats - 1 kcal;
  • from carbohydrates - 51 kcal.

Use: medicinal properties

Given the rich vitamin and mineral composition of carrot drink, you can be sure that it has an invaluable effect on human health.

Did you know? Most carotene is found in the upper and middle parts of the carrot - two and a half times higher than in the tail. It is also a lot in the skin of the root.

Carrot product optimally affects the following systems and organs:

  • affects the creation of blood;
  • strengthens the nerves;
  • improves digestion;
  • positive effect on the liver;
  • improves kidney function and excretory processes;
  • increases energy;
  • normalizes cholesterol;
  • increases visual acuity;
  • cleans toxins;
  • helps in the fight against viruses and harmful bacteria.
Not all carrots are the same, find out what exactly is useful black, yellow, purple, white carrots.
Regular consumption of the drink will favorably affect the appearance of a person: his skin, hair and teeth will be healthy. During antibiotic treatment, fresh carrot will weaken the toxic effect of drugs on the internal organs. Constantly including it in the menu, you can significantly strengthen your immune stability due to the antioxidant properties of carrots. It is useful to drink it for pregnant women with anemia, as well as for its prevention. Nursing mothers will significantly improve the quality and production of breast milk.

This wonderful drink is no less useful for other women: carotene, which is part of this root crop, improves the production of sex hormones, thanks to which a woman can maintain her youth and beauty for a long time.

Medical applications

In classical medicine, the doctor will advise you to use carrot juice in order to prevent hypo-and avitaminosis. In folk therapy, this vitamin drink is more widely used.

Important! During the prevention and treatment of oncological diseases with carrot juice, sugar, starch, cereal flour and other light carbohydrates are excluded from consumption.
You can achieve significant improvement in health by using carrot juice in the following cases:

  1. Because of the antioxidant qualities of beta-carotene in carrots, the juice needs to be drunk in various forms of oncology: it inhibits malignant cells, while at the same time strengthening and restoring the rest.
  2. Stomatitis is effectively treated with carrot juice: you need to rinse their mouth 3 or 4 times a day with them or wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab dipped in liquid. After this procedure, you must refrain from eating and drinking for 30 minutes.
  3. To restore visual acuity, you need to drink it daily on an empty stomach, 200 ml.
  4. You can treat the wound with this medicine or make a lotion.
  5. An effective remedy can be carrot juice and a cold. The recipe for preparing such a drug and the rules for its use will be described below.
  6. It treats this drink well and anemia: 2-3 glasses of drink per day on an empty stomach can significantly increase hemoglobin in a short time.
  7. It is also effective in treating sore throats and sore throats: rinses must be done 4 times a day.
  8. For bronchitis, you can mix a glass of fresh carrot and 2 teaspoons of honey and take 3 tablespoons three times a day.
  9. He will cope well with diseases of the nerves and the heart: it is enough to drink it 150-200 ml every morning.

Did you know? The Portuguese are masters in making carrot jam and are exporters of this sweet product to Europe. But in the legislation of the European Union it is stated that it is permissible to make jam exclusively from fruits. Therefore, carrots in Europe are classified as fruit.

Harvesting and storage

In order for a carrot to be well preserved during the winter, you need to know some rules for its selection in the store and subsequent preparation.

  1. First you need to pay attention to the color and appearance of the vegetable. If there is a black earthy patina, then carrots were grown in black soil. If the fruit is bright and clean, this indicates that they are grown on sandy soil. More suitable for long-term storage will be the second option.
  2. When buying carrots, the choice should be made in favor of medium-sized fruits, since large fruits could be grown with the help of nitrates, and their benefits are out of the question.
  3. Be sure to inspect the roots for damage. If you miss at least one small flaw in them, they will soon rot themselves and spread rot to healthy fruits.
  4. The best varieties for storage are cone-shaped. If the fruits are elongated, cylindrical, it is better to eat them immediately. Also, they must be elastic - it speaks of their juiciness and freshness.
  5. It is possible to check the quality of the vegetable in the following way: it is necessary to pick up its top layer a little. If juice is released, it means that the fruit is quite suitable for making a drink.
  6. Before removing the carrot for storage, it must be dried for some time outdoors. After that, trim the remains of the tops, if there are any. This is necessary in order to eliminate the kidneys, which can later germinate.
  7. You can store roots in bulk in the basement or cellar; in a non-freezing pit on a summer residence or a personal plot; in open plastic bags or bags and boxes stacked in storage; in sawdust of pine needles with a moisture content of not more than 20%; in lightly moistened sand, where the roots should not touch each other.
  8. If there are few carrots and it is stored in the conditions of a city apartment, it can be folded into a 3-liter jar, covered with a plastic lid and stored in a refrigerator or on a warmed balcony.
  9. The most comfortable storage conditions for root crops are a constantly maintained temperature of 1 ° C, humidity of 95%, moderate ventilation and moderate air access.
  10. The storage period of harvested root crops for the winter is about 6 months, subject to the storage rules (temperature and humidity) and the suitable conditions mentioned above. In the refrigerator, carrots are stored no more than 1 month.
Learn how and when to sow carrots, whether to water, how to feed, when to collect, what conditions are needed for storage, whether it is possible to freeze, why dry carrots.
Now about how many carrots you need to prepare the juice for the winter. Much depends on how juicy the fruits are and how we want to get a drink. If you use a juicer, the product yield will be much more than if you do it manually, rubbing carrots on a grater and squeezing the juice through gauze.

On average, 1 liter of juice will take a half to two kilograms of peeled carrots. Given this proportion, you can easily calculate how much of these fruits you will need to make a drink for the winter.

Harm and contraindications

It should be remembered that using even the most useful products, you need to follow the measure and follow the advice of doctors. This also applies to carrot juice. Here are the conditions under which you can not drink this drink:

  • gastric and duodenal ulcer in acute form;
  • inflammation in the small intestine;
  • intolerance to the product;
  • allergic reaction on the skin.
Also, with excessive use of the carrot product, lethargy, headache and drowsiness, and sometimes even vomiting may be present. In such cases, you need to reduce the use of juice or even stop it.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to drink fresh carrots from fresh smokers. Components of tobacco can interact with the components of the drink, as a result of which cancer tumors can develop.

How to make carrot juice: recipe

To make a healthy carrot drink at home, you need to take bright red fruit - they have the highest carotene content. Then each carrot should be thoroughly washed with a brush and gently cleaned from the top layer, without removing thick chips. If you squeeze the juice through a juicer, then the fruits must first be additionally prepared: grate them, cut them into small pieces or chop them in a blender, and then lay them in the juicer.

Now a few recipes for making this elixir of health.


For a classic recipe, we will need:

  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • juicer or blender;
  • grater with small holes;
  • glass container for the finished juice.
Grind in a blender to a puree state sliced ​​carrots. If there is no blender, you can grate it. Then we shift the substance into the juicer and squeeze the liquid. Approximately 400-500 ml of juice is obtained from 1 kg of root crops (this depends on the juiciness of the fruit).

It is impossible to keep a freshly prepared product for a long time, otherwise it can quickly oxidize and lose its nutritional value. It should either be consumed immediately, or poured into a glass container and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Shake before use. A healthy person as a preventive measure can drink one or two glasses of fresh juice a day before meals.

Video: how to make carrot juice

Did you know? If a pregnant woman in her diet consumes excessive carrots, she can have a baby with orange-yellow skin.

With beetroot

It is known that beetroot drink is as useful as carrot. These two ingredients are perfectly combined in fresh mixtures and complement each other perfectly.

Beet fresh juice is a strong cleansing agent and has a number of contraindications (hypotension, diabetes, diarrhea, urolithiasis). To start the use of beet juice you need to consult a doctor.

It is better to drink beetroot drink in mixtures with other juices. With carrot it should be combined in a ratio of 1 to 3. Here is the recipe:

  • 3 carrots;
  • 1 beet fruit;
  • 50 ml of boiled water.
At first, the juice is prepared from peeled and chopped beets, because this drink should be allowed to stand for two hours, and not be mixed directly with carrot. The reason is that if you drink it right away, there may be some side effects: bowel relief, headache and nausea. After settling the beetroot drink, a carrot is prepared according to the above recipe. Then they need to be mixed in the specified proportion, diluted with water - and the mix is ​​ready for use.

Carrot-beet juice is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. You need to drink it diluted with boiled water and 1-1.5 cups a day.

Learn about the benefits and how to use beets, pumpkins, apples.

With pumpkin

Pumpkin-carrot fresh is also a very valuable and useful product. Cook it is not difficult. Have to take:

  • 3 carrots;
  • 200 g of peeled pumpkin.
These ingredients need to be skipped through a juicer, then immediately mixed and drunk to get maximum health benefits. This drink is stored in the refrigerator for only a few hours. But it is better not to prepare such fresh juice for the future, otherwise its useful properties are lost very quickly.

Pumpkin juice diluted with carrot in the ratio of one to one can be drunk in one glass in the morning on an empty stomach, if there are no contraindications.

With apple

Carrots and apples can rightly be called the most useful and popular products in the home kitchen.

Did you know? Although apple juice, if used regularly, can harm tooth enamel, in a mix with carrot it will not cause significant harm. To further reduce this risk, you can drink this mixture through a straw.

Therefore, they must be used for the preparation of vitamin cocktails. Prepare carrot-apple mix can be based on the following proportions:

  • 2 medium apples;
  • 1 average carrot.
First, prepare the carrot juice according to the above technology. Carrots need to be cooked first of all, as the cut and peeled apples tend to oxidize. Then you need to cut the apples and remove the core. It is better not to remove the skin, it concentrates a lot of usefulness. After cleaning the apples, juice is squeezed out of them. The ingredients are mixed, and the liquid should be drunk immediately. Such a drink is not stored fresh.

As with all the above-mentioned drinks, apple-carrot is better to drink in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 glass each, if there are no contraindications.

Features of harvesting juice for the winter

The fact that fresh, summer carrot juice brings us more benefits is indisputable. However, there is not always time to make it before immediate use. But no one will probably refuse to open a jar of ready-made vitamin drink at any time of the year. Therefore, below we give the recipe for making such a useful elixir.

We need to take:

  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 900 ml of water;
  • lemon juice or acid - to taste.
First, prepare 10% sugar syrup: boil 900 ml of water and pour 100 g of sugar into it, add lemon juice or citric acid to taste. Prepare the carrots in the manner indicated above, then squeeze the juice using a juicer. Mix the sugar syrup with the carrot product.

Heat the mixture, not boiling, then strain through a gauze filter or sieve. Pour the finished drink into sterilized jars, cover with lids and sterilize in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then roll up. It is necessary to store the finished product in a dark place and at moderate temperatures, not more than 1 year. You can drink canned juice 1 or 2 glasses a day before meals several times during the day.

Important! If you use 2-3 ml of beta-carotene per day, you can reduce the risk of cancer by 40%. The average carrot just contains such a quantity of it.

Cosmetic face mask

Given the presence of a mass of beneficial ingredients in carrots, products from it can be consumed not only inside, but also to improve the appearance. Masks from freshly prepared juice, as well as root vegetables, have a favorable effect on the skin of the face. These treatments are shown with pallor and acne. With regular use, they will tone the withering and sagging skin and smooth out wrinkles.

Of course, the benefits of carrot masks will be in the event that there are no allergic reactions to carrots, as well as open wounds on the skin of the face.

For women with sensitive and dry skin, we recommend the following recipe:

  • 2 tbsp. l raw carrots;
  • 1 tsp homemade sour cream or cream.
Carefully wash and clean one small carrot, then grate, without squeezing the juice. Two tablespoons of grated root mixed with one teaspoon of sour cream or thick cream. Apply the substance on the face and hold for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with water. This mask can not be stored - it must be done immediately before use.

If there is a need to prepare the product for a longer time, you can make cosmetic ice from carrot juice. To do this, pour fresh juice into the cells to freeze the ice and send in the freezer. If you wipe your face with such frozen cubes every morning, freshness and hydration of the skin are guaranteed. After the procedure, be sure to wash with water.

Juice from a cold

The best folk remedy for the common cold - fresh carrot juice. For this you need to prepare it in the following way:

  1. Carefully wash and scrape 1 small carrot.
  2. Grate it on a fine grater.
  3. Squeeze the juice through gauze, folded in several layers.
  4. Strain through a sieve.
  5. Mix with boiled water in a ratio of one to one.
От насморка применяют герань, настойку прополиса, каланхоэ перистое, хрен, ромашку, алоэ, индийский лук, репчатый лук, чеснок, паслен черный, исландский мох, сосновую живицу, яблочный уксус, мяту перечную, чабрец, осоку.

Для одного закапывания нужно совсем немного лечебного эликсира - смесь 0,5 ч. л. сока и 0,5 ч. л. воды. For the preparation of carrot drops you need only fresh juice, you can not store it in the refrigerator.

Stepwise use of carrot drops:

  1. Pre-rinse the nose with warm saline solution (take 0.5 teaspoonful of soda and as much salt in a glass of water. Bleed nose with a pipette and then blow nose.)
  2. Instill the finished medicine in the nose with 3 drops in each nostril.
  3. The intervals between taking the medication - 3 hours.
  4. If you do this procedure for a child, then the required concentration of the carrot drug is halved (1: 2).

Important! You can put turunda soaked in carrot juice in the nasal passages and change them periodically. However, during sleep you need to give the mucous rest from this procedure.

Carrot medication can last up to 1 week. If relief does not occur, it is better to contact an ENT specialist.

In conclusion, it can be emphasized that the juice from carrots can significantly improve your health, if you use it in moderation, taking into account the pros and cons. But first of all, it is better to get advice from your doctor on this issue.

Reviews on the properties of carrot juice

Oil must drip a little. In order to assimilate the beta carotene contained in carrot juice, add a little fat to it. It is better if it is olive oil, and not cream, as carrot juice + cream is too heavy a load for digestion.



By the way, infa for dieters. A good portion (soul measure) of carrot juice in the morning on an empty stomach cleans up appetite in a startling manner. I did that. In the morning instead of sundries drank more than half a liter Mork. juice and then ran all day full and light. Has grown thin - shine!



I am 22 years old of vitiligo appeared in 12 years. For two years, the spots increased 3 times, plus new ones appeared, I tried it being treated - dandelion alcohol tincture, green nut, spurge, there was no result. I heard about carrot treatment somewhere, I drank 150-200 grams every morning for a month. Fresh carrot juice, the development of vitiligo slowed down, some small spots completely disappeared. About 3 years ago, the process resumed, new stains appear, old ones grow.

I don’t know if the carrot helped me or something else

Has anyone heard of carrot treatment?


//provitiligo.com/forum/topic/637-%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%83-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5- % D1% 80% D0% B5% D1% 86% D0% B5% D0% BF% D1% 82% D1% 8B-% D0% BF% D0% BE% D0% BC% D0% BE% D0% B3% D0% BB% D0% B8 /? Do = findComment & comment = 11899

Carrot juice is very useful, you need to add cream or a little vegetable oil to it for better absorption. I add cream. But with frequent use, you can plant a liver. My friend (although she did not have a vita) drank carrot and beet juices for a long time, as a result she landed in the hospital, her stomach was washed. Her hands and feet had redheads, like it was called hypervitaminosis or something like that. After that, she still treated the liver ...


//provitiligo.com/forum/topic/637-%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%83-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5- % D1% 80% D0% B5% D1% 86% D0% B5% D0% BF% D1% 82% D1% 8B-% D0% BF% D0% BE% D0% BC% D0% BE% D0% B3% D0% BB% D0% B8 /? Do = findComment & comment = 12093

Watch the video: 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Carrots (December 2024).