Planting tomato seedlings: how to choose the optimal time

Tomatoes are considered one of the most popular garden crops grown at home. To ensure a rich harvest, it is important to know when and how to plant tomatoes on seedlings, which we will discuss in this article.

What does it depend on?

Many gardeners are guided by a planting calendar for tomatoes. However, when it is planting and planting tomatoes, it depends on several important factors.

From region and climate

Whether tomatoes will come along depends on the particular region and its climatic conditions. Most often, it is customary to sow tomato seeds two months before the date of landing in the ground.

If the sowing of seeds occurred earlier than the required period, then, most likely, poor results are waiting for you. Overgrown tomato seedlings do not take root well, it is not uncommon when it sheds ovaries, flowers due to the fact that it does not so well maintain a low temperature.

Does not play a role season and the region, only if tomatoes are grown in artificial conditions.

The experience of gardeners shows that the milder the climate, the earlier it is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings. The general rules are: when the earth warms up well, and the threat of frost returning is over, you can sow tomatoes. If the second half of May corresponds to such conditions in the region, then it is required to soak and sow the seeds in the same period of March or by the end of the month. In the southern regions, where the climate is more favorable, the timing may be shifted to the beginning of February.

From grade

The key factor influencing the period and conditions of planting tomatoes is the variety, since each of them has its own ripening time. Experts recommend that when planting tomatoes do not rely only on the dates marked on the package. The manufacturer could focus on Central European standards that do not retain relevance for a particular region.

Did you know? Currently known 10,000 varieties of this vegetable. The tiniest tomato reaches a diameter of no more than 2 cm, and the largest weighs about 1.5 kg. There are tomatoes of red, yellow, pink and black colors.
The following are key recommendations for sowing seedlings for seedlings:

Tomato varietySowing time
Tall tomatoesFebruary 20 - March 10
Early and mid-season varietiesMarch 10 - 22
Cherry tomatoes, ultra early varietiesApril 8, 9, 14
Late ripen large tomatoesThe third decade of February

It is possible to calculate the sowing period independently, focusing on the growing season.

In early as well as hybrid varieties of tomatoes, the growing season is observed for 100 days, but the time required for sprouting should be added to the specified period, which is about a week from the time of sowing.

The term of survival of the seedlings is added, which is three days, the total segment is 110 days. Therefore, it is necessary to make a countdown in the reverse order - 110 days from the estimated day of harvest, and then sow the seeds.

From the lunar calendar

Many gardeners sow tomato seeds for seedlings on the lunar calendar, but it is important to focus on several of the main factors listed below.

Check out the lunar calendar for tomatoes for 2018.
  • Moon phases

When the Moon rises in plants, the movement of juices to the upper part from the roots takes place. The highest concentration of beneficial substances is recorded in the full moon, when the aroma increases noticeably, the color becomes more saturated, and the fruits - juicy.

After the moon declines, which is accompanied by the movement of vegetable juices in the opposite direction, to the roots. Planting tomatoes and other vegetables that grow on top, in this case is not recommended.

  • Moon in the zodiac

Phases are not the only factor to which attention should be paid when drawing up a planting calendar for tomatoes, because via satellite, the constellations of the zodiacal circle have an impact on everything growing on the planet.

Such signs as Cancer, Scales and Taurus are considered fertile gardeners. In the period when the moon passes in Aries, Leo or Virgo, on the contrary, it is better to abandon the agrotechnical works. Focusing on the phases of the moon, sowing seeds for seedlings on the lunar calendar optimally from mid-March 2018 until the end of the year. It is important to consider the passage of the satellite through the zodiacal constellations in order to be able to choose the optimum dates for planting tomatoes.

Calendar 2018 for planting tomatoes on seedlings

Greenhouse or open ground

It is important to remember that what is significant is not only the question of when it is possible to sow tomatoes, but also where exactly tomato seeds fall into open ground or greenhouse conditions.

At home, planting tomatoes begin later. The difference in time frames is explained by the difference in the conditions of ordinary premises from the greenhouse.

Gardeners within the middle band of the Russian Federation follow the standard rules:

  • II-III decade of March - early tomatoes for planting in the ground under the film cover;
  • end of March - tall tomatoes for greenhouses;
  • early April - early tomatoes for planting in open ground;
  • I-II decade of April - low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses.
Did you know? 100 g of tomatoes contain no more than 22 kilocalories, so you cannot gain weight from these products.

How to sow seeds

For sure to get the desired result, it is important to properly approach the sowing of seeds. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to prepare the soil and follow a specific scheme.

Learn how to prepare a soil for growing tomato seedlings.

Seed and soil preparation

Purchased and even home-grown seeds cannot simply be “put into action”, since they require special preparation, which will increase yields and protect vegetables from possible dangers. A similar approach applies to the soil where the tomato will be grown.

Gardeners use several methods of preparing seeds for sowing, among them are soaking, germination, and also dressing.

Significant difference, if you believe the practice, they are not. Experts recommend choosing well-known seeds, because they rarely fail.

Purchased material is not required to pickle from pathogens, because it is sold in ready-made form. If the seeds were collected on the site, this practice makes sense. Tomatoes often suffer from blackleg, and therefore it is recommended to soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate at a concentration of 3% before planting. Then the seeds remain there for 3-5 hours and then rinsed in clean water.

Tomato seedling does not show demanding to the soil, is relatively resistant to drought and is not picky. It is also able to endure even increased acidity.

Under optimal conditions, the tomatoes are resistant to the dryness of the substrate, in case of a shortage of fertilizers, the shoots should not die.

Important! Seedlings will be able to grow in the best way in the peat soil, and you can buy it in special stores.

It is important to monitor the quality of the purchased soil, it must meet all requirements. Otherwise, it is fraught with not only a waste of money, but also the death of seedlings.

Sowing scheme

When planting seeds, it is important to consider the method of preparation. In particular, if they are only slightly washed, it is better not to bury them.

For the seeds, special holes are made with a depth of no more than 1-1.5 cm, at the end it is permissible to slightly moisten the soil from above, you can use an ordinary sprayer for this.

When the seed has been previously soaked or germinated, it is possible to plant it in the holes / grooves with a depth of about 1.5-2 cm.

Then it is desirable to moisten the soil before placing the seeds there, at the end of the process watering is not required. The distance between the seeds in these cases should not exceed 2.5 cm.

Did you know? Tomatoes contain large amounts of serotonin, called the "hormone of happiness." Thanks to him, these fruits can improve mood.

It is permitted to plant seedlings in shallow boxes, individual containers will also fit, which include plastic, cardboard or paper cups.

Seedling care

Behind a still young plant, it is important to carry out proper care, and the process itself takes place in several stages. With proper adherence to recommendations get a good harvest is not difficult.

Lighting and temperature

Many gardeners forget about the lighting when growing tomatoes, but this can not be done. After sprouting crops, it is important to provide them with a free flow of large amounts of light, which is especially significant in the first days; in bad weather, tomatoes can be illuminated independently.

Important! The lack of light in the initial period will make the plants elongated and unstable. In the future, it will be difficult to correct the situation.

Capacities with sprouts when placing them on a window sill or balcony should be rotated occasionally, so that the seedlings do not grow "one-sided".

The temperature during the care of tomatoes should certainly be kept at a level not lower than +22 ° C during the day, since the lack of heat can slow down the development of the plant and cause unpleasant fungal diseases.

Watering and feeding

Watering the seedlings is required very carefully, doing it little by little. In the first stages, one teaspoon of water is enough for each bush.

Important! Abundant watering is one of the most common mistakes among novice gardeners.

Use for irrigation should be water at room temperature. Some believe that before the development of the first leaf the seedlings do not have to be watered, but this depends on the level of soil moisture.

If the ground becomes too dry, it should be sprinkled. Watering seedlings can be done no more than once a week.

Switch to a more active irrigation, every 3-4 days, it is permissible when you can count five leaves on young plants.

If the seeds have been planted in a soil mixture purchased in a special store, then it is permitted not to feed, but usually two complete feeding are carried out. The first of them is organized in 10 days, until the second will have to wait another two weeks. It is possible to use both independently prepared solution, and complex fertilizers with microelements required for growth.


If the plant can be counted on two whole leaves, the seedlings are subjected to abundant watering, and then dive into prepared in advance cups or pots. The soil should be covered with vegetables by up to the cotyledon leaves.

You will probably be interested to find out how and when to pick the tomatoes correctly after germination.
It is impossible to use the planting of tomatoes in containers, remaining from under the fermented milk products. The reason is that they can rapidly develop lactic acid bacteria that can provoke diseases of the roots.

At the end of the transplanting process, seedlings can be transported from a sunny place, and after a few days, return the plant back to the window sill.

Landing in a greenhouse or exhaust

Many farmers are wondering when it is during the day to plant tomato seedlings. For planting take tomatoes with a resistant stem and a strong root, and the process is carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening.

It is important that the ground at the specified period at the level of occurrence of the roots has time to warm up to + 10 ... +15 ° С. If the figure is lower, seedlings will not be able to settle down.

For planting seedlings in a greenhouse, a suitable period is called a segment from May 1 to 15 of the month. Under the cover of the film, tomatoes are placed on May 20-31, in the case of open ground, the term is no earlier than June 10-20. It is necessary that frosts have already receded by the appointed moment.

A significant step is the preparation of the soil, carried out in several steps:

  • sanding;
  • chalking;
  • disinfection;
  • introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Before planting in the exhaust beds, beds are formed, holes are made at a distance of about 35-45 cm in a row. One and a half hours before the planting itself, it is necessary to shed it well, this will contribute to the fact that in the process of transplanting an earthen ball will not have time to disintegrate, causing damage to the roots.

Seedlings are placed in the hole vertically, then sprinkled with soil to the cotyledon leaves. Then the ground is compressed and well watered.

Nearby, they drop pegs from a height of 50 cm in order to tie up the plants two weeks later. When using seedlings that have grown out of time, they are planted “lying down”; the analogue may be a burial stronger than usual.

Did you know? Heat treatment does not degrade, but only improves the beneficial qualities of tomatoes. The volume of lycopene in them increases by one third after 2 minutes of cooking.

The technology of planting tomatoes in the greenhouse does not practically differ from that used in the case of exhaust gases, but temperature control should also be carried out, providing ventilation and eliminating excessive moisture. The process of planting tomatoes on seedlings is quite long and laborious, at some stages requires special attention to detail. However, the efforts of the gardener pays off good yields and tasty fruits.

Watch the video: Growing Tomatoes: Choosing Varieties and Giving Your Plants the Best Possible Start (January 2025).