Ultra Emergency: Bellaroza potato variety

For a long time, the potato has become a leader among vegetables and is used to prepare various dishes. It is even difficult to imagine that once our ancestors did without him. Today, there are many varieties of potatoes that are grown everywhere and not only have unique flavor characteristics, but also look different. Today we will talk about a special ultra-early potato with the beautiful name "Bellarosa", we will consider the description of the variety and the peculiarities of its cultivation in its garden.

Variety description

Each variety has its own characteristics, which allow to distinguish it among others. Consider a detailed description of the fruits and shoots of "Bellarozy".


A characteristic feature of this variety is considered to be beautiful ornamental and healthy type of plantation.

Learn more about other potato varieties: Irbitsky, Ilinsky, Veneta, Kiwi, Rocco, Zhukovsky Early, Slavyanka, Udacha, Gala, Nevsky, Queen Anna, Rosara, Zhuravinka, Blue, Adretta, Red Scarlett.

"Bellarosa" is characterized by uniform seedlings, which are located in a semi-straight position and reach a height of 80 cm. The variety has powerful stems and succulent leaves, the edges of which are slightly wavy. The plant blooms with medium inflorescences that have a red-purple hue.

Did you know? The birthplace of potatoes is South America. On the continent you can still stumble upon a wild plant. The first to grow the tubers began local Indian tribes, this was the cultivation of the plant and its distribution throughout the world.


When the bush fades, the tubers are formed on the rhizome, which can reach 10 pieces under each bush. Potatoes are equally large, oval or roundish, the weight is 200 g - this is the average size of tubers, but giants are also caught - up to 800 grams. The fruit is characterized by reddish or pinkish skin, on the tubers are small, shallow accessory buds, which are popularly called the "eye". The peel is rough and medium thick, which helps to perfectly protect the flesh of the potatoes from mechanical stress. The color of the flesh is pale yellow, can reach a bright cream color.

A bit sweet taste is also the main feature of "Bellarozy". Due to the average starch content, which is about 15%, the tubers can be used both for boiling and for frying, and not be afraid that the fruit will be too hard or fall apart.

Important! During cooking, the fruit does not darken and retains an appetizing appearance, which is not the case with some other potato varieties.

Characteristic variety

"Bellarosa" is considered a popular potato variety for cultivation, since its characteristics imply:

  • Ultrafastness. It is believed that within two months after planting the tubers, it is possible to start harvesting, and digging - from one and a half months. The southern regions can grow Bellarozu twice a year, collecting two harvests per season. When the crop is harvested in early July, you can make the next landing on the vacated area, then the second harvest will be set in early September.
  • Stable and high yield, not particularly dependent on climatic conditions. The amount of harvest is about 30 tons per hectare.
  • Resistance to drought. The considered variety may be for a long time in sufficiently dry ground and not suffer from it.
  • The ability to grow on any soil, excluding heavy loam.
  • "Bellarosa" is a table variety of potatoes.
  • Despite the fact that the variety is early, it is characterized by a long shelf life, unlike other early ripening varieties.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of "Bellarozy" are:

  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • universality of the variety;
  • high yield;
  • early ripeness;
  • excellent keeping quality;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • immunity to mechanical damage;
  • excellent taste;
  • low losses in long-term storage.
Among the shortcomings of this variety include:

  • prone to late blight;
  • sensitivity to light: if the potato feels deficient, the tubers will be small.

Features of growing

To get a high-quality and high yield, you must follow the basic rules of care and cultivation of "Bellarosa".

Landing rules

The site where the potato tubers will be planted should begin to be prepared in the autumn; in the spring, only digging up the ground is required.

During the autumn period, when cultivating the land, about 7 kg of compost or humus should be applied per 1 square meter of soil in order to increase the yield.

In the springtime, the earth is dug up and enriched with fertilizers that contribute to the active growth and protection of the bushes from diseases and damage by pests. Fertilization of ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate is suitable for this.

Important! So that the soil is not depleted, it is necessary to observe breaks between planting potatoes, or plant tubers in areas where cultures of cucumber, beet, greens, or cabbage previously grew. It is not recommended to plant tubers in the territory where the solanaceous crops were growing.

With regard to the preparation of planting material for planting, for 2 weeks it is necessary to place the selected tubers in wooden boxes or empty them indoors so that the rest of the time the potatoes spend in daylight and air temperature of about 15 degrees, germination will occur faster.

It should be remembered that future tubers can grow quite large, so it is worth a responsible approach to the observance of the necessary distance during planting.

Each row should be located at a distance of up to 100 cm from each other, and the wells should be at a distance of 40 cm. The wells, which are prepared for planting potatoes, are filled with phosphate and potash fertilizers, a teaspoon to each well. On top of the fertilizer should be laid tubers "Bellarozy" and cover with soil. The optimum depth of landing is 10 cm.

Potato care

Competent and regular care of potatoes is a guarantee of high-quality and great harvest.

Among the important elements of care can be identified loosening the soil. Conduct such a procedure should be in conjunction with the destruction of weed vegetation, with the help of hoes. Thereby you will do two things: at the same time destroy all unwanted vegetation on the territory and loosen the soil crust formed after the precipitation. Such a crust is very dangerous for potatoes, as it restricts the nutrition of the soil to oxygen. The amount of loosening depends on the intensity and frequency of precipitation, as well as the growth of weed vegetation. On average, such an event should be held at least 3 times during the period of cultural development. The first time it is recommended to break through the soil one week after planting the potatoes, the loosening should be repeated when the first shoots begin to appear.

Natural precipitation provides sufficient soil moisture, therefore, additional irrigation of "Bellarosa" is not required.

An important part of plant care is fertilizing the soil during the growth of potatoes:

  1. When the first shoots appear, you should feed the plants with manure or chicken droppings.
  2. Before the potatoes bloom, it is recommended to add urea or a solution of ash with potassium sulfate.
  3. During the flowering period, you can fertilize the soil with a mixture that will contain mullein and superphosphates.

Making dressings must be done after the earth is moistened with rain; if fertilizer is put on unprepared dry soil, plant roots can be burned. When the potato bushes reach a height of 15 cm, the first hilling should be done. This procedure is necessary in order to facilitate plant root system access to water and air. The earthing up procedure consists in scooping up the earth on each bush of the plant in such a way that its shoots do not tend to the soil.

Did you know? Potatoes came to European countries thanks to the monk Neronim Kordan in 1580. But the use of food by Europeans began only at the end of the XVIII century - they were afraid of the fruits and believed that they cause incurable diseases such as leprosy.

It is quite simple to grow a variety of potato “Bellaroza” in my area, it does not require special care and effort, but always brings a large and high-quality crop. The main thing is to follow the basic rules for planting, regularly monitor and care for the plants.

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