How does pesticide use affect health and the environment

The scientific progress of the 21st century has even touched agriculture. This phenomenon is expressed not only in the innovation of technology, the mechanization of human labor, but also in the wide use of the achievements of chemical science to improve the growth of crops and their protection from various pests. Every day, millions of fields and gardens with the good purpose are processed by various means. Pesticides or agricultural pesticides have become an example of such substances of questionable use. Let's see what it is and what is their impact on the person.

What are pesticides?

Buying pesticides is an annual attribute of the spring planting season opening for many gardeners. The term is of Latin origin, which literally means: "pest" - to harm, "cide" - abbreviate. Everyone knows approximately what pesticides are, and clearly associates their action with harm to the body. From a scientific point of view, this is a substance or a mixture of synthetic origin, which can be useful in controlling weeds, insects, rodents, which spoil the harvest, plant diseases, parasites of domestic animals, carriers of various deadly diseases, ticks, spores of pathogenic fungi.

We advise to get acquainted with such chemical means as acaricides and insectoacaricides, fungicides, insecticides, herbicides.
Pesticides are classified as inhibitors. - means, the physicochemical action of which is capable of slowing down, suppressing or completely stopping the natural physiological processes of vital activity. As a result, properly used chemicals interrupt the biological course of disease and can destroy the spread of infections.

Did you know? "Special" treatment for abundant harvest of crops began to be used in the far IX century BC in ancient Rome.
The physical properties of pesticides are a characteristic pungent smell, usually a bright color. They may be in the form of a liquid or a powder that is diluted with water for use. The reason for the emergence of chemicals was the massive cultivation of crops.

Previously, the crop areas were relatively small, so people collected pests manually, but now it is almost impossible to do this, so you have to resort to toxic mixtures of toxic chemicals. Pesticides began to be systematically applied in the 19th century AD. Modern drugs have a low form of consumption, which allows you to use a smaller amount of a toxic substance without reducing the area or mass of its distribution. According to statistics, yields worldwide will decrease by approximately 50%, if you completely stop using pesticides in agriculture.

Accordingly, no country can afford it, since farming will become unprofitable, but at the same time, the use of drugs is strictly controlled by law.

Did you know? To protect the crop from insects, Democritus recommended the use of olives as an alternative to modern pesticides.


Pesticides are conventionally divided into three large groups.: poisons, sterilizers and growth inhibitors. Poisons are aimed at destroying the target organism. Sterilizers deprive unwanted breeding. Growth inhibitors are used to delay physiological processes. These substances are classified according to their origin: organic and inorganic pesticides. And according to the mechanism of action, they are: systemic, intestinal, contact and fumigatory actions.

Systemic pesticides are the most dangerous and effective, as they penetrate absolutely all the tissues of a living organism. There are many types of pesticides.

If we separate them by purpose, the main ones are:

  • acaricides (against ticks);
  • bactericides (destruction of pest bacteria);
  • herbicides (against weeds);
  • chemosterilizers (insect sterilization);
  • zoocides (pest control);
  • insecticides (insect extermination);
  • defoliants (abscission of plant leaves);
  • nematocides (fighting with roundworms);
  • grain disinfectants (presowing treatment).
Probably, gardeners will be able to easily answer the question: what are herbicides? After all, these are pesticides that are widely used for the destruction of weed plants that they hate, which constantly appear on the plots and grow at a tremendous speed, spoiling not only the harvest, but also the general appearance of the garden. Accordingly, herbicides have become a popular product among owners of suburban areas.

Danger and influence of toxic chemicals

Knowing what pesticides are, one cannot say that they are not harmful. Scientists are constantly working to reduce the harmful effects that are characteristic of toxic chemicals when they are used.

What exactly they are dangerous, is the fact that these substances are strong poisoners and harm all that is near: the human body, water, animals, plants, soil.

On the ground

Since most of the pesticides are aimed at processing the crop, these substances often fall on the ground itself. Pesticides usually penetrate into the soil with precipitation and are stored in it for a long time, showing their properties. The method of influence on the soil microflora depends on the class of the substance, the duration of the poison in it, the composition of the soil itself, and climatic conditions. As a rule, pesticides have the ability to cause oxidation and hydrolysis on the surface of the soil.

Herbicides are the most innocuous in terms of the bad influence of different classes of pesticides on the soil. These substances, which decompose relatively quickly, do not carry any specific disturbances of the soil microflora when used correctly in standard dosages.

If the dose is increased, there will be a temporary depression of the soil composition, its ability to produce a good yield may deteriorate. Such changes will not last long, because soil enzymes neutralize the effect of the drug.

Important! The use of fungicides for seed dressing is not recommended, they cause tremendous damage to the soil microflora, and the soil becomes unsuitable for growing crops.
The action of insecticides is rather ambiguous, since the microflora of the soil has different specific sensitivity to their properties. Prolonged use of these substances will cause an imbalance of soil microorganisms and cellulose accumulation. In general, soil microorganisms use pesticide as an energy source, therefore mineralization of pesticides sometimes occurs. This is fraught with consequences, there is a global problem of detoxification of pesticides in the environment.

On the ponds

Pesticides, of course, fall into the hydrosphere. In the aquatic environment, due to natural hydrolysis, the substances decompose quickly. In large quantities, they are capable of rapidly destroying organic compounds of phosphorus, carboxylic acids and peritroids. This spoils the quality of water, and sometimes leads to its toxicity.

The phenomenon can develop into a negative impact of decomposing pesticides on the entire environment, since water tends to spread these substances very quickly.

First of all, the inhabitants of the poisoned reservoir will suffer, especially fish. In addition, hydrobionts are actively directly involved in the decomposition of pesticides. Substances constantly accumulate in their organisms, which ultimately leads to the death of not just individual individuals, but also whole species.

On animals

Animals as an integral part of the biosphere fall under the toxic effect, which is definitely damage.

They can be the basis of the biological food chain through which the substance spreads. Pesticides, as mentioned earlier, are mainly aimed at the failure and slowdown of biological processes. It turns out that this destructive reaction extends to all organ systems of animals, and the toxic effects of pesticides on their health are manifested.

Birds suffer terribly because they are particularly sensitive to hormonal changes that provoke pesticides. The liver of the body gives in strongly, because its functions are oriented towards the processing of these substances.

Of course, the scale of the tragedy depends on the number of toxins, the weight of the animal, the level of functioning of its body systems. A large number of pesticides that enter the body of an animal can cause intoxication, because the body can not cope with their decomposition. This is very dangerous, as it may well lead to the death of the animal. Thus, every day we are increasingly poisoning ourselves and destroying the world of fauna.

On plants

Most often, the “pesticidal dose” is received by the inhabitants of the flora. In this way we seek to protect them from pests, but in the same way we endanger them.

From a scientific point of view, plants should not suffer from a pesticide, but here the human factor brings about changes. There are two main reasons why chemicals are harmful to the crop. This is improper storage or even the expiration date of the product before using it and overdosing of the drug, which will lead to the death of the plant.

Per person

Today, many are worried how serious the effect of pesticides on the human body can be. This is a significant problem, especially for children, pregnant women and people who already have health problems. Any pesticide, regardless of its quantity, can cause allergies, poisoning and diathesis. Strong accumulation of substances in the body leads to genetic abnormalities.

If the expectant mother eats products that are supersaturated with pesticides, the risk of fetal death of the baby increases threefold.

Important! Contact with a pesticide in people with lung disease can cause choking.
It is worth remembering that pesticides are poison for any organism, and its sufficient amount will cause irreparable harm. Observe precautions when applying them, strictly follow the instructions and keep out of reach of children.

Symptoms of poisoning and first aid

If people were in contact with pesticides, and soon felt unwell, - it's poisoning. Symptoms are as follows:

  • weakness in the lower limbs;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • edema;
  • spasm;
  • cough;
  • fainting;
  • severe tachycardia;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure.
First aid for poisoning is the cessation of the effect of poison on the body, cleansing the skin of the victim from the remnants of toxic substances (it is better to wash them off with plenty of running water), washing the stomach if necessary.

It is advisable to immediately call an ambulance; specialists will clinically remove the drug from the body. Only timely action can save a person in case of this poisoning.

Be careful with pesticides!

Watch the video: Harmful Effects Of Pesticides On Human Health (January 2025).