Tree names and their lifespan

Like every living organism on Earth, trees have their age. In the bustle of the city, we do not often think about the longevity of certain trees, and certainly not everyone knows which tree has lived for 1000 years or more. Our article will help answer these questions: who knows, maybe a long-lived tree lives in your yard.

What does tree life depend on?

The maximum age of plants is largely determined by their appearance: the most short-lived are fruit trees, deciduous and coniferous trees are the basis of "evergreen forests." How much a plant will live also depends on the conditions in which it grows. The mild climate contributes to the long-term existence of plants, and the harsh cold and wind quickly deplete even the most powerful plantations. For high life expectancy of fruit trees, conscientious care plays an important role.

Cleaning from dry branches, processing from pests and feeding significantly increase the chances of a long life of ornamental trees.

Popular cultures

It is difficult to imagine the familiar streets without greenery. In our lane, almost all deciduous (summer green) species of oxygen "producers" are common. Walking through the city, you can count about 20 species of fruit, deciduous, and in some places, and conifers. Consider the features of the growth of some of them.


  • Oak of its kind brings together about 600 species of plants. The height of an oak tree reaches 50 meters, and any plant of the planet can envy how long an oak tree lives. It is easy to learn an oak thanks to a wide leaf and fruits - acorns which are widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Oak wood is highly valued in the manufacture of furniture, and red oak products are considered a sign of luxury.
  • Hornbeam grows throughout Europe, is found in Asia Minor and Transcaucasia. The broad hornbeam crown prefers to hide in shady deciduous forests and grows slowly, gaining a width of up to 8 meters. Hornbeam - a representative of the family of birch, and just like her, it blooms with earrings. The young leaves of the hornbeam are used in animal feed, and oil is extracted from the fruit.
  • The linden has a branchy and spreading crown about 30 meters high, which speaks of the wealth with which it can bestow a person. After all, linden has many useful properties. Yellowish white lime blossom is very much in demand in health and beauty treatments. Linden wood is easy to work, its soft fibers are well carved.
Check out the tips for growing linden.
Did you know? Lipa is recognized as the national symbol of the Czech Republic since June 1848.
  • Beech is widely represented in the forests of Europe. The smooth trunk of a beech in width reaches two, and in height - 30 meters. Buki grow slowly but live long. Acorn-like fruits appear on the tree after 40-60 years of life. "Beech nuts" are edible and have properties that regulate metabolic processes and are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart.
  • Ash has gained its name due to its crown: sprawling branches with a thin foliar cover let in a lot of sunlight, therefore it is always light under the tree. In spring, ash acquires a purple hue and forms lionfish - fruits that will fall off only in winter. The wood of the 30-meter-long trunks is particularly durable, which is especially valuable in construction and facing works. In medicine, they use bark, leaves, fruits of ash, and also extract tree sap. Despite its medicinal properties, ash is considered a poisonous plant, therefore, not knowing the exact dose calculation, it is better not to abuse decoction. Ash is able to live up to 300 years, while the width of the trunk is rarely more than 1 meter.
You will be interested to know about the nuances of the cultivation of common ash.
  • Elm usually reaches 40 meters, although some species grow as shrubs. The tree of a young elm is distinguished by a particularly smooth bark of the trunk, with age it coarsens and exfoliates. The leaves of the elm are large and oblong, the lion-shaped fruits are visible on the tree at the age of 7-8. Elm - an unpretentious plant, it can be found both in shady areas, and in the middle of the plain or at the top of the hill. Elm grows to 300 years.
Learn about the beneficial properties of elm.
  • Poplar - a plant with a columnar trunk up to 35 meters in height, has small rounded leaves. The fruit looks like a box. From the blossoming poplar buds, bees collect glue, which is processed into propolis. Poplar has the property to absorb radiation and harmful substances, so poplar plantings can often be found in areas of factories and various industries. Also poplar fluff is an allergen. Unlike many other trees, the poplar plant is dioecious: the female has no seeds in the flower, while the male has them.
Important! When choosing a poplar for planting, consider the peculiarities: after flowering, only a female can carry "poplar fluff".
  • The maple is especially noticeable in the fall: leaves on different branches of the crown may acquire a different color. Maple plantations are low and reach an average of 15-20 meters. The leaves have serrated blades that distinguish maple from many deciduous trees. Fruits of maple are able to carry the seeds to a far distance, since the fruit of the two-winged dragon rotates when it falls and is picked up by the wind.
  • Birch reaches 45 meters in height, and the trunk can reach 1.5 meters in girth. Also, birch has dwarf subspecies. The birch color that we are used to acquires in the 8th year of life, before that, its trunk is light brown and smooth. The leaves have the shape of a rounded triangle with jagged edges. It’s impossible to say for sure how many years a birch is, since there are many species of it: some grow to 150 years, others are able to exist 300 years.
  • Chestnut - a tree that reaches 35 meters in height, has a lush crown. Age can reach 300 years. The leaves have the form of 7 petals, located on the cuttings opposite each other. In May, chestnut blossoms, its cone-shaped inflorescences have a pale pink or white color. The fruits of chestnut ripen in autumn and are round boxes with spikes, inside of which is a nut. In it the seeds ripen. Chestnut-based medical preparations have analgesic properties.
Learn about the rules of planting and caring for chestnuts.

Among the popular deciduous crops can not be overlooked and fruit trees.

  • The apple tree in its own way has both wild-growing and edible varieties. The tree grows to a maximum of 15 meters in height, and some species form low-growing shrubs. Any of the varieties needs care and certain conditions that need to be created for the great fertility of the apple tree. There are heat-loving varieties and frost-resistant, moisture-loving and drought tolerant. Choose an apple tree is not difficult if you know the features of the soil of your site. This will ensure the longest life expectancy of your tree and a rich harvest.
Learn about the best tips for apple care and planting.
  • Pear today there are about 60 species and more than 3,000 varieties. Growing up to 20 meters, this tree can bear fruit for up to 50 years. A pear, like an apple tree, does not grow well at the site of high groundwater occurrence. Therefore, if you want the pear to serve as long as possible, choose a place on the hill for its planting. To extend the life of your favorite plant, you need to feed it and process it from pests.
Did you know? The leaves on the pears grow in a strictly defined order, being apart from each other at an angle of 135°. This allows you to get maximum moisture and sunlight.
  • Plum differs by its precocity - already in the 3rd year of its life, it is capable of producing a crop. Unlike pears and apple trees, plum loves soil with high humidity, but at the same time the place should not be purged. Plum care is little different from the care of other fruit plantations. If you want a long-liver at the plum site, loosen the ground around the trunk, destroy weeds, process from pests and feed in appropriate seasonally.
  • Cherry does not grow above 10 meters, so if you want a compact fruit tree on your site, choose it. In the prime of its age, one tree can produce about 20 kilograms of cherries from one tree. In the right conditions of growth, cherry can rejoice with its berries for 25 years.
You will be interested to know about the largest varieties of cherries.
  • Sweet cherry or bird cherry is the undeniable taste of summer. Unlike cherry, it has a larger and fleshy berry. Also more whimsical, as it has special requirements in relation to heat.
  • Apricot is also distinguished by its average height and crown circumference. In warm climates, apricot grows at an average of 100 years and starts to bear fruit early, from 3-5 years old. Most apricot varieties are cold-resistant, drought-resistant and can germinate in places with minimal rainfall.
Important! The difference between dried apricot fruits is that apricot - apricot, dried straight from the stone, and dried apricots - dried apricot, from which the bone was removed.


  • Spruce - the evergreen symbol of the New Year, reaching a height of 50 meters. The conical shape of the crown has been formed over the years, since in the early years the spruce tree directs all its forces into growth. Depending on the species, the splendor of the branches and the length of the needles differ. Cones spread the seeds on the 20th year of spruce. Green beauty can be found in different parts of the world, although there are species that are found in certain areas.
  • Pine as a plant exists in three forms:
  1. Tree.
  2. Bush.
  3. Stlanik.
Plantings of pines are very light-requiring and moisture-loving. The rest of the pine - an unpretentious tree and is a long-liver. The active growth phase of pine is observed at the age of 5-20 years, further growth slows down.
  • Juniper - light-loving tree, resistant to drought, rapid temperature extremes, pests and diseases. Longevity juniper can envy any coniferous plant. The oils that juniper emits heals the air and saturates it with phytoncides. Among the decorative conifer plantations on the site juniper is chosen most often because of its unpretentiousness to moisture and soil, which ensures it longevity.
Check out popular juniper varieties.
Important! The bactericidal properties of juniper needles are unmatched.
  • Fir can be easily recognized by vertically growing buds. The needles of the fir do not fall off even when the branches dry, which makes it evergreen. The average age of the fir - 150-200 years, but its height may vary depending on the species.

  • Thuja are evergreen trees and shrubs that rarely grow above 11 meters. Thuys are distinguished by soft, needle-like needles, which become darker and intertwined with age. Thuja is not capricious in care, it is cold-resistant, and certain species tolerate even frosty winters well.

Longevity table

So how many trees live, what is the maximum age of the maple, how long does the apricot last and how many years does the pine live, this table will answer.

Tree nameLife expectancy (years)
Apricot25 - 30
Birch tree150 - 300
Beech400 - 500
Cherry25 - 30
Elm150 - 300
Spruce300 - 500
Chestnut200 - 350
Maple200 - 300
Juniper500 - 1000
Fir150 - 200
Plum25 - 40
Pine300 - 400
Yew1000 - 2000
Poplar70 - 100
Cherries40 - 45
Apple tree25 - 30
Ash150 - 200

What tree lives 1000 years?

For some trees, the age of 1000 years is far from the limit. There are breeds living over 1500 and 2000 years. If juniper can live to be 1000 years old, then cedar pines, berry yew, oak, baobabs and redwoods have existed for over 3000 years.

Did you know? Methuselah - The oldest person whose age is listed in the Bible, famous for his longevity. He lived 969 years.
An example of a long-lived tree is pine, whose age already exceeds 4850 years! This pine grows in the White Mountains of California, in the National Reserve, but the exact location of Methuselah is not revealed to protect it from the public. Methuselah is recognized as the most ancient tree on the planet Earth. No matter how much a tree is allocated on the ground, it is worth remembering that from the moment of germination to the very felling or wilting, the plants perform the most important function - they enrich the planet with oxygen. Life expectancy of green plantings is a lot in what depends on the people themselves: it is necessary to remember that breaking a tree is a second, and growing it is years.

Watch the video: Top 10 oldest trees on Earth (January 2025).