What happens if you feed the plants with serum?

A large number of diseases and pests does not allow to get a good harvest without treating plants with various preparations. But not all gardeners and gardeners are willing to accept the need to use chemistry on their sites, and then they turn to "organic" means. One of these means is ordinary whey, an invaluable fertilizer for plants and a cure for pests and diseases, if you know how to use it.

The composition and beneficial properties of fermented milk product

Whey is a byproduct of milk processing, which is formed when the protein is folded, with an increase in acidity due to the activity of lactic acid bacteria or when rennet is added. The coagulated thick mass is separated (curd is obtained from it), and the remaining liquid is whey.

Whey - a real fount of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements for both people and plants in the garden.

Like whey organic fertilizers include fertilizers from eggshell, banana skins, onion peel, nettle.
It includes a large number of easily digestible amino acids and proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (including lactose - milk sugar), vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, copper and zinc.

The positive impact on the growth and development of plants of such a slaughter cocktail is difficult to overestimate: the root system develops, the green mass grows and the fruit ovaries form.

From which diseases and for which plants

Serum contains lactic acid bacteria and lactic acid, which inhibit fungi and many insect pests. It can be used both in the garden and in the garden.

Important! Spraying the leaves with undiluted product can cause leaf burns, so the serum is diluted with water in a 1: 3 ratio.


Most garden plants react positively to the processing of dairy products: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, onions, strawberries and strawberries.

  • Tomatoes are recommended to spray often, after each rain. This will help to prevent blight and fusarium.
  • Cucumbers are treated not earlier than 10 days after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. Serum helps to cope with powdery mildew, for the best result up to 1-2 drops of iodine solution are added to each liter of solution.
  • Strawberries and strawberries solution will help protect against late blight and various spots.
  • From planting onions fermented milk solution will help drive away the onion fly. To enhance the effect in the working solution, you can add tobacco dust.
Not all plants respond positively to this treatment. Peppers and eggplants do not like it.

Important! All spraying should be carried out on an overcast, windless day.


The garden will also be used for whey. Lactic acid inhibits the development of the same powdery mildew, scab, and rust in shrubs and fruit trees. In addition, she successfully copes with the dominance of aphids and moths.

Learn more about the features of top dressing shrubs and fruit trees in spring.
Trees begin to process during flowering and continue to spray at intervals of 1 every 2 weeks until the end of the season. They spray not only the leaves, but also the trunk of the tree, and the soil under it. Thankfully accept the processing of fermented milk solutions and protection from aphids and sucking insects flowers, especially roses and peonies. Whether it is worthwhile to doubt that room plants can also be watered with whey, it is only necessary to take into account the rather specific smell that remains after the treatment of the plants.
Did you know? For insect pests can make a trap. To do this, cut a plastic bottle or glass jar for a third filled with whey and hung under the crown of the tree. After some time, there will be a lot of moths and leaf wrenches.

How to cook and apply fertilizer

You can fertilize planting in two ways: foliar and root. In the first case, top dressing is applied directly to the leaves and stems, in the second case - it is applied to the soil under the fertilized plant.

Root top dressing is used mainly for young seedlings, so nutrients are absorbed faster. For adult plants it is better to use the first method. When using whey it is necessary to monitor the acidity of the soil, it is quite acidic. To increase the positive effect when using whey as a fertilizer for a garden, it is better to use it in combination with other components. For example, sugar (100 g per 2 l of the initial liquid), yeast, iodine is added to the whey solution, and mowed grass is drawn onto it.

It would be very useful to add ash to this mixture: it will reduce the acidity of the solution and enrich it with potassium. Water is added at the rate of 1:10 for root dressings or 1: 3 for watering over the leaves.

Did you know? Some gardeners use sour milk to speed up the fermentation of compost.

Features of use in the greenhouse

The use of whey in a closed greenhouse or greenhouse requires more caution than in the garden. In order to avoid burns on the leaves, spraying is carried out with weaker solutions. When carrying out root dressing, fertilizer is applied to the soil that has been pre-moistened, trying not to touch the foliage and stems. After watering with a whey solution, the greenhouse is aired.

Whey is an affordable and universal remedy that will protect your plants from diseases and pests and give them a complex of trace elements and vitamins necessary for active growth and fruiting.

Watch the video: BOOST plant growth! (December 2024).