How are pine nuts useful?

Everyone knows about the benefits of dried fruits and nuts. But even among such blanks are the most valuable products, which are literally crammed with vitamins and useful compounds. About one of these fruits and will be discussed in our review. We learn more about pine nuts, their benefits and possible harm.

Calorie and chemical composition

These seeds are considered a high-calorie product - 673 kcal per 100 g of fresh harvest. In dried grains, this figure is smaller, but also impressive - 585 kcal.

We called them seeds for a reason. The fact is that these fruits of cedar pines are securely covered with a hard shell, which makes the seeds resemble a nut. They themselves are small, pale yellow color. If you look at the composition of nuts, it turns out that 100 g contains 68.4 g of fat. Also the "crown" ingredients are protein compounds (13.7 g) and carbohydrates like fiber, glucose and starch (13.1 g). Among other useful components are listed:

  • thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. They are known as vitamins B1, B2 and B3, their content reaches 0.3-0.4 mg;
  • vitamins of groups C and K - 0.8 mg and 53.9 mg. Slightly less vitamins D, E and P;
Important! To combat unwanted hair use ash from the burnt shell. 300 g of this material is mixed with water and applied to the problem area, holding for 10 minutes. 3-4 procedures will be enough.
  • macronutrients in the form of potassium (597 mg), phosphorus (575 mg) and magnesium (251 mg);
  • trace elements represented by calcium (16 mg), zinc (6.4 mg) and iron (5.5 mg);
  • water is at least (2.3 g).
We add that the nucleus contains 14 amino acids, 10 of them are irreplaceable.

Beneficial features

It is not surprising that with this composition nuts have long been used in medicine, including folk. For the manufacture of various drugs and tinctures used all parts of the fetus, and each of them has pronounced healing properties, which will be discussed below.

Learn about the benefits of walnut, cashew, Manchurian walnut, almond, hazelnut.


This is the most valuable component of the nut. Despite their small size, they are extremely useful: there is only twice as much protein here as in boiled chicken meat (about 45%). Moreover, it is absorbed by our body completely. As a result - weight therapeutic effects:

  • normalization of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • palpable liver help (especially in terms of blood formation);
  • restoration of balance and patency of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolism regulation;
  • The clear benefit of cedar seeds for women is manifested in stimulating the functions of the sex glands;
  • with constant use restored visual acuity;
  • tonic effect.

Did you know? In the old days, these nuts successfully treated early scurvy, and for the infusion whole fruits were taken.

Achenes are widely used in pharmacology and traditional medicine. Factory medicines based on them help with coronary disease, anemia and atherosclerosis. Self-made tinctures are used to strengthen the immune system and combat salt deposits in the body. Such a valuable material is indispensable for the prevention, it can be made even in the children's menu. For men engaged in heavy physical labor, the benefits of pine nuts are also obvious: they have a lot of "fast" vitamins and macronutrients. Do not forget about the urological area of ​​action of seeds.


The shell is also used as a valuable raw material in the manufacture of ointments, creams and tinctures.

It consists of tannins - tannins that act as an antiseptic. That is, the shell can act as a complete anti-inflammatory composition.

Anti-inflammatory properties also have: juniper, zheleznitsa Crimean, pumpkin, black cohosh, aconite, dogrose, gentian, linden, lemon balm, saxifrage.

In addition, ugly-looking "armor":

  • promotes normal blood circulation, preventing leukemia and anemia;

Important! Old nuts try not to take as a basis for tinctures. They are characterized by a characteristic bitterness, which indicates the unsuitability of the fetus for both internal and external use.
  • as a prophylactic composition helps to fight the symptoms of atherosclerosis;
  • in the form of tinctures used in the treatment of periodontitis and heavy uterine bleeding.


This product is remarkable not only for its composition. The fact is that even modern pharmacology is not able to create its substitute. Oil acts as follows:

  • normalizes the activity of the central nervous system;
  • saturates the blood with necessary compounds, reduces cholesterol levels;
  • "accelerates" the digestive tract;
  • accelerates the healing of wounds, frostbite or burns;
  • eliminates the manifestations of skin diseases, especially early-stage psoriasis;
  • improves eyesight;
  • removing heavy metals and toxins from the body, improves metabolism.
Cedar oil is recommended for people with chronic fatigue syndrome. Due to the mild effect, it can safely be used by nursing mothers - the abundance of vitamin F improves lactation.

Get acquainted with the nuances of growing black walnut, peanuts, walnuts, cashews, Manchurian walnuts.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine traditionally prefers strong tinctures. This has its reason - "degrees" in combination with saturated nuts give a strong effect. It was noted that pine nuts, and especially the kernels used in the vodka tincture, are distinguished by such healing properties:

  • have a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and genital tract;
  • have an antitumor effect;

Did you know? Back in the 18th century, Siberian doctors recommended nuts to "consumptive people." The cake obtained after processing was taken to prepare therapeutic baths.
  • correct hearing and sight;
  • purify blood and lymph;
  • restore the dermis after injuries, bruises and cracks.

There are many ways to prepare such compounds, therefore we will list the most simple ones:

  1. 0.5 kg of nuts are poured into a glass jar and poured with vodka (some take alcohol) until the liquid covers them completely. Insist 2 weeks, after which you can begin to receive.
  2. "Long-playing" recipe provides for a period of 40 days. To begin with, 40 g of kernels are poured with vodka (0.5 l) and put in a dark place. Then every 3 days the tincture is stirred and filtered at the very end.
  3. A faster way: nuts thoroughly crumple, then pour vodka (about 5 cm above the nuts). After a week, you can strain and pour into the jar.
The course of administration is usually 1 month, if necessary, reapplication takes the same break. The scheme is simple: 2-3 times a day before meals. But there is one nuance - the tincture is necessarily diluted with boiled water (at the rate of 5 mg per teaspoon of the product). In its pure form can not be used.

Important! For therapeutic purposes, drink the oil 2 to 3 times a day. The course is calculated for 3 months, alternating 10-day receptions with intervals of 5 days.
In the manufacture of infusion from the shell, the dosage varies depending on the disease. Here are the most common recipes and intake rates:

  1. 200 g of powdered dry shells help from sciatica. Bay vodka billet, it is tightly closed and insist month. Scene, it is consumed on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals (2 tbsp. L).
  2. Gulf 100 g of material, give a week brew in a dark place. After straining drink 1 teaspoon per day. It is effective in the complex treatment of leukemia.
  3. Firming composition for general prophylaxis is also simple. Dried shell fill a jar of 0.5 liters. Alcohol is poured in, and the container is covered with a lid. Three weeks - and the tincture is decanted, being poured into dark glass dishes. Reception - a teaspoon in the same 30 minutes before meals.

Such powerful products are not suitable for everyone, and soft shells made of shell are used to treat some diseases:

  1. For digestive disorders 1 tbsp. l dry material is filled with a glass of boiling water. 20 minutes followed by straining - and the mixture is ready. Take it between meals, 4-5 times a day (but not more than half a cup at a time).
  2. A strong cough and advanced bronchitis are treated according to a special scheme. A glass of shallow shell is filled with 1 liter of water. It is boiled on low heat, not forgetting to put the lid on. After 3 hours of such cooking, decoction is squeezed, cooled and put in the fridge.
For 2 days of admission (0.5 tbsp. Twice a day before meals) the patient's condition will improve. This composition helps with a strong allergic rhinitis.
Did you know? Coconut oil is noticeably inferior to cedar - only vitamin E in it is three times less. And in comparison with the olive break even more - 5 times.
As you can see, pine nuts willingly show their beneficial properties in home cooking, but they also have contraindications.

Contraindications and harm

Say at once - no self. Only a doctor can give permission for such procedures. The consent of the therapist or cardiologist will not be obtained if such health problems occur:

  • individual intolerance to a product or an allergic reaction to it;
  • obesity and high body mass index;
  • negative reaction of the heart, blood vessels or nervous system to alcohol. This is true for those who are preparing to actively use tinctures.
Keep in mind that nuts can even harm a healthy person. Their harm is manifested in the following:

  • when combined with meat or dairy products, they overload the gastrointestinal tract;
  • they can cause airway obstruction in young children;
  • improper storage of nuts is fraught with prolonged intoxication or loss of taste. It all starts with the appearance of bitterness in the mouth, which is enhanced if you eat sweet. Over time, it subsides, but there is a metallic taste. This may take 2-14 days. Treatment is not required, everything passes naturally.

Important! It is most convenient to grind kernels in the coffee grinder. So they get to the desired type.
In order not to harm yourself and loved ones, you need to know exactly how many pine nuts you can eat during the day. The optimal dose is 30 g per day, as a separate product, it is desirable to eat them in the morning. Some take and 40-50 g, but it is better not to follow their example - the abundance of cedar protein and oil threatens obesity and gradually "clogs" the vessels. If there are no obvious contraindications, you can go to the market or to the store.

How to choose when buying

Nuts are offered in several forms at once - as individual peeled or unpeeled kernels, and with additives in the form of glaze or chocolate. With such a diversity, it is important not to get lost, but to choose a fresh collection. You can determine it by the following features:

  • the same size of the goods;
  • solid color core and shell. If spots are visible, they immediately refuse to purchase (there is a risk of infection);
  • The nucleoli themselves should not be over dried. Take a handful and try on the weight - it is immediately felt;
  • the tips of fresh kernels retain a light color, while the darkened edge "gives out" an old nut, which is better to put aside;
  • a dark dot is usually visible on an unpeeled nut. If it does not appear, it is likely that it is empty and there is no core inside;

Did you know? Cedar pines live in nature for 350-400 years. The trees that have exchanged the sixth hundred are considered long-livers, and individual 800-year-old specimens are considered unique.
  • nutty flavor is whole, without sharp and unpleasant impurities;
  • a too dark shell with bloom indicates that the product has already been damaged;
  • Of course, there should be no traces of mold or other damage.
The best option would be to buy an unpeeled nut by weight - kernels without a shell deteriorate very quickly, especially in the open air.

How to store at home

Having bought a valuable piece, try to preserve its useful qualities.

There are no tricks here. True, one subtlety is still there: because of the saturation of the oils, the nut can quickly deteriorate, so it is placed in a refrigerator or freezer, having first been poured into an airtight package. The ideal would be a container with a lid.

It is believed that the shelf life in the freezer is twice the duration of the content directly in the refrigerator. For peeled nuts, this figure is 6 and 3 months respectively. In the case of uncleaned it will be even more - 1 year or 6 months.

Important! Buying nuts in cones is not worth it. It is not known how long they were stored, besides, infections often accumulate in the plates.
If the nuts are purchased in the package, then read the data on the package. Before you open it, keep in mind that the kernel without the shell is stored in this mode for 2-3 weeks, and the uncleaned product - up to 1.5 months. After this period, they can no longer be used.

How to peel pine nuts

Separating the nucleolus from the hard shell is not so easy. The following cleaning methods are used:

  1. Mechanical. This is the fate of a hammer, pliers or a powerful garlic press. You need to be alert - a small seed can fly away into the far corner of the kitchen. Do not overdo it with a stroke to leave the seed whole.
  2. Pre-soak. Can be placed in water for half a day. If there is no time, 10-15 minutes is enough in boiling water. After this cleaning is much easier.
  3. Frozen nuts are gently processed with a rolling pin. To do this, they are placed in a bag from which air is immediately released. Having tied it up, the nuts are slightly crushed. It remains to remove the shell.

Did you know? Besides Siberia, cedars (albeit in small quantities) grow in the European part. These are the remnants of landings in the Kostroma region and "pre-revolutionary groves" laid down in the Arkhangelsk region.
There is another popular method - roasting in the oven at + 120 ... + 130 ° C for 2-3 minutes. The method is effective, but not perfect. With this treatment, the oil is oxidized, losing useful properties.

Now you know what pine nuts are useful for. We hope our readers can easily select the most recent collection and correctly approach the issue of treatment. Health you stronger!

Watch the video: How to Harvest Pine Nuts in the Forest (January 2025).