Is it possible to grow a tulip tree at home?

Tulip liriodendron, white tree, yellow poplar are all names of one type of plant of the Magnolia family. He is not so often seen in ordinary cities. Let's see what this plant is so unique.

Where is growing and how does it look?

Tulip tree is a rather unusual plant. And this is due to the fact that there are two types of it. One is a tulip tulip and is considered a relative of magnolia. Homeland liriodendron - is North America. But there is another kind of tulip tree. This is an exotic plant that looks like a Capsica vine and it is very picky in growing. His homeland is Africa.

Learn about the species and varieties of a close relative of the tulip tree - magnolia.

Tulip lyriodendron or lyran is similar to oak in its characteristics. An adult plant has a dense crown, it is deciduous. Reaches 36 m in height. Its trunk is massive, and the flowers are large (up to 6 cm in length), have a yellow-green color. The flowers themselves resemble a tulip in shape, and the tree, although it has strong branches, has only one flower per twig.

Did you know? Yellow poplar, he is a lyran, can grow 500 years.

Of course, if you compare the liran with a similar exotic plant in its name, then you may be disappointed. After all, an African tulip tree has from 10 to 100 bright red flowers at the end of each branch. Lyran grows in the subtropics, and where there is a temperate climate. It is frost-resistant and can withstand cold to -35 ° C. Flowering begins in late May.

Tulip Tree Growing Conditions

Planting of the liriodendron is done in early spring using cuttings or at a time when the leaves are still not blooming on the branches. You need to be careful with its roots, which, if not planted, can break. There is also a planting method using seeds.

Other trees and shrubs can be propagated by cuttings: chokeberry, grapes, thuja, blue spruce, plum, acacia, girlish grapes.

Categorically it is impossible to grow lyran in greenhouses. It will simply be a little place. As for the African tulip tree, which dies in the open field.

Important! Seeds for planting liran should be no older than two days. Otherwise the tree will not germinate.

Place and soil

Place for landing can be any. After all, a tree is an unpretentious plant. Tulip tree loves sunlight and grows well in width and height, so you need to plant it with the adjacent trees.

The only soil that is unsuitable for liran is clay. It passes a little water, poorly ventilated and difficult to warm. It can only be used with proper reclamation. For this use sand and peat. The first will help loosen the clay, and the second will increase the level of permeability. If you are the owner of sandy soil, then you will have to water a more liriodendron. In order for the plant not to die and from the minimum amount of useful substances, it is necessary to introduce fast-acting fertilizers. But the first year you can try not to do this, to see how the plant will take root, how it will behave in different weather conditions.

Important! Mulching is a prerequisite when planting liran in sandy soil.
Sandy soil would be ideal, as well as black soil. Lime soil is not suitable.


Since the eastern states of North America are considered the birthplace of the lyriodendron, then, accordingly, it is very fond of the sun's rays. In addition, it is very stable in high summer temperatures, the leaves usually do not fade.


Drainage is done before planting in excessively moist soils. Although lyran and moisture-loving, but will die at high levels of moisture. Watering is not done regularly.

How to care for the plant?

The plant is ideal from all sides: rarely affected by pests, gets on well in almost any soil, frost-resistant. That is why the tulip tree is recommended to grow not only in parks and alleys, but also at home.

Did you know? The liriodendron is also divided into two types: Chinese and American. In this case, the Chinese does not tolerate frost. And its amount in the world is decreasing due to logging for timber industry.
The young liana is pruned. Interestingly, full flowering begins only after 5-8 years from the moment of planting. It happens that you need to wait longer, because everything depends on the climate and the soil. Feeding with organic additives will improve the quality of growth. Make fertilizing in the fall, if you had a bad ground before planting. This will improve its mineral qualities. During the growing season, adding chicken manure to the soil is effective.

Is it possible to grow a tree at home?

Lyran will decorate your site and give protection to other plants. It can be used for practical purposes: for a picnic or to arrange a recreation area under it. But all this is possible after many years, when the crown grows up to 20 m wide. White tree, as it is called in America, can not be planted in a small area. Otherwise, it will take all the free space. It is not recommended to plant near the house, because it grows well in width and height. The only disadvantage is that as the lyran is deciduous, in the fall you will have to remove a lot of leaves. Although in this you can find a positive side. After all, the same rotten leaves can be used as a fertilizer in the garden and even for the tulip tree itself.

Liriodendron is not only an ornamental plant. It is actively used in the timber industry and is considered the benchmark for quality. At the same time it can be found in the form of a national symbol among the three US states. Liran can also become a family tree. After all, it grows for a long time. The main thing - good soil and timely care.

Watch the video: Planting & Growing Flower Bulbs : How to Grow Tulips in Containers (January 2025).