The main types of peperomia: names and photos of indoor plants

Peperomia from the Pertsev family is an indoor plant that has come to our homes from far South and Central America. Peperomia is divided into a great many species and varieties, and in this article we will talk about the most common in our area.


Peperomiya tuberous perfect for growing beginner growers, as very unpretentious in the care. The plant is a groundcover, but it will be no less decorative to look in hanging pots. This flower is appreciated not by its flowering, but by decorative taut leaves from dark green to beige color. The most common types are Alba, Variegata and Albomarginata.

It prefers to grow in partial shade or in places with diffused light. From the hot sun can immediately get burned and become covered with dark spots.

In the penumbra, geranium, orchid, primrose, indoor ivy, arrowroot, chervil, and asplenium are feeling well.
Does not like the flower of cold air and drafts, so that during ventilation it is better to set the pot away from the window. It feels great at room temperature from 18 ° С to 25 ° С.

The plant is hardy, it is recommended to water abundantly once a week, and in summer you can spray a flower from a spray bottle. At the same time, we do not allow water to stagnate in the pot to avoid rotting of the roots. Peperomia grows stupid by cutting and dividing the bush. Cuttings - the easiest way, it is enough to separate the cutting with 2-3 internodes and plant in a new pot with a mixture of peat or sand, and a month later to plant in a permanent place.

Streptocarpus, plumeria, orchid, zamiokulkas, dracaena, petunia, dieffenbachia, azalea, fittonia, tradescantia, fuchsia, philodendron, diplodia, coderia also reproduce by cuttings.
It is transplanted once every 3 years, since the earth over this period is crushed, and this flower prefers loose soil. The substrate consists of sod, leaf soil, sand, peat and compost in equal parts. Rhizome underdeveloped, which means we choose a small pot.

Did you know? The flower of the stupid peperomia is thin, light and looks like a mouse tail. They also predict weather for them, before the rain the tail always turns.


Peperomiya multi-leaved (Peperomia polybotrya) is a rather rare species that is rarely found in our homes. Homeland is Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Bush plant, 20-50 cm tall

The leaves are cone-shaped, dark green, more like water lilies. Flowers look like plantain, only white or beige. Prefers partial shade and does not tolerate bright sunlight.

Magnolia leaf

Decorative view of bush peperomia with thick fleshy pagonami up to 30-40 cm in height. Egg-shaped leaves shiny with wax bloom 5-9 cm in size.

Color from dark green to soft green with cream or even pink edging. The flowers are small white and green and almost invisible.

Magnolia Pepermia prefers diffused sunlight and does not tolerate shifts and crossings. Therefore, find her a permanent place in your home.

Important! Do not forget about pests such as a spider mite, weevil or mealybug. When the enemy first appears, treat with complex insecticides, for example, "Aktara", "Actellic", "Bankol" and etc.


Peperomia ferreira - semi-succulent epiphytic plant in height reaching 30 cm. Thick shoots are densely covered with leaves, which are as if folded in half, and when viewed from above they resemble a star.

Color is light green or lime. This flower can be called the most economical, since the shape of its leaves prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture, which means there is no need for frequent watering. It requires moist soil, since it comes from the tropics, but it is not recommended to spray it. He likes fresh warm air with a temperature not lower than + 15 ° С.


Peperomiya crossworm She came to our homes from the tropical thickets of South America, where she loves to grow and climb on the bark of half-rotten fallen trees, creating a thick green carpet. The plant is a groundcover, but it also feels good in ampel pots. Prefers penumbra, because in the bright light of the sun leaves brighten.

Almond shaped stiff leaves in length 3-5 cm, have a dark green color with an emerald shimmer. This flower does not like frequent watering, but only in cases where the earth is already dry, but spraying is mandatory for it.

Did you know?Peperomia has a positive effect on the general atmosphere in the house, absorbing harmful toxins and formaldehydes, producing pure oxygen and enriching the air.


Peperomiya reddish (Peperomia rubella received) its name due to the red thin stems, on which the oval-shaped leaves with a green top and red inside grow. The bush is decorative, creeping, has strongly branched shoots. The whole shrub is covered with a delicate light fluff.


Peperomiya golovataya (Peperomia glabella) - a thick ampelous bush, which is covered with dark green oval leaves from 2 to 4 cm in length, unpretentious. The plant is creeping and "fade" in bright light. The shrub becomes pale green, and the stems, which in the penumbra have a red color, become pale pink.

Unpretentious in home care plants are: hibiscus, chlorophytum, cactus, zamiokulkas, spathiphyllum, sanseverra.


Peperomiya kuszylistnaya - one of the most decorative representatives of this genus. Thick, shortish stems end in bright, ovate leaves 8-12 cm long. The shade is light green with a variegated beige-red border. There are varieties with a yellowish or pink border.

Came to us from Venezuela and the Antilles, where it grows on the coasts or in the excavations of rocks. Prefers peaty soil.


Wrinkled peperomia (Peperomia caperata) came to us from Brazil and combines several decorative species.

They are similar in size, as a rule, up to 20 cm and heart-shaped leaves with deep grooves, completely justifying their name in appearance.

  • Lilian - one of the most famous types of shriveled peperomia due to its decorative effect. With a small size of the plant, the leaves have a green color with light green or cream grooves. A flower can be compared to a lily.
  • Shumi red it is distinguished by its wine-burgundy leaves with deep brownish grooves. It blooms with beige or white spikes that rise 10-12 cm above the bush.
  • Luna red It has a bright maroon color not only of the leaves, but also of the stems, as well as a compact form.
  • Rosso - It is a dense shrub up to 25 cm with elongated fleshy leaves and deep longitudinal veins. From above dark green, and from below saturated claret. At home it blooms quite rarely.
  • Abricos got its name in honor of the bright edging of apricot-colored leaves.
Pay attention to the state of the flower: bubbles on the leaves appear due to excessive watering, a pale and sluggish bush in summer means too bright lighting, brown spots on the plant indicate hypothermia or draft.


Turbid peperomia in natural habitat grows on rocks, on the trunks of rotting trees and on the coasts. This is a succulent with diamond-shaped green leaves, completely covered with white fluff. The leaves are arranged in whorls, that is, 4-5 leaves at the same height. From this and went the name of the species. It blooms in late May or June.


Among the types of peperomies, this one is distinguished by the largest size, as it grows up to 40 cm.

On a thick stalk sparsely arranged solid green leaves of a lancet-like shape with light streaks. Bottom leaves have a bright pink shade, covered with a light down.


Bare peperomia - this is an ampelous plant, it takes root very well in the house. The leaves are small, smooth and green, densely arranged on the stems of pink.

Good for dry indoor air and does not require frequent watering. Pretty weak root system, so use drainage of 5-6 cm.


Homeland peperomium silver is north of south america and venezuela. Low dense pagons with large thyroid leaves 5-10 cm in length, similar in color to the crust of watermelon.

Their colors are gray with a pearl shimmer, with dark green thick veins in the form of arcs running from base to tip.

It grows best on a mixture of sand, humus and leafy earth in a 1: 2: 2 ratio.


Pepperomia pit (Peperomia puteolata) is a small ampel bush with thin stalks of pink or burgundy color.

The leaves are striped, almond-shaped, have an emerald green color with light green veins. Brazil is considered the motherland.


Spotted Peperomia - This is an ornamental shrub, powerful stems reach up to 1 cm in diameter, remind everyone the well-known host.

The leaves are large, elongated and pointed at the end of 10-15 cm in size. The color is dark green, which contrasts effectively with the light streaks. Blossoms spikelets 40 cm high, maroon color. Habitat - Peru, Haiti.

Whatever variety of this quantity you choose, be sure that peperomia, with proper care, will delight you and your loved ones for a very long time!

Watch the video: Here Are 22 Super Easy House Plants Anyone Can Grow (January 2025).