How to plant and grow Floribunda roses

Floribunda roses are noble, abundantly flowering plants, the beauty of which can not convey any description. This variety is obtained by crossing hybrid-polyanthous, nutmeg and hybrid tea varieties. For the first time, Svend Poulsen took up this process in 1924, and after, other varieties of garden roses were added to the cross. And in 1952, the new variety was named "Floribunda".

Biological features of the Floribunda rose

This variety is a slender, erect plants with a height of 120 cm, sometimes slightly sprawling.

The flowers of this variety look like hybrid tea roses, but slightly smaller in size. But the shape can be very diverse: flat, goblet and in the form of a bowl.

Did you know? In ancient India, roses enjoyed a special honor. There was even a law that said that everyone who brought this flower to the king could ask him about anything.

Floribunda blooms long and abundantly (up to 10 flowers). They can be as simple, with shiny leaves, and terry.

Floribunda rose is not difficult to grow, is not afraid of frost, but if it even damages the plant, it will recover faster than other species. Compared with hybrid tea varieties, Floribunda is resistant to many diseases, for which it received some awards. This grade is used as an ornament of a site and for a cut. Gardeners appreciate Floribund for:

  • "self-cleaning" - flowers fall off on their own after flowering;
  • variety of sizes;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • many remontant varieties;
  • frost resistance;
  • opportunity to grow both in pots and on garden paths.
In addition, Floribunda blooms almost the entire season, delighting with bright flowers of various shades and exuding a pleasant aroma.

Popular varieties

Floribunda roses have many varieties and when choosing an option for their site, many gardeners are lost. We describe only the most popular:

  1. Carte Blanche. High (up to a meter) bushes are distinguished by thick decorative foliage. Flowers - medium-sized, terry, pure white. Carte Blanche blooms profusely from summer to autumn and only occasionally can be exposed to fungal diseases.
  2. Galaxy Low (70-80 cm) bushes bloom in medium-sized double flowers throughout the season. The color of the flowers is pastel-yellow, with a reddish edging along the edges. All the beauty of the flower can be seen only after the full blooming of the bud, which exudes the original fragrance of flaxseed oil.
  3. Blyuvender. It is a sprawling bush, up to 60 cm high. The stems are covered with shiny leaves of dark green color. Inflorescences consist of medium-sized pink and salmon terry flowers. This variety is often planted in the foreground. Blyuvender is resistant to certain diseases and is marked by many high awards.
  4. Blue Bazu. Differs very original flowers. On the stems a lot of tender bluish-lilac buds are formed. The variety is susceptible to air humidity, temperature changes and is not immune to various diseases. Unusual flowers make it popular with Blue Bage.
  5. Niccolo Paganini Bushes of this grade are powerful, decorative. Inflorescences - large with dark red classic roses. It is valued for its high disease resistance and is often used for decorating sites and making bouquets.
  6. Frisia. Bushes - dense, compact, in height to 70 cm. Blossoms fragrant bright yellow double flowers. A characteristic feature - the flowers do not fade even in the sun. It blooms the very first of the family of roses and pleases the eye until the frost.
  7. Lilly Marlene. It is grown in greenhouses almost all over the world. Low bushes - up to 70 cm, covered with smooth greenish foliage with bronze tint. The flowers are medium-sized, fiery-red, with a light aroma and slightly terry.
  8. Sangria. The new variety, which is characterized by unusual bright crimson bunk flowers. The lower petals are 6 cm in diameter, the upper ones are lightly pointed, densely assembled, and 3 cm in diameter. The brightness of the color is maintained throughout the season. This rose is practically not subject to diseases and can grow in any conditions.
  9. Stromboli. A vigorous straight bush, 70-80 cm high. It is characterized by smooth dark green leaves and bright red double-colored terry flowers. In the inflorescences are collected 3-10 buds, each of which has grooved, velvety petals. Aroma - weak.
Did you know? Not so long ago, undersized roses with small flowers were bred - Patio. For miniature varieties they have too large leaves and flowers, and, more often, they are classified as Floribund.

Reproduction: planting and rooting cuttings

You can propagate the roses by grafting or cutting. However, the best way for Floribunda is reproduction by cuttings.

Other flowers in the garden are propagated by cuttings: plumeria, brugmansia, chrysanthemum, clematis.

Cherenkovat need in the period when the shoots become stiff. To do this, cut the 8-centimeter cuttings, and it should be remembered that the cut from the top should be straight, and the bottom - at an angle of 45 degrees.

The hole for the seedling should be 15 cm in diameter, and the distance between the holes - 20-30 cm. On the one hand, the recess should be vertical, because only in this case the plant will turn out slender and erect. The cutting is half placed in the ground and covered with foil. Until the cuttings take root, they must be watered regularly, loosened the ground, fed and "given to breathe" (remove the film). For the winter, the cuttings are covered.

Important! The first buds need to be cut off - they prevent the root system from developing.
Planted in a permanent place can be in 3 years.

Floribunda Rose Planting: Preparing Pits and Soil for Planting Seedlings

This species loves rich in organic matter, well-drained soil. Only with a sufficient amount of mineral components, Floribunda roses develop greater vegetation and set up more generative buds.

Basically, Floribunda - unpretentious variety that quickly takes root. The main rule: the vaccination site should be buried 3 cm into the soil.

Before transplanting Floribunda, it is necessary to prepare the soil. To do this, take a bucket of sand, peat and humus and add 0.5 buckets of fine clay, some superphosphate fertilizers and bone meal. All this is poured into a pit prepared for planting. After planting, it is necessary to water the ground well and cover the soil with sawdust to retain moisture. When planting roses, you need to keep a distance. Otherwise, the number of flowers on each bush will decrease and the likelihood of the development of fungal infections will increase.

Since this variety loves the sun and fresh air, the landing area must be sunny and protected from cold winds. The best time to plant is spring.

Features of Floribunda Roses Care

All known Floribunda rose varieties need good lighting, and this must be taken into account when planting and caring for them.

How to conduct watering

A large amount of green causes a strong evaporation of moisture, and as a result - the loss of water. Therefore, the soil around the bush is desirable to mulch. This will not only preserve moisture, but also stop the growth of weeds.

It is necessary to water Floribund regularly, as the soil dries out. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the substrate is not over-humidified.

Important! We can not allow stagnant moisture and water on the buds and flowers.

How to conduct dressing

This variety should be fed several times during the season. The first time fertilizer applied in the spring. Subsequent feeding is carried out during flowering and every 2-3 weeks, until the rose does not bloom.

How to prune

Almost all types of roses require pruning. And Floribunda is no exception. Some of her varieties need to be cut stronger, while others will be fairly simple and even weak haircuts.

Thanks to pruning such positive points are achieved:

  • updated plant;
  • the bush is given a decorative shape;
  • blooms prolonged;
  • some diseases are prevented;
  • the number of buds increases.
The first, main pruning of Floribunda roses is done in the spring, as soon as the first leaves are blooming. On the strongest shoots, 2-4 active buds are left, leaving 10-20 cm long shoots. When spring pruned, shoots that are more than two years old should be cut.

If the shoots are weak, they leave only 1-2 healthy buds.

Important! With a strong pruning roses bloom in July-August, with a weak - in May-June.
The best is considered pruning, in which the branches remain 4-7 healthy buds. Summer pruning helps to prolong flowering.

How to cover for the winter

In order for Floribunda not to suffer from frost, she needs to provide shelter for the winter. To do this, do the following:

  • pruned all leaves and inflorescences;
  • pruning bushes to about 40-50 cm;
  • to a height of 30 cm they spud earth;
  • covered with natural materials: oak leaves, fir branches;
  • from above cover with nonwoven fabric.
If the winter is snowy, the bushes on top will be covered with snow and they will not be afraid of any frosts. As soon as the warm weather sets in, the shelter must be removed, otherwise the bushes may rot and rot.
Did you know? Today there are about 25 thousand varieties of roses and 30 garden groups.

Preventive treatment and treatment of diseases

Most often, the “old” Floribunda varieties suffer from fungal diseases. New species are 50-70% more resistant to powdery mildew and rust. Of course, diseased plants need to be identified and treated in a timely manner. Even better - to carry out prevention.

The simplest thing a gardener can do is a decoction of garlic, tobacco, or onions, which need to be sprayed with bushes.

You can handle roses and chemicals. Carry out this procedure in the morning, after dew has descended from the leaves. In the evening, you can also spray, only on the plant should not be moisture. Before processing the plant is watered abundantly.

Sick bush must be cut, to collect fallen leaves, weeds growing near and burn everything.

Before winter preparations, it is recommended to treat roses with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate, and in early spring - spray it with copper oxychloride solution. In addition, it is advisable to treat the secateurs with a disinfectant before pruning.

Compatibility with other plants

Due to its merits, Floribunda is in great demand. These roses look great as tapeworms in flowerbeds, with them you can make compositions and lay colorful spots in flower beds.

Did you know? If you plant lavender, nasturtium, calendula or marigold next to roses, you can scare away aphids and ticks. Garlic growing near Floribunda will prevent fungal diseases.

With the proper care of Floribunda roses and planting technology, from the beginning of summer until the very autumn you can admire the magnificent and bright colors.

Watch the video: How to plant and care for a rose floribunda (January 2025).