Scumpia: rules of planting and care

Sumpium - deciduous plant belonging to the bushes or trees, belongs to the Sumach family. Often used as a garden ornamental plant and for the production of yellow paint.

Types of Scumpy

The plant is represented by two types: skumampia ordinary and American.

Scumpia ordinary

Belongs to the family of binders, represented by shrubs, whose height can reach 5 meters. It is characterized by the presence of simple, alternate leaves. Their length varies between 3-8 cm, width is 3-4 cm. Leaves with solid edges, painted green on the upper side, and have a blue coloring on the lower side. During the warm season, their color changes and by the end of August becomes yellow. A shkumpiya shrub is a plant with brown flowers of a greenish shade, gathering in panicles. Gradually, you can observe the pulling of pedicels, leading to the appearance of a beautiful fluffy inflorescence. Over time, on the shrub appear fruits having an egg shape.

Did you know? In its homeland, in the USA, thanks to an unusual look, the plant was called the "American smoking tree".
This type of practical is not common in the territory of the CIS countries.

American Sumac

Represented by a small tree, ideal for creating landscapes. The length of the leaf is almost twice the length of the leaf of the wigwood tree, the plates have a rounded appearance, the length varies from 6 to 12 cm. During the flowering period, lush panicles can be observed, however, the obovate skumpia has smaller inflorescences. The leaves near the cutting are red and have a small down. In the autumn, the bush fully dresses in a fiery outfit, attracts the attention of passersby with its beauty.

If you have been looking for a beautiful ornamental shrub for a long time, which is unpretentious in care, you should pay attention to spirea, chubushnik, jasmine, dogrose, forsythia, lilac, hydrangea, mountain ash.

How to choose seedlings when buying

If you want your plot to be decorated with skumpiya, cultivation must be carried out according to certain rules. Only in this case, you can hope for a beautiful, long-lived plant.

When purchasing seedlings, it is worth choosing more adult specimens - they are easily adaptable, it will be easy to grow them. It is important to buy seedlings that have a closed root system, it will give the advantage to plant a bush at any time. Carefully inspect the shoots and leaves - damage to them is unacceptable. No need to purchase seedlings on the market or from random people. It is better to go to a specialized store, where you will be given advice on choosing the testes.

How to plant skumpiyu on the site

Before embarking on such work, it is necessary to examine when purple skumpia can be planted.

When to plant seedlings

Planting activities are held in early spring or autumn. It is necessary to choose such a moment that the plant could settle down before the frost or heat come. To choose the right period for planting, you need to pay attention to the root system: if it is open, it is necessary to urgently disembark. If you have purchased seedlings with a closed system, you can delay the landing.

If you like skumpiya, care and cultivation should be carried out, following certain recommendations.

The choice of location: lighting and soil

The plant prefers bright and sunny places. It is necessary to pick up the site, which will not blow the wind. A small shade does not hurt the bush, but most of the time it should be under the influence of sunlight. It is not recommended to plant near large trees, as they will close the plant from the sun.

Important! Sumpers of those varieties that have green foliage are more resistant to cold. Therefore, if you live in a region where there are often cold winds, you should choose this type.
Negatively on the growth of shrubs can affect groundwater. For landing a small elevation is ideal.

To grow well skumpiya, care in the open field should be careful. Rapid growth is provided in alkaline soil - it is important that it passes water and air. Weak acid, sod, loamy, sandy and forest land is quite suitable for the normal development of the plant. Don't forget to dig up the allotted territory before landing. Light and airy soil will promote rapid growth.

Preparation and planting seedlings

The landing process consists of several stages:

  • The preparation of the landing holes. They must be larger than the root system along with the ground. When planting several bushes, it is necessary to indent between them approximately 1-1.5 meters.
  • Carefully remove the seedlings from the container. You should not try to remove the clod of earth - so you damage the root system.
Important! When planting a plant, it is not necessary to fertilize the soil - the shrub will easily take root even without an extra substrate, which, when used in large volumes, can lead to the destruction of the bush.
  • To prevent water from stagnating in the well, it is necessary to equip the drainage layer. Suitable small stones, expanded clay.
  • On the drainage is to place a small layer of earth.
  • Then carefully place the seedlings in the hole and sprinkle.
  • At the final stage, it is necessary to water the seedlings.
Following the instructions, the disembarkation will be successful, and soon you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the bush.

Scumpia: use in landscape design

Scumpia in landscape design is used quite often, because it allows you to create an original, colorful composition.

  • In order for the bush to have an aesthetic appearance, it is important to maintain the shape of its crown.
  • The shrub is used both in single plantings and when creating a background.
  • Can be planted in rockeries.
  • Quickly absorbs polluted air, therefore it is recommended to disembark in a public garden.
Often the plant is used as a hedge.

To create a bright accent in the landscape design of the garden, the flower bed can be planted with multi-colored low-growing plants: daisies, violets, chrysanthemums, balsamic, hyacinths, pansies.

There are many options for the use of skumpii in design. Due to the wide flight of fantasy and the beauty of the bush, unique compositions are created.

Did you know? The plant is used for decoration of the premises: for the preservation of the inflorescences it is enough to spray them with hair styling varnish.

How to care for skumpii

Sumpa, described above, requires special care.

How to water

Watering seedlings should be moderate. Drought tolerated by the plant is much better than excessive moisture. The long core of the root system extracts water independently in the ground. Even with dry soil on the surface, the roots can be sufficiently moist. For frequent rains, it is recommended to rarely water the shrub.

When and how to feed

Do not abuse fertilizers. Too much organic matter can damage the root system. It will be enough to feed in early spring. When planting in poor soil, you can use nitrogen fertilizer in the spring, and during the summer months feed the soil with potash and phosphate fertilizers.

How to protect against pests and diseases

Skuma leather is resistant to various diseases and the appearance of pests. It is very rare to see a leaf beetle or a leaf skull on it. Karbofos helps well in pest control.

Important! Cut the bush under the stump, so its rejuvenation occurs, it acquires a spherical shape and quickly recovers.
Before using medications, consult a specialist.

How to prune

Pruning should be done every 2 years. It is better to postpone this event in the spring, before the new foliage. It is necessary to remove all the branches that were damaged during the winter, froze. Thus, the formation of the correct crown. If you have young skumpiya, pruning is 2/3.

How to cover for the winter

Before winter, the plant should be covered. Young bushes especially suffer from frosts. It is necessary to mulch the circle near the trunk using peat. You can use foliage or sawdust. After that, you need to cover him with spruce branches. With the onset of spring you need to timely remove the shelter, otherwise the sapling will scream. Sump and winter hardiness are incompatible concepts, this issue should be given special attention.

How to multiply skumpiyu at home

There are several methods of reproduction: seeds, cuttings and layering. Consider in detail each of them.

Growing from seed

Seed propagation is a rather complicated way. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to find the seeds of this plant. This method is used infrequently and mostly by breeders. Its negative side is the inability to maintain parental signs in an adult bush. The algorithm for obtaining skumpii for reproduction is as follows:

  • Sowing seeds can begin after harvest. Before that, they should be dipped in a solution of sulfuric acid. With the arrival of autumn, seeds are sown into the soil to a depth of 2 cm.
  • When planting in the spring, the process of stratification is carried out (they must be in the cold for several months).
  • Seeds are soaked in a solution of sulfuric acid and placed in a container. The latter is sent to the refrigerator, the temperature of which should not exceed 5 degrees.
  • The plot is sown in the spring.
The result of this laborious work can be seen after 12 months.

Did you know? The bush has anti-erosion and soil-protective properties, due to which the plant is actively used for planting shelter belts.
This method is complex and does not always give the desired results.


Sumpium is quite difficult to reproduce by this case it is worth adhering to certain rules. The method is rather complicated:

  • It is necessary to prepare green cuttings at the beginning of summer. Their height should be about 20 cm, kidneys are required.
  • Lower leaves are cut.
  • It is important to dip the cuttings in a solution that stimulates rooting for 12 hours.
  • Prepare the land consisting of sand, peat and good soil.
  • Move the cuttings to the ground and leave in greenhouse conditions.
It is important to air and water them daily.

Reproduction by layering

Easily and simply Royal skommpy multiplies by layering:

  • In the spring on a healthy plant, the closest branch to the ground is selected.
  • From the edge you need to retreat 35 cm and make a longitudinal section along the root.
  • Press the branch to the ground, fix it.
  • Pour in the prepared soil with the place of the cut, water it.
  • After the plant has taken root, you need to perform its detachment and landing in a prepared place.
Quite often this method of breeding skumpii occurs, feedback on performance can be found on forums on the Internet.
Important! According to statistics, when grafting, seedlings take root only in 30% of cases.
Due to its bright appearance, the plant often becomes the center of attention, and the number of people who want to learn more about it is rapidly increasing. The information specified in the article gives the basic concepts of what skumpiya is.

Watch the video: Instrumentala Bestiala cu Stanescu Scumpia Gheza Novac Mustati Valeriu Majorat 2016 (January 2025).