How to get rid of ants, instructions for combating pest using ammonia

Stereotypes acquired from childhood instill in us that ants are extremely useful insects. Alas, it is not. Home and black garden - these types of ants, settling in the house, garden or greenhouse, are able to deliver a lot of problems. Using liquid ammonia available to all, you can quickly get rid of ants for a long time.

Did you know? Ammonia - a solution of ammonia in water, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription. In the Renaissance, was used to lighten hair.

Ammonia in the country should be required. It is used not only for medical purposes. Ammonia is used in the garden as an affordable nitrogen fertilizer and pest remedy.

What harm do ants in the country

Rapidly multiplying, insect colonies literally occupy the entire territory accessible to them. At the same time, their nests are well hidden from human eyes, which makes it difficult to fight ants.

Did you know? The center of vital activity of any ant colony is a uterus capable of laying thousands of eggs. The task of the working ants is to get the maximum amount of food for it and many thousands of larvae.

Ants are not indifferent to sweets, so the summer stocks of products and the harvest of sweet berries are at risk. To obtain "building materials" ants gnaw holes in wooden structures, after which they require replacement or repair.

Harm from ants in the house

Having met in the kitchen of one small ant, it is difficult to understand why they were given the majestic name "Pharaoh ants". Stock up on ammonia from the ants, because in the house after a lone scout ant you can soon find whole ant paths.

It is possible to get rid of ants at the site and in the greenhouse with the help of chemical preparations Muravyin, Fufanon, and boric acid.

These uninvited guests settle under baseboards and other hard-to-reach places. The working ants are very small, 2-2.5 mm. Due to their multiplicity, they are able to flood the entire house. The harm from such a neighborhood is obvious:

  • Domestic ants carry the infection. Their paths pass through garbage cans and kitchen cabinets, while the bacteria are transferred to food. Due to the bites of ants, domestic animals and humans can become infected with infectious diseases, suffer from allergic reactions.
  • Spoil the products. If ants get to stocks of sugar, candy or sweet cookies, food will have to be thrown away. It will be unpleasant to find ants in honey or jam, to which they are not indifferent.
  • Puzzled by pets. Ants transfer their eggs to favorable places for their maturation. They can put them in a pet's fur or a poultry cage, bother and bite your pets, which is bad for their behavior.

Important! The use of strong chemicals against insects in the house, where there are allergies, children and pets, is not welcome.

An effective method of protection in this case will be ammonia from ants in the apartment. For 1 liter of boiled water you need a bottle of ammonia 100 ml. This solution wipe all surfaces, baseboards, tiles, process the internal surfaces of drawers and cabinets, bins and ventilation.

After airing the room for a person, the smell of ammonia will disappear, but the method works against ants because their smell is thousands of times stronger.

Harm to plants

Numerous and ubiquitous insects penetrate into the most remote corners of the garden, there are practically no obstacles for them. They suffer from plants, productivity decreases:

  • Digging under the ground, the ants damage the roots of plants: young saplings and seedlings are particularly affected.
  • Ants are omnivores, young leaves of seedlings and adult plants suffer from their jaws.
  • Ants spoil the harvest. The sugary fruits of plums, apricots, and other fruit trees damaged by ants become unsuitable for food and storage.
  • The tunnels, gnawed by ants in the trunks of garden trees, make the wood rotten, more accessible to other pests that damage trees.
Did you know? The most serious problem associated with ants is aphid. Sugar juice secreted by aphids is a valuable food for an ant colony. To get it as much as possible, the ants transfer the aphids from the plant to the plant, infecting the entire garden with it.

On the other hand, if aphid appeared in the garden, ants would soon appear. The use of ammonia in the garden and in the garden will help to simultaneously get rid of aphids and ants.

How to get rid of ants in the country: the use of ammonia

An aqueous solution of ammonia is indispensable in the country: the use of this tool allows you to destroy pests with minimal risk to plants and humans.

Important! Ammonia in concentrated form can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes, inhalation of ammonia vapors can harm the lungs. Ammonia should not be mixed with chlorine. It is necessary to work with ammonia in a well-ventilated area, using gloves, goggles and a mask.

Ammonia from insects in the country will help with bites. The reddened, itchy areas of insect bites are smeared with ammonia, diluted with 1: 3 water.

Watering an anthill

In order to get rid of ants from the site, you have to get rid of the anthill. Sometimes an anthill is excavated and transferred to another place, for example, to a forest, but this is not an easy procedure, and it is also highly likely that ants will return.

It is easier to force the ants themselves to leave the anthill, for which it is necessary to water ant heaps and places where there are many tunnels with ammonia. For this prepare a solution:

  • water - 5 liters;
  • ammonia - 2 tablespoons.

Another way: a fabric that well absorbs the liquid, impregnated with ammonia and put on an anthill. From above cover with dense fabric or polyethylene that ammonia did not volatilize. Insect scare away the unbearable smell of ammonia.

Read also about other pests: nematodes, mites, aphid, bark beetle, weevil, slugs, Putin's mite, ground beetle, cockchafer, mice.

Processing plants

The ammonia plant from ant plants is used in solution for spraying and watering:

  • Water - 10 l,
  • Ammonia - 10 ml.
With this solution they water the plants under the root. This solution is also a nitrogen fertilizer. For spraying of plants, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar are added to this composition, stirred until complete dissolution and spray the affected plants.

Destroying aphids, you can quickly get rid of ants. To destroy aphids mixed such components:

  • ammonia - 50 ml;
  • water - 10 l;
  • liquid soap - 10-15 ml.

This composition is abundantly sprayed with affected plants.

How to prevent the emergence of ants in the country, practical tips

In order for ants not to start in a country house, it is necessary to follow simple rules of hygiene:

  • Store sugar, sugary foods and drinks in containers inaccessible to ants: tightly closed jars, bags, bottles.
  • Store meat products in the refrigerator, do not leave them on the table and in places where ants can penetrate.
  • Immediately after eating, wash dishes, cutlery, wipe the table, not leaving crumbs and food residue on it.
  • Keep the trash bin outside the country house, regularly throw garbage.

For the prevention of the appearance of ants in the country use smells that scare away insects:

  • The ammonia from the ants in the garden will help as a means of "two in one": the prevention of insect invasion and plant nutrition. To do this, every 2 weeks in water for irrigation add 1 tablespoon of ammonia to a bucket of water.
  • Tobacco dust. On the paths of ants found at the site, scatter this tool. The smell of tobacco ants can not stand.
  • Citrus. Fresh peel and the smell of citrus scares not only aphids, but also ants.
  • Garlic. When thinning and removing arrows of garlic, they can be decomposed on the site for the prevention of an invasion of ants.
  • Wormwood, tansy, mint. Plant these herbs on the plot, and spread their cut flowers under bushes, trees. Their natural smell will scare away not only ants, but also mice.
Every gardener wants to protect his house and garden from all evils. Calcium in the garden and garden house will help to cope with this task.

Watch the video: How To Get Rid of Ants Naturally 3 Ways To Kills Ants (December 2024).