The use of rape honey: the benefits and harm

Rape - This is an annual plant honey plant known for its fragrance. From rapeseed flowers, blooming at the end of spring, people extract oil, and bees make honey of amazing qualities. In addition, this crop is grown for the production of biofuels and as feed for livestock. However, despite the many beneficial properties and low cost, rapeseed has a negative effect on the soil, which is why it is impossible to sow it in the same place on a regular basis, and therefore the harvest of such honey in the home apiary cannot be obtained every year. (although the yield of honey from one g of rape reaches 90 kg).

Characteristics and features of rape honey

Rape honey is quite popular in Europe, but has not yet become widely spread in our country. Meanwhile, rapeseed honey has unique beneficial properties that have been proven by scientists in developed countries. Suffice it to say that, for example, most of the honey produced in Canada is rapeseed. It is easy to distinguish rapeseed from any other type of honey by its external features. It is very thick (there is little water in it, and it dissolves poorly in it), opaque, has a very light color. After crystallization becomes white, acquiring a fine-grained structure. Almost instantaneous crystallization is the second reason after the irregularity of rapeseed sowing, the rarity of rapeseed honey in our country. If the beekeeper did not have time to pick up the honeycombs, as soon as they were sealed, the pumping of honey from them turns into a big problem. At the same time, even in time, the extruded honey is kept liquid for no more than four weeks.

Sometimes, because of such inconvenient properties, rape honey is not sold at all, leaving it to bees as feed. Rape honey is also used to accelerate the crystallization of other varieties of honey. Although European beekeepers act more constructively: beat the rapeseed honey to a creamy state and then implement it. Taste difference of rape honey from other varieties is a pronounced bitterness, left by them as a long aftertaste. On the first sensations the product is very sweet, but otherwise quite tender and pleasant to the taste. Rape honey is not very fragrant, but its harsh smell is quite good.

Did you know? The controversial attitude of many consumers to rapeseed honey is due to the fact that the overwhelming amount of rapeseed sown in the fields has undergone gene modification. The official version of the scientists is that rape honey does not belong to genetically modified products, since rape pollen as such it contains a minimum amount (from 0 to 0.2%).

Continuing the description of rape honey, it should be said that it is more prone to fermentation processes than other varieties, which not only determines the additional rules for storing this product, but also excludes the purchase of it in large quantities. In addition, because of the poor solubility, rapeseed honey is not suitable for use in cocktails and other dishes that involve mixing with liquid.

Caloric content and chemical composition of rape honey

The calorie content of rape honey is quite high. 100 g of honey contains 329 kcal, which approximately 15% covers the daily energy requirement of a healthy person. If we talk about the volume units that are understandable to everyone, then a glass (250 ml) of such honey contains more than 1200 calories, so you shouldn’t definitely abuse this delicacy. Carbohydrates in this honey more than 80%, less than 1% of proteins, no fat.

The chemical composition of rape honey, as studies have shown, is represented by such elements as water (about 19%); sugar - cane, fructose, glucose, polysaccharides (up to 80%), organic acids and their salts, essential oils, enzymes, hormones, ash. In addition, the composition of rape honey includes elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sodium (the list is presented in descending order). Rapeseed honey is also rich in ascorbic acid and a wide range of B vitamins: 2, 3, 5, 6, 9. By the amount of glucose (more than 50%), rapeseed honey is the champion among all other beekeeping products. It is also believed that the composition of the trace elements in this product is absolutely unique and has no analogues in nature. And yet rape honey compared to other varieties is not considered particularly valuable.

How to check the naturalness of rape honey when buying

It should be recognized that it is difficult even to a specialist to determine by eye the naturalness and even more so the quality of honey in general and rapeseed honey in particular. The fact is that the main characteristic of honey is the breed of bees that produced it, and also, in fact, what it ate. For example, adding powdered sugar to bees in feed, even in minimal amounts, dramatically reduces the amount of beneficial enzymes in a product.

There are other factors. So, no one except the beekeeper knows if his bees were sick, and if so, what medicines were used to treat them. The presence of antibiotics in honey is not the best indicator of its quality. But the crystallization (saccharification) of rape honey in no way reduces its beneficial properties and, rather, is in favor of the product. The main thing is that the honey is fresh.

Did you know? The acquisition of crystallized rapeseed honey is not only safe, but even recommended from the point of view of its benefits, because the liquid state of rape honey is a short-term phenomenon, and to prolong it, unscrupulous sellers sometimes resort to various tricks. So, when heated, honey melts, but not only loses all its healing qualities, but can even turn into poison (hydroxymethylfurfural, which is formed in honey during long-term storage and when heated above 60 degrees, depresses the nervous system, and in large doses can cause paralysis).

Therefore, the best way to purchase high-quality honey is to use proven contacts (a beekeeper’s friend, friends' recommendations, a trustworthy store or an online resource). In addition, it is very important to see once a real quality product, carefully examine and taste it, remember its flavor. In this case, fraudsters will be much harder to deceive you.

When you first meet with rape honey, you can use its description (color, taste, aroma) given above, but you can count on this method only as a last resort. There are, however, some common signs that are recommended to pay attention when buying honey, in order to evaluate its naturalness and freshness. They can also be taken into account. At the same time, it is necessary to activate four senses - sight, touch, smell, taste.

Rape honey, as mentioned, is very light, almost white. Muddy shade, sediment, stratification - a reason to abandon the purchase, as well as foam, which indicates that the honey is not ripe or began to ferment. Too liquid consistency in relation to other varieties of honey indicates more of their freshness, but rapeseed honey cannot be liquid. If you take honey in a spoon and raise it, it should flow with a heavy wave or a thin thread (depending on the volume of the spoon), but in no case should it drip. In addition, falling down from the spoon, real honey first forms a hill on the horizontal surface, which slowly spreads along the plane, rather than spreading along it in a puddle. A more viscous form and even complete crystallization is a completely normal phenomenon. But the product structure should be of the same type. If wax is present in honey, this indicates a collection that is not quite accurate, but not about the poor quality of the product. The "correct" rape honey can be defined by weight. In one liter of volume should contain about 1.66 kg of honey. If a liter jar weighs less - honey, most likely, diluted.

Important! Knowing when rapeseeds bloom and how quickly rapeseed honey crystallizes, it is safe to say that in August, real rapeseed honey can only be sold in bars. If under the guise of such honey you are offered a liquid product - you should not buy it!

Hint to determine honey by touch: if the product is rubbed into the skin when rubbed with fingers, everything is in order, while the formation of the pellet indicates the presence of extraneous additives. Now smell the product. Any natural honey smells nice. If you do not know the characteristic specific aroma peculiar to honey obtained from rapeseed pollen, be guided by the first sensation: the more syrup mixed into the product, the more unpleasant, artificial smell it has.

Last check - taste. Despite the fact that honey from rape has a bitterness, it can neither be too bitter, nor all the more sour. Some irritation should be felt in the throat caused by the tartness of the honey, but any other unpleasant taste sensations are a reason to suspect a fake or ingress of extraneous additives.

Proper storage of rape honey

As was said, rape honey crystallizes very quickly and, moreover, is highly susceptible to fermentation processes, which requires particularly strict adherence to the storage rules of this product. So, if other types of honey are simply recommended to be protected from light and heat, then honey from rape should be stored in the refrigerator or in another cool and dark place. Properly chosen packaging is the second condition for proper storage of honey. For these purposes it is good to use a wooden, earthenware or ceramic container, but conifer dishes should be avoided. Also acceptable is glass packaging. All of these materials are not chemically active, and therefore will not affect the change in the quality of honey.

Important! In no case can not store honey in plastic or in metal vessels.

Whatever honey container is chosen, it must be fitted with a tight-fitting lid and always remain tightly sealed.

Useful and curative properties of rape honey

Rape honey has numerous beneficial properties and, moreover, is quickly absorbed by the body, which allows it to be used for the prevention and treatment of various painful conditions. The effectiveness of this product, taken without any additional treatment, for the treatment of oral inflammations, in particular, stomatitis and gingivitis, is undeniably proven.

Iodine contained in honey has a stabilizing effect on the endocrine system, which very few products in our latitudes can boast. The healing effect has an ointment made from rape honey, it is used to treat ulcers that occur on the background of diabetes. In addition, rape honey reduces the attacks of toxicosis in women, helps them cope with hormonal changes, including during menopause, and even with infertility, and for men it will be nice to know about the ability of this product to improve potency.

Rape honey is almost invaluable in its ability to excrete heavy metals and other harmful substances from the body, which makes it an indispensable additive in the diet of residents of megacities and industrial regions. At the same time, rape honey is less allergenic than other bee products. This allows more widely to use honey from rape to restore immunity, as well as an expectorant and antispasmodic, in particular, for various respiratory diseases, and the use of honey for the throat is beyond anyone’s doubt. Rape honey also has the ability to regenerate tissues, and this property is used not only for internal but also for external use of the product: You can make compresses with rape honey, which help to quickly restore the skin after a burn, wound or other troubles. The considered honey variety is also used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular, ulcers and gastritis), liver and biliary tract. Rape honey is also very useful for the intestines: the secretion is normalized, the microflora improves, the composition of enzymes is restored, intestinal colic is relieved, and constipation is reduced.

Rapeseed honey is also used for low hemoglobin, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, obesity, arterial pressure disorders, coronary heart disease, myocardial dystrophy. This honey has a tonic effect on the circulatory and cardiovascular systems, improving the elasticity of blood vessels and reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood. Due to the very high glucose content, rape honey has the ability to help the body recover quickly after a heavy physical or emotional stress.

Rape honey as a cure for diseases: use in traditional medicine

Rape honey has found wide application not only in traditional, but also in traditional medicine. For example, with radiculitis and rheumatism, it is recommended to grind a sore spot with a preparation obtained in the following way: in the black radish root a conical groove is cut, which is filled with honey. After a few hours, the healing juice extracted from the radish is mixed with honey, and the syrup can be used as intended. By the way, in the same way you can get an excellent tool for the treatment of throat and improve immunity for colds.

To get rid of the symptoms of a runny nose, a small piece of crystallized honey is placed in the nose, after which you need to take a horizontal position for at least a quarter of an hour. A slight burning sensation, felt in the nose, is normal and goes away quite quickly. The manifestations of atherosclerosis can be dealt with as follows: a neatly melted (if necessary) glass of rapeseed honey is mixed with the same amount of juice from onions (the onion needs to be grated and squeezed out the juice). The medicine is taken three times a day one hour before or three hours after meals.

A separate topic is the treatment of honey with alcohol addiction. The fact is that the body depleted of alcohol suffers an acute shortage of many trace elements, in particular, in potassium. In this case, the lack of potassium, in turn, increases the craving for alcohol, as a result, a person falls into a vicious circle. Honey, including made from rape, helps the body to restore the balance of trace elements and vitamins. This effect can be achieved only by taking a couple of teaspoons of honey per day. But you can use a three-day honey diet specially developed for alcoholics: on the first and third day, take six times three teaspoons of rape honey every two hours; in the second - six teaspoons three times a day. Half a teaspoon of honey dissolved in a glass of water should be taken every hour during the binge to prevent dehydration. It is necessary, however, to understand that honey is not a panacea for the treatment of a disease, its effect is more aimed at prevention and cannot replace serious therapy for exacerbations and other conditions requiring unconditional medical intervention.

The use of rape honey in cosmetology

As it was said, rape honey has regenerating properties, therefore it has a very beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenates and renews it. It is not surprising that rape honey is widely used in the cosmetic industry: based on it, various creams, lotions, scrubs and shampoos are made. In addition, in beauty salons this product is used for various anti-aging procedures, cleansing, as well as for healing wounds and scars, getting rid of acne, acne and other skin diseases. But since such preparations and procedures are not cheap, you can make a cosmetic product from rapeseed honey and at home. Rejuvenating facial mask do this: beat egg white, add two tablespoons of flour and one teaspoon of honey. Carefully apply on face, leave for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. For the treatment of acne in adolescents, honey is mixed with onion juice in equal proportions. We apply a compress on problem areas of the skin and leave for half an hour. Rinse the juice from the face should be boiled water. The procedure is repeated daily for two weeks.


When mindlessly using rapeseed honey can bring not only benefit but also harm. First of all, This product is less allergenic compared to other varieties of honey, but this does not mean that it is not at all allergic to it. Therefore, any procedures based on rapeseed honey should be carried out with utmost care and only after making sure that you are not experiencing individual intolerance to this product. A special risk group consists of pregnant women and small children (up to a year, honey in children’s nutrition is generally excluded).

Important! Аллергическая реакция на рапсовый мед может проявляться в виде высыпания на коже (если игнорировать симптомы, через некоторое время сыпь превращается в сочащиеся язвы), насморка, отека лица, приступов бронхиальной астмы и удушья, в особо сложных случаях может возникнуть анафилактический шок.

Secondly, you can not self-medicate, including honey, in the presence of signs of acute illness. Honey is a great opportunity to strengthen the body and its problem areas, but this product will not replace professional medical care! An overdose in the intake of honey, given its high caloric content and the huge amount of fructose contained in it, can cause obesity, diabetes, caries. Therefore, people suffering from diabetes should take honey with extreme caution, and in the period of exacerbation, exclude this product from the diet.

Summarizing, we can say that rape honey is certainly a useful product for the human body. But only under the condition that it is fresh, natural, properly stored and taken in moderation and with the observance of elementary precaution.

Watch the video: Dangers of Rapeseed: Canola Oil (January 2025).