Unusual ways to grow cucumbers

Many novice gardeners often wonder how to plant berries, fruit trees, and vegetables in a small area and at the same time harvest enough of the crop. We offer you some interesting ways. planting cucumbers.

Did you know? The homeland of common cucumber is tropical and subtropical regions of India, the foot of the Himalayas, where it still grows in natural conditions.

How to grow cucumbers in bags or bags

This method is quite easy. To do this, you can use a tight bag or plastic bag. It should be 120 liters. Suit even a bag of sugar. You will also need a two-meter wooden stick, 30 m of thick cord or fishing line, three-meter hollow tubes (diameter - 30 cm), tent pegs (10 pieces), an earthen mixture for planting cucumbers. Before planting cucumbers in bags, you need to carry out preparatory work. A pair of nails should be nailed to the top of the wooden stick. It is necessary for attaching a cord or fishing line. In each hollow tube, several holes are drilled along the entire length in a checkerboard pattern. The bag or bag must be placed vertically on the site of your choice and filled with an earthen substrate. A wooden stick is placed in the center of the bag, and hollow tubes are stuck around it. On either side of the package, you need to make cuts with a knife and plant seedlings in them. In each bag should be 3 seedlings of cucumber.

Hollow tubes with holes will serve you as an aqueduct, that is, they will be an irrigation system. They are filled with water or liquid feed. Determine whether you need watering cucumbers, you can as the land in the notches bag. In the heat of cucumbers need to be watered regularly and every day. In the cool summer will be enough once a week.

Support for cucumbers should be installed when they start to let the first antennae. The support will be the pegs for the tent, which are installed around each bag. Then you need to attach one end of the fishing line to the top of the wooden stake, and the other end to the peg. On it cucumber tendrils and whips will wind. The advantages of this method are many, but the main thing is that cucumbers in bags feel great, and the planting does not require much effort.

The advantages of such a landing:

  1. Saving space on the site.
  2. It is convenient to harvest and care for cucumbers.
  3. Cucumbers ripen earlier and always clean.
  4. In the ground water lasts longer.
  5. Cucumbers are protected from rodents, parasites and diseases.
  6. The earth is always full of nutrients.

But there are also disadvantages of such a landing:

  1. At the beginning of the season there are problems with the construction of vertical beds.
  2. When overmoistening on cucumbers and bags, various fungal diseases develop.
  3. The necessary materials for planting are not always at hand.

Did you know? Cucumber appeared in the culture of more than 6 thousand years ago.

How to grow cucumbers in a barrel

One of the newest ways of planting cucumbers is growing vegetables in a barrel. This method is the easiest and most popular among gardeners. All you need is big drums with holes. If they are not in containers, you can do it yourself. These holes are needed to feed the ground air.

Barrels are prepared in advance. They need to fill 2/3 of organic waste, which were previously mixed with the ground, and watered with water. The last layer is the earth, which is covered with a layer of 10 cm. We will plant seeds here. In the center of the barrel you need to dig a two-liter bottle without bottom and cork, neck down. With it, you will water cucumbers and apply liquid fertilizer. Top of the barrel must be closed with food wrap. This is done to create a greenhouse effect. Thanks to him, the seeds will ripen faster.

Growing cucumbers in such containers has many advantages:

  1. Saving space on the site.
  2. Convenience in harvesting and care.
  3. Plants do not freeze, as they are high above the ground.
  4. Overripe humus provides the necessary nutrients to cucumbers, and feeding them is not necessary.
  5. When decomposed, organic fertilizers produce heat, which ensures good growth of cucumbers.
  6. Early harvest.
  7. Scourge and mustache cucumbers do not need to tie.
  8. Plants do not get sick and do not need chemical treatment with drugs and stimulants.

There are also disadvantages of such a landing:

  1. There are not always the right barrels.
  2. Regular watering, as the processing of organic fertilizers requires a large amount of water.

Did you know? In the Bible, cucumber is mentioned as an Egyptian vegetable.

How to grow cucumbers in plastic bottles

This method allows gardeners to harvest large quantities of crops. Also, using plastic bottles, you can grow cucumbers at home on the balcony.

There are many ways to grow cucumbers in plastic bottles:

  1. Vertical garden.
  2. Growing early cucumbers.
  3. Economical option of growing cucumbers in plastic bottles.
  4. The original method of growing in cups of plastic bottles.
  5. Landless growing method using toilet paper.

We will consider all the options, and you can choose for yourself the most convenient. The first method is suitable for a small garden. To do this, you will need plastic bottles, a vertical surface, earth and fastening to the wall. Plastic bottles with a cut edge are attached horizontally to the wall and filled with earth. In the slots planted seeds. Between the bottles stretch the rope. This will help keep the bottles still and they will not fall in strong winds. With regular feeding and watering, the vertical cultivation of cucumbers will bring you a bountiful harvest.

For the cultivation of early cucumbers using plastic bottles, seed preparation should first be carried out. With proper use of this method, gardeners harvest at the end of June. A rag in which you will germinate cucumber seeds should be soaked in a preparation to stimulate growth. Seeds are not immediately put into it, they are pre-soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.

In mid-April, you need to make a marking of the bed, dig it and water it with a solution of chicken manure. A few days later, a liter jar of ash is scattered in the garden and the ground is dug up. In the middle of the beds you need to make a groove with a depth of 10 cm and a width of about 30 cm. At a distance of about 20 cm from the garden you need to make small holes and pour a hot solution of potassium permanganate. In these wells spread on 3 cucumber seeds. Top of them need to sprinkle with soil and tamped palms. Then you need to cut plastic bottles and place them in each well. Seeds should be inside it. From above such bottles are warmed with lutrasil. Then you need to put the arc and pull the film on them. With proper watering and dressing in a week, the first shoots appear. After this has happened, you need to open the bottle caps and pour warm water around the ground. The film needs to be opened. After the sprouts grow so that they no longer fit in the bottle, they are removed.

The economical method is the most unusual way to grow cucumbers, as they can be grown with minimal financial costs. To do this you will need a greenhouse frame and rope. They extend to the metal frame of the greenhouse and are mounted on top. Under the greenhouse you need to dig a trench and fill it with chicken droppings. From above, the trench is covered with earth for 10 cm. A shallow groove is made in it, which must then be filled with boiling water.

After the earth has cooled, seed is planted. In a plastic bottle you need to pour boiling water and put it in the ground next to the sown seeds. Then you need to prikopat bottles a little, and cover the crops on top of the old film. The first shoots will appear in a week and will quickly grow and curl along the ropes.

Original cucumber beds can be obtained using cups of plastic bottles. This method is convenient because it is comfortable to take care of plants. Before planting, you need to prepare the soil. At the site they dig a small hole 70 cm deep and fill it with grass. Above the ground watered with hot water and poured earthy mixture. Then you need to make a small hole with the sides, which make ash and manure. In each hole you need to put two shoots in cups with holes in the bottom. They are deepened so that the edge of the cup protrudes above the ground. Holes help the roots get nutrients and moisture from the soil.

Above the bed you need to install the arc and pull the film. She is removed in the second half of June. Along the edges of the beds stack two-meter wooden bars. Two long racks are attached to them. One should be positioned vertically, and the other mounted at an angle. You should have a right triangle. From each other, triangular slats are fixed at a distance of 35 cm. This design should be similar to a ladder. As soon as the cucumbers start to curl, they are tied up to the steps of the "stairs". This allows the cucumbers to come out on the sunny side. Landless way using toilet paper allows you to grow cucumbers and other vegetables in your apartment on the windowsill. You will need the bottom of a plastic bottle, plastic film, toilet paper and a spray bottle.

The film should be cut into strips 15 cm wide. Put toilet paper on each strip and moisten with water from the sprayer. Spread the seeds on top at a distance of 2.5 cm from each other. They need to cover with toilet paper and a strip of film. This design is neatly rolled into a roll and placed in a trimmed bottle.

Important! The roll should not be on the bottom of the bottle, but on top.

At the bottom of the bottle you need to pour water to a height of 2.5 cm and put on the window sill. Water should be changed frequently so that it does not stagnate. In a week, the first shoots will sprout, and when the first leaves appear, seedlings can be transplanted into the open ground. The roll before this unfolds, the top strip is removed.

Growing cucumbers in bottles has several advantages:

  1. This saves watering, because the water gets to its intended purpose and does not spread throughout the garden.
  2. The rim of the bottle protects the roots of cucumbers from diseases.
  3. Weeds do not interfere with the development of cucumbers.

Did you know? The Greeks depicted cucumbers on the frescoes of the oldest shrines, as the healing food cucumbers were recommended by Theophrastus and Dioscorides. And as Avicenna wrote, they are especially useful for the prevention of diseases of the stomach and liver, better than others quench thirst and relieve fever.

Growing cucumbers in a tent or hut

The next idea for growing cucumbers is quite original. At first such bed is similar to a bed, and then reminds a small hut. Cucumber seeds need to be planted in the holes on the meter bed. Low pegs or hooks are instilled near each pit. In the center of the flower bed you need to dig a tube with a length of 3 m to a depth of 1 m. At the top of the pipe hooks should be attached. From them to the lower pegs stretch a thin cord or wire. This mount should be covered with a transparent film, which is removed after the spring cold. Such a tent for cucumbers is not difficult to do with your own hands, and the result will be a bountiful harvest. Also, it will serve as a good decoration for the entire site.

This tent has the following advantages:

  1. It becomes a decoration on the site.
  2. Cucumbers are in excellent condition, they are convenient to pluck and do not need to be washed.
  3. Hut saves space on the site.

There are also disadvantages of such cultivation:

  1. It requires some financial costs to buy additional materials.
  2. The assembly of the structure requires a lot of time and effort.

Growing cucumbers on the trellis

Popular methods of cucumber cultivation include the use of a trellis. This method is quite effective and proven by many gardeners. We start with planting seeds in the beds. They should be parallel to each other at a distance of 1.5 m. Between them, 25 cm should be left. As soon as cucumbers grow to 10 cm, they begin to install a trellis. It can be made of wood, metal or using a tire and wheel rim. Wood is made of flexible branches or vystugannyh rails. It looks like a Swedish wall. From the slats make cells 15 cm wide. The slats must be at least 4 cm, and the horizontal pillars must be at least 6 cm. Vertical crossbars are 5 cm in size. The slats are knocked into a rhombus or a square with self-tapping screws. Then they are attached to the base of the bars. This option will decorate any area.

In order to make a metal trellis from reinforcement, you need to dig two tubes into the ground on both sides of the bed (each one is 2 m long). The installation depth is approximately 40 cm. In order for the support to stand firmly in the ground, it must be driven into the ground by 20 cm with a hammer. A horizontal crossbar should be fixed with electric welding. On two sides of the garden they drive in pegs and stretch the string. Such a structure is coated with a primer to prevent rust. The bolt can also be made from a wheel rim and tire. One side of the tire is trimmed and placed on the landing site. In it you need to insert a crosswise two rods. They should be a convex arc outward. Inside this tire should be filled with soil and cover with a cut bag. The edges of the bag can be turned under the wheel. Cut holes in the bag and plant seeds in them. Then it is covered with agrofibre.

Important! During irrigation or loosening, the agrofiber can be lifted.

As soon as cucumbers grow to 30 cm, the bag and agrofibre can be removed. In the center should install a pole with a horizontally fixed wheel rim. From the bus to him pull the wire.

This method has several advantages:

  1. Harvest is convenient to collect, and cucumbers are always clean and dry.
  2. The bed for cucumbers is located in an open area and is well ventilated.
  3. Garden beds are always provided with heat and sunlight.

There are disadvantages of this design:

  1. Financial costs are required to buy mesh, splits, slats and poles.
  2. It takes a lot of physical effort and free time.
  3. Lodges need to regularly loosen.

Growing cucumbers under black film

Growing vegetables, including cucumbers, under a black film will take a lot of pleasure and bring a bountiful harvest. To do this, you will need black plastic film, organic waste, small branches, ash, EM-preparations, sand and humus. In such a greenhouse, cucumbers are grown in seedlings.

Beds need to dig in advance. They should be 60 cm wide. Mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil. In the middle of the beds you need to make a furrow for watering with the help of a rake. A bed without manure will not give a good harvest, therefore it is better to add any organic matter to the surface of the bed. The bed is covered with a film with a width of 1 m. Under the film at the beginning of the bed you need to install a bottle with the bottom cut off by the neck inside. You will need it for watering. The edges of the film sprinkled with earth. On the film should be done in two rows of cutting crosswise. They are watered, and when the water is absorbed, one seed of cucumber is planted into this hole to a depth of 2 cm. Then the holes should be covered with two handfuls of earth. Water cucumbers should be once a week. In order to get an early harvest in April or May, you need to make a re-design, just fix the film layer on top of the arc.

The advantages of black film are as follows:

  1. Savings on pesticides.
  2. Under the film creates an excellent microclimate, which makes it possible to harvest early.
  3. Weeds do not jam the harvest.
  4. Saving water consumption for irrigation of the crop.
  5. Environmentally friendly products are grown.

Did you know? On July 27, the International Day of Cucumber is celebrated. It was on this day that the cucumber festival was first organized in Suzdal.

These methods are quite original and unusual, but they will help you save space on the site and get a bountiful harvest of cucumbers.

Watch the video: WOW! Amazing Agriculture Technology - Cucumbers (January 2025).