Hardy chickens with a beautiful character - Red and Black Star breeds.

Chickens Red and Black Star are egg breeds. They differ from other hens of the same type by increased egg productivity, excellent endurance and excellent character, which allows keeping them together with other poultry in the poultry house.

Red and Black Star chickens were obtained by crossing aboriginal American chickens between themselves.

As a result of artificial selection, breeders wanted to get a breed capable of carrying the maximum possible number of eggs, consuming the minimum amount of feed.

In 1950, scientists managed to get the first individual, and after a while - Black. This breed of chickens was named because of the characteristic color of the plumage.

The Red Star is redder, and the Black Star is dark gray or black. And indeed, this breed of chickens began to carry far more eggs than all its predecessors. Soon the owners of large poultry farms became interested in it.

Breed description Red and Black Star

The hens of the Red and Black Star breed differ from each other only in the color of their plumage. Red Star hens have reddish plumage, and roosters have light.

This allows farmers to determine the sex of the birds immediately after hatching. Rooster chickens are characterized by golden yellow down, and chickens have brown stripes on their backs.

As for the Black Star chickens, they have the same sexual differentiation in color even at the very early age: the roosters are black in color, and the chickens are red-headed with dark heads.

Chickens of both breeds have a medium-sized body with lush plumage. The chest is not very big, rounded. The back is of medium thickness, almost immediately goes into a short neck.

On it is a small head with a bright red non-perennial face. The eyes of both breeds are red or orange-red. Crest stands directly in chickens and roosters. The number of teeth on the ridge can vary from 4 to 6. Round earrings and ear lobes are colored red.

The tail is medium in size. Roosters do not have long braids, therefore the tail is almost the same as that of the hens of this breed. The wings are small, tightly pressed to the body, but slightly protrude at the shoulders. Legs are of medium length, light yellow color, hips are small. Slender fingers spread widely.

Cross Hens Hisex was bred specifically to produce more eggs.

Read more about what the Touzo chickens stand out here: //selo.guru/ptitsa/kury/porody/sportivno-dekorativnye/tuzo.html.


Both breeds of chickens have a pleasant calm character. Because of this, they quickly become attached to their master, becoming a real pet.

These chickens themselves go to contact a person from a very early age. Subsequently, they grow into adults, which can sit comfortably on the lap of the owner of the backyard. For this reason, it is suitable for maintenance at the cottage.

These are very active birds. They prefer to spend all their free time on the run., collecting insects, greens and seeds. Chickens get along well with other poultry, so they can safely be released into the common courtyard.

Ei chickens are perfect layers. They can lay up to 300 eggs per year.. However, they do not need special feed additives.

In addition, they almost never suffer from colds. Even young animals feel great here in any conditions: in the cold and during the heat. This allows poultry breeders to spend less on fodder and heating the house.

A nice feature is the simplicity in determining gender, even in the early stages of development. Chickens and roosters differ in color: blacks are only roosters, and reds are only hens. For this reason, the farmer will immediately be able to estimate the number of females and males in the future livestock.

They have certain disadvantages. Immediately it should be noted that these chickens love to eat a lot. Because of this, some individuals in the livestock can suffer from obesity. To avoid this, farmers need to give a smaller amount of feed to the chickens. The rest of them can easily be found during walking.

Chickens are characterized by increased activity, so they often try to take off to the fence, trying to fly it. This fact must be taken into account, since all the livestock of chickens may simply spread over the territory.

In no case can they be kept in cramped and closed poultry houses. From lack of space, birds can become aggressive, which in the future may cause slander and cannibalism among livestock.

Content and cultivation

Chickens beautifully tolerate any weather conditions, but this does not mean that birds can be kept in closed enclosures or small and uncomfortable poultry houses.

These breeds are best grown in spacious yards, covered with a special grid. It will not allow particularly active chickens to fly out of the site. Also, the net or canopy will protect the bird from all possible predators.

To improve egg production, laying hens can give crushed eggshell and chalk. This will help their body to quickly replenish the costs of calcium, which is involved in the formation of egg shell.

In the cold season, the population of chickens can be given additional vitamin supplements, and the rest of the feeding of chickens is the same as in other egg breeds.


The live weight of roosters usually does not exceed 3, and in chickens from 2.5 kg. Layers can lay on average from 250 to 300 eggs, and their productivity never sharply decreases.

In the second year of life, chickens carry 250-280 eggs. On average, each egg weighs from 70 g. For incubation, you can select 70 g eggs.


Instead of these on the site you can start Leggornov. They are still considered champions in the number of eggs laid.

Laying eggs can lay 300 eggs per year, and in some individuals, this number can increase significantly due to proper keeping and good nutrition. These birds are well suited for home gardening, so they are popular with private breeders.


The Red and Black Star is an unpretentious breed of chickens that has a high egg yielding capacity. She easily tolerates intense heat and severe cold. In addition, the birds quickly get used to the place of residence and the owner, so they quickly become tame.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that these chickens are very active, so it is necessary to organize a yard for walking with a reliable fence from the net near the house.

Watch the video: 3 Chicken Breeds That Won't Disappoint You (December 2024).