Black and white cinema in your compound - a breed of chicken Pantsirevskaya

In those farms where they prefer to other breeds of Pantsirevsky chickens, when walking a bird you can watch a kind of black and white movie. When these chickens with such opposite color are mixed on the walking ground, the spectacle becomes quite picturesque, despite the limited color gamut.

Absolutely different in color, but similar in character and productivity, Pantsirevskie chickens become an excellent source of meat and eggs and, however banal it may sound, decorate the hen house. White Pantsirevskie look especially impressive.

Breed origin

Pantsirevskie - originally Russian chickens. Volga region, who love space and will. The breed was bred by complexly crossing many productive breeds (including Leghorn, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Black Australorp and White Plymouth Rock) in order to create a domestic record-breaking chicken meat and egg direction.

Selection work was carried out in several stages and lasted from 1947 to 1961. But what a chicken turned out! Thanks to the tireless breeding work, managed to bring an individual with high egg production and precociousness of meat - the most respected qualities in agriculture.

The breed was produced in the Ulyanovsk region, at the Pantsirevsky tribal breeder. Distributed in Russia, mainly in its historic homeland - the Volga region, as well as in Belarus.

Description of Pantsirevsky chickens

Very neat, or, as they used to say in the old days, collapsible, a bird of proportional build, medium heavy, with a lush tail and signs of excellent laying.

The eyes of Pantsirevsky chickens do not differ in appearance from the organs of vision of other breeds: yellow and round, the color of the beak depends on the color of the chicken - if the feather is white, then the beak is light, if the chicken is black, then the beak is also dark.

Pantsirevskie chickens look pretty cute, they are decorated with a round, regular shape, head, topped with a small upright crest, and long, well developed, wings.

And the roosters representing this breed can be safely called handsome: they are fit, have a deeply developed chest and a magnificent tail of perfect shape. Well, and of course, an important role in the exterior of a rooster is played by a regal crest with four perfectly drawn, even teeth.

Due to its endurance and ability to quickly acclimatize in various climatic zones, the breed has remained in demand in unspecialized farms and in private yards for many decades.

The bird is calm, has a certain gentleness of character and is capable of divorcing "in itself."

Content and cultivation

Meat-egg breeds, to which any shellfish chicken is directly related, are universal birds, which are welcome in any economy. Still would! After all, they are much sturdier than chickens just meat and just egg breeds, not so demanding to the conditions of detention and not too shingle.

Containing cape hens, host no need to build tall barriersin order to somehow protect the garden from shkodnits, you can relax a little and even let them out for a walk in open space - they don’t go far, although they love the open space, but their own yard attracts them more.

When creating a microclimate in the room where Pantsirevskie chickens live, you must adhere to generally accepted standards, and remember that the temperature in a hen house should never, even in the most severe frosts, fall below zero.

It will be better for chickens to live at a stable zero temperature than to endure sharp fluctuations. If the owner, for example, heats the room once a week, then there is nothing good for the bird: she lives in the heat, then in the cold, risking a cold every day.

On our site you can not only read information, but also look. Watch pavlovsky chickens on video!

Information about the breed of chickens Red and Black Star on the Internet is almost there! And here you will find everything you need.

The optimal temperature in the house is + 7-120. It perfectly keeps warm in the house a dry bed: sawdust, straw, leaves.

It is quite possible to maintain the chicken production rates using the yeast feed method. Do it like this:

Take the yeast in a proportion of 30 g per 1 kg of flour feed. Yeast should be fresh and diluted in 1.5 liters of warm water. Ingredients diligently stirred and left for 6-9 hours in a warm place. Everything! After this time, the additive is ready and can be mixed into the main feed.

Both in winter and summer, chickens are fed 3-4 times a day, maintaining equal periods of time. True, there is a rule of the first and last feeding: the first should be carried out as soon as possible, and the last - as late as possible.

Throughout the day, chickens eat various mash bags (they should be cooked in such a way that they are wet, but not sticky at all), and they get whole grains for the night - a balanced diet will have a positive effect on the quantity and quality of eggs produced.


Although Pantsirevskys are considered to be medium-sized chickens, they are capable of gaining body weight, somewhat beyond the standard: chickens, whose live weight is usually 2.5-2.6 kg, may surprise 2.9 kg. And roosters, whose usual weight is 2.9-3.0 kg, in some cases grow up to 4.0 kg.

The safety of adult birds is kept at around 93%, of young stock - 97%.

Egg production in the first year of laying is 220 eggs, then it increases to 270.

The taste of eggs and meat from the hens of meat and egg direction, namely: Pantsirevskikh, is distinguished by tenderness and saturation. In collections of scientific institutions, chickens of this breed are kept as a genetic reserve.

Where to buy in Russia?

Unfortunately, there is very little information about the State Breeding Poultry Plant "Pantsirevsky" where this breed was bred. But there are other productions in which walls these universal chickens are grown and sold to everyone. Save contacts:

  • State Breeding Poultry Plant "PANZIREVSKY"
    433003, Ulyanovsk region ..., Inzensky district.
  • Russian State Agrarian University. Timiryazeva K.A.
    Training and production poultry house Moscow, Upper Alley, 3
    phone: +7 (499) 976-47-32


Rather, the Pantsirevskys are alike ... After all, similar to this breed has long been recorded by breeders among its parents, who gave the Pantirevskii chickens the best they can do.

One of the “parents” of the Pantsirevskys, the black Australorp, looks very similar to the Pantsirevskaya breed, even with the quality of feathering - it is loose and fluffy in these hens. It has the same folded crest, the same body type. True, Australopes are much more: the live weight of chickens is 2.7 kg, of roosters - 3.6. Sometimes these indicators manifest themselves in black Pantsirevsky chickens.

White Plymouth Rock is another maternal breed, with characteristic plumage of the feathers and breadth of the chest.

Plymouthrock belongs to meat breeds, but the level of egg production in these chickens is close to Pantsirevsky.

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