Unpretentious and healthy grape variety "Delight perfect"

The variety of grapes Delight is an ideal popular for its specific qualities.

Its increased fruiting and storage time is very profitable.

Unpretentious growth of grapes makes it possible to grow it in various environmental conditions.

What kind is it and what is useful?

Delight perfect - this is a classic of table variety viticulture. Used for the production of first-class raisins, muesli, dry cereals.

Thanks to his healing properties, you can lower blood glucose levels, prevent heart attacks, cure herpes, migraines, indigestion, apathy and chronic fatigue.

Juice of berries Delight of the ideal can increase the iron content in the human body, which prevents the occurrence of nervous breakdowns, malaise and fatigue. It has the necessary presence of sugar and organic acid.

Russian Concord, Princess Olga and Krasa Severa also have healing properties.

Antioxidants have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Berries of Delight ideal can reduce the unacceptable temperature of a person and bring the body to a normal physiological state.

Spread and Care

The shape of the grapes of Delight perfect was developed by the VNIIViV named after Ya. Potapenko by crossing Villars Blanc (Saves Villars) x Delight.

Variety synonym - Ideal, which refers to the amateur name of the hybrid form. Compatibility with other varieties and stocks is positive.

For high yield, cuttings should be planted on arches, high stacking or long-sleeved formations. Rooting cuttings wonderful, with the help of them grapes easily propagated.

Own root bushes start to give a crop for 2, sometimes for 3 year of planting.

With uniform watering in June and July - you can achieve an increase in yield by 30%. It has a good agrobiology.

When planting requires a large space - more than 3x3 meters per bush. Food area is 3x2 meters.

Loves mineral-rich soil. The form responds well to gentle extra care. Delight is the perfect responsive to fertilizer and fertilizer. Favorable effect on irrigation. He is unpretentious in growing. Bushes of this variety grow on amateur summer cottages.

Delight is ideal spread throughout the Russian Federation, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova. It can often be found along the coast of the Caspian, Azov, Black Sea; In the Crimea, in the Krasnodar Territory, Voronezh, Rostov, Kherson, Odessa regions.

VNIIViv - is an institute of winemaking and viticulture. It was a tradition in VNIIViv - to grow at least one hybrid form annually. The tradition was supported by the leadership of the institute and Ya.I. Potapenko.

Due to this, the best grape varieties have been developed here that have become classics for the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. Such as Amirkhan, Augusta, Karmakod and others. In recent years, the institute has more than two hundred employees - the best scientists and experts in the field of winemaking and viticulture.

Variety description Delight perfect

Delight perfect has fragrant, juicy and beautiful clusters. They are moderately soft or moderately dense. Belong to the average density.

Romeo, Chocolate and Rosalind are also distinguished by their special beauty.

The shape is large, sharp-conical, sometimes pterygoid with branches. Bunches by mass reach more than one kilogram, on large forms - more than two kilograms.

Fruits with one small bone. The berries are round-oval in size, occasionally nipple-shaped, reaching 20x25 millimeters.

The color is light green, closer to white, with tan from the sun. Possess floral pleasant taste, a specific crunch and plentifully juicy pulp. In weight reach 5-6.5 grams.

The acidity of Delight is ideal 5-7 g / dm3, sugar content 18-20 g / 100 cm3 (16-19%).

The ripening of the vine is remarkable: the degree of aging over the entire length, except for the top. Grape Escape Growth Force 2.1-3.0 meters.

Like the Black Panther, it requires rationing inflorescences. The coefficient of fruiting Delight of the Ideal corresponds to two. Therefore, normalization is necessary with the correct calculation of the load of the bushes - the plant is easy to overload with fruits. The load of grapes is 35-45 eyes.

With a bush on 25 eyes, clusters ripen, reaching more than one kilogram. High fruitfulness of eyes at the very base of the shoots.

Therefore, you can not cut the eyes too short. Pruning shrubs is short for 3-4 eyes or medium, reaching 6-8 eyes. It is also necessary to make short pruning on the hoses. In this case, the size of the berries increases significantly.

Bushes vigorous, with good fruiting on large formations. 80-95% of all shoots are fruitful. More than 120 centners of the crop are harvested from one hectare of land.

A photo

Clearly grape variety "Delight perfect" can be seen in the photo:

Frost resistance and application

Delight perfect has a high resistance to low temperatures. It has the necessary frost resistance, tolerates frost resistance up to 26 degrees Celsius. Does not require mandatory shelter for the winter.

Also noted is the positive resistance of the bushes to drought. It responds well to uniform watering. Like the Marcelo variety, it belongs to the early medium term of ripening. Full maturity can reach for 120-125 days.

In a climate of the middle zone - ripens by 5 August. In the south, maturity is reached earlier - by the end of July. The earliest ripening of the fruits of the grapes is marked on July 19, the latest - on August 19. Ideal delight has a stable harvest, has the highest fruitfulness.

Stability also differ Favor, Agat Don and Attica.

Annually overloaded with fruits. Able to keep the fruit on the bushes for 30 days. At the same time, its taste and appearance are not lost.

The tasting evaluation of this variety, after long storage, exceeded all expectations - it was 8.5 points.

Delight perfect leads in sales in the market. The harvest is able to be stored in vineyards until January. Suitable for long storage and long-distance transport.

Disease resistance

In order to avoid breakdowns, during bad weather and abundant wind, shoots Delight perfect you need to tie.

To protect the bushes of this variety from pests, cuttings need to be planted on stable and healthy bushes. This increases the likelihood of a good harvest and resistance to all sorts of diseases.

Stable to mildew - 4 points, moderately resistant to oidium 2.5-3 points. Enough tolerant to phylloxera. Diseases of anthracnose and bacteriosis are not exposed.

Delight perfect has increased resistance to disease. Invulnerable to gray rot. When heavy rains cracking berries was not observed. Minor wasp damage. The grade is not subject to a pea.

Variety Delight perfect is very popular and loved by all ages of people. His easy cultivation attracts amateur gardeners, gardeners.

Unpretentiousness in growth does not require any special material and physical expenditure. Its abundant fruiting up to two kilograms from one bunch, frost resistance and long-term storage made this variety a classic of viticulture.

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