Amaryllis does not bloom? What to do and how to properly care at home during and after flowering

Amaryllis - a great unpretentious plant. Maintains cold, drafts and temperature drops.

It blooms bright and colorful. Shades varied, depending on the subspecies. Flowers can be crimson, purple, white and emerald.

Flower shape - in the form of a bell. Some subspecies have velvet flowers with pronounced strokes of a different shade. The birthplace of the magnificent Amaryllis is considered USA.

Flowering plants

Rest period can last until the end of May. After that, the bulbs lay flower buds. Flowering plant occurs in late summer - early autumn. The plant grows elongated peduncle.

In length, it can reach more than 85 cm. From above there is an inflorescence on which flowers form. If there are too many of them - they are arranged in two tiers. Inflorescence in the form of an umbrella, flowers - in the form of a funnel. Have 6 petals. In diameter reach 7-11 cm. The pestle is elegant, threadlike. Stamens in the amount of 6 pieces.

A photo

Visually assess how beautiful amaryllis flowers are in the photo below:


Amaryllis is a bulbous flower. After planting, it begins to actively grow and throw flower stalks. After 1.5-2 months, 1-2 bulbs appear in the bulbs. On each of them will bloom 5-7 gorgeous flowers. To prolong the flowering period, the container is kept in cold rooms without direct sunlight.

IMPORTANT! When the 3 flower arrows appear, it should be cut off immediately at the root system.

Triple bloom this representative of flora greatly deteriorates the bulb and leaves it almost without the necessary micronutrients. After the beginning of flowering of the first flower, it is recommended to cut the flower spike immediately.

His put in boiled water. Every day in the dishes change the water. The flowering period during cutting and on the flower is identical. But when removing the peduncle professional flower growers reduce or prevent depletion of the bulbs. Proper removal also stimulates the growth of a new gardener. After flowering this representative of flora a rest period is necessary.

How to make amaryllis blossom at home?

To amaryllis bloomed bright and lush, he it is necessary to create conditions similar to natural.

The flower grew in arid areas, in which showers are very rare. If a plant does not release an arrow for a long time, then it needs a proper resting stage.

He is created cool temperature and watering is minimized. If alternate active growth with a period of rest, the Amaryllis can bloom 2 times a year. But it is impossible to abuse the quantity, since in this case the bulb is very depleted. To force Amaryllis to bloom, it is necessary to observe temperature conditions, lighting and systematic watering.


Experienced flower growers love this flora for what bloom can be created at any desired period. But it is recommended to create a rest period from the beginning of winter to the middle of spring. This time is considered the most optimal and natural for Amaryllis.

At this time, the bulbs are depleted much less, and the loss of nutrients occurs with minimal losses. With proper care, the plant will bloom brightly and continuously. In spring and summer, planting bulbs will gain strength for the next season. On an industrial scale, flower distillation is produced year-round.

Leaving after flowering

After amaryllis has faded, very often the question arises what to do next? Here we consider how to care for the plant after flowering.

In early autumn you need stop making feedings. The number of waterings should be reduced to a minimum. In late October, watering is reduced completely. By the time the plant will begin to actively reset their leaves.

NOTE! Cut the leaves yourself is prohibited.

Nutrients from the soil go into the bulb. During this period, the flower will begin preparations for the new flowering season.

The plant should be in a cool room. at temperatures below 16 ° C. This maintains the root system of the flower. The duration of the rest period should be 2-3 months. It is forbidden to leave the plant in the cold.

Main difficulties

In order for the arrow of the plant to start actively growing from the outlet of leaves, it is necessary to observe the light and thermal conditions.

This representative of the flora very photophilous. Prefers warm. The optimum temperature for a plant varies from 19 to 24 ° C.

Therefore, if the flower does not provide such conditions, it will begin to wither and reset the buds. For the formation of a large peduncle bright natural light needed. When releasing the arrow of the peduncle, Amaryllis needs special watering. He should be moderate.

It is necessary to wait for drying of the top layer of soil. Also needed sprinkle a flower with water from a spray bottle. During the period of active growth the plant is fed. Fertilizers for home flowers are suitable for this. After flowering and the fall of the peduncle, feeding must be stopped.

What if it does not bloom?

Let's try to understand why amaryllis can not bloom at home. If this happens, then you need to check the planting material. When landing bulbs cleaned of dried scales. If sprouts began to sprout on it, they are removed with a special knife. For one bulb pick up the capacity, in diameter not exceeding 16-18 cm.

Another reason why amaryllis does not bloom at home may be too big a pot. The plant will give all the power to fill the tank root system. In this case, flowering may not be. A third of the bulbs are left on the soil surface.

ATTENTION! If the planting material is in the ground completely, then the plant will be difficult to actively grow. And there will be no flowering in this case either.

Watch the video: Amaryllis Done Blooming? Here's What to Do. Garden Answer (January 2025).