Features of growing orchid Brassia at home. How to provide decent care for a guest from the American tropics?

The orchid Brassia comes from a family of perennial orchids, which is successfully cultivated during the care of the house. Her middle name is the Kingdom of Sweden.

This species consists of epiphytic plants that contain tropical areas of America. In nature, there are about 34 types of brassias. In our article we will consider in detail the features of growing this orchid and the rules for caring for it. You can also watch a useful video on this topic.

What kind of look?

Brassia - a genus of perennial orchids. Epiphytic plants. In the genus about 34 species. The homeland of Brazil is the tropical forests of America. Flowers are unusual sepals of a long yellow-green color that look very similar to spiders. The type of development is sympodial. There are apical sheets on pseudobulb. Rhizome short.

Basic biological information

The orchid Brassia belongs to a large family of Orchid immigrants from America. The flower prefers moist shadow area, does not like bright sun. It grows to 50 cm. It blooms several times a year. Promoted by dividing an orchid bush by sympodial type, it has bulbs - the stems, they are commonly called pseudobulbs, they look like small pears, they are located by apical leaves.


The inflorescences of Brassia have a rather individual peculiarity.. The cups of flowers are elongated and have a sunny color with a greenish tinge. In humans, this species has the name "spider orchid". Pseudobulbs are one or more linear-lanceolate leaves in the upper part.

Branching in Brassia is sympodial, which means that after the development of the pseudobulb dies, a new one appears in its place. The flower has a creeping shoot, slightly close to the soil, it is called a rhizome, and therefore it is less than the average in brassia, and pseudobulbs grow on it in a heap. Orchid throws up to 15 inflorescences. The shadow of the transition has a chocolate color with light green dots and vice versa of a light green color with chocolate spots.

Spider orchid varieties: their description and photo


This is the kind from which it is better to start growing these plants. Because the view is quite easy to maintain. Flowering he begins easily at home and sometimes lasts a whole year with the smallest interval. Each flower of Brassia retains freshness for a month.. The height of this species does not exceed half a meter, but the stem of a flower can grow up to 80 cm. The aroma of this species is individual, for an amateur.

We recommend to watch the video about the features of warty Brassia:


It has curved oblong flowers. Yellowish tint with a pleasant smell. This is a hybrid of flowers, similar to stars with dense blooms. Brassiya tailed represents large inflorescences with a yellow tint and fragrant vanilla smell.

Rules of care and maintenance at home

Best of all, Brassia will be on the east window with a slight shadow.. It is also useful to ventilate the room with brassia. In summer, daytime temperatures are 22–23 ° C, night temperatures are 17–19 ° C. In winter, 16–22 C. The difference in daily temperature affects the formation of the bulb and flower spike.

The plant also needs to be moistened with air, otherwise young shoots will shrink. Spraying and humidifier will help. The pot can be placed in the pan and put in it wet clay. The plant needs light almost 10 hours a day. Therefore, it is worth taking care of lighting.

Important: If there is little light, the orchid Brassia cannot bloom.

Coal, sphagnum and pieces of bark are suitable for soil. The main thing here is to allow the air to pass through. Also requires good drainage. Pots can be taken from plastic or basic clay opaque. It is better not to plant the plant in hanging baskets. Brassia has a weak rest period of about 2-3 weeks..

What fertilizers can be used and how?

In winter, Brassia does not feed; let it rest. In summer and spring it is better to feed with nitrogen fertilizers, this will contribute to growth and bright flowering. And in the autumn period, phosphorus and potassium are used for fertilization. Fertilizers are better combined with irrigation, for a good and even distribution of fertilizers. Fertilizers can be purchased in stores with a special note: "For orchids." Carefully study the instructions, the dose of fertilizer, so as not to damage the flower.

Step-by-step instruction

Planting flower

Brassia is a special flower, the bulba grow only on one side of the ladder, the new bulb grows on the “step” above the previous one.

therefore Brasse has its own landing rules:

  • loose spacious, high enough pot;
  • during planting the flower is slightly pressed to the edge of the pot;
  • it is necessary to free up enough space for the growth of new bulbs;
  • we plant deeper, taking into account the addition of the substrate to form a hill.

Watering plants

Proper watering will allow our American guest to bloom. In the summer the water should be abundant, you can add irrigation. In winter and autumn, irrigation and irrigation are reduced, and a moderate dry regime should take effect here.

The water, necessarily settled or passing through the filter, is warm enough, slightly above room temperature. Watering Brassia should be carried out by immersion.. We lower the pot into a bucket of water for 15–20 minutes, then allow excess water to drain into the pan, but let the water drain so as not to soak the roots. Between watering the soil is dried.

Board: As soon as the flower stalks appear, watering stops for several days, this will help to form new bulbs. If the bulbs have small wrinkles, watering stops for 5-7 days.

How to transplant?

Orchid transplant usually in spring, so it is better adapted to new conditions. If the substrate is strongly compacted, the bulbs have grown so much that they do not fit into the old pot, they have to hang over it - it's time to transplant. It is important not to dig the plant into the ground. Usually transplant is combined with orchid reproduction.

When transplanting follow the recommendations. It is safer to use the transshipment method:

  1. move the whole earthen vessel to another pot;
  2. we clean the roots of the old soil with the treated tools so that the infection does not hit;
  3. soak the root in warm water;
  4. remove diseased damaged roots;
  5. you must move the orchid from the center of the pot, leaving more space;
  6. the substrate is poured into 75% of the pot capacity, taking into account its further pouring.

Transplantation is a stress for Brassia.. His adaptation lasts 1-2 weeks, watch the flower!


  • good drainage for air circulation (pebbles, crushed stone, polystyrene foam);
  • charcoal;
  • moss - sphagnum;
  • moss (as an addition); pieces of pine bark of medium size.

The finished substrate can be disinfected with a water bath for 10 minutes.. The pots can be used from plastic or enamel, the surface of the pot should be slightly rough, the roots easier to settle on such a surface. Florists advised to keep Brassia in hanging baskets or pots.

We recommend to watch a video about the correct transplant of orchid Brassia:

How to multiply?

A young orchid can be bought at the store, but it is easy to propagate at home. Brassia multiplies vegetatively by division. The procedure is carried out in the spring, when it is actively developing.

  1. Adult orchids are cut near the main, uterine bulb.
  2. We clean the root of old, sick processes. Cut locations are treated with charcoal.
  3. Each updated bush should have from 2 to 3 bulbs.
  4. Each part is planted in the prepared substrate.
  5. Water after 4-5 days by immersion in warm water.
  6. The first shoots are carefully cut, the places of the cut are processed with coal.

Diseases and pests

  • Spider mite is a dangerous pest for orchids. He drinks the juice of plants. White dots appear on the leaves below, and then the leaves turn brown. A thin web covers an orchid. A hot shower spraying acaricides will help, the safest fitoverm. It takes from 3 to 4 sessions with an interval of 5 to 6 days.
  • Shchitovka and mealy worm infect the sinuses of the leaves, especially in hot weather. Rescue spraying orchids using karbofos, fosalona and other chemicals. Recycling is carried out in a week. Treatment is carried out within a month.
  • Slugs - they are saved by disinfecting the pot and pretreatment of the substrate. Root rot is a dangerous disease for Brassia. The reason is the moistening of water and soil. Orchid is especially prone to such diseases in winter. It fades, the leaves turn yellow. You may lose a flower. It helps to spray and water the base. For prevention, repeat the procedure 3 times every 10 days. Reduce watering, adjust humidity and temperature.


Orchid Brassia does not have a bright grandeur and royal power, but, how much tenderness, enthusiasm and calm inspiration, peace and tranquility. Such a soft and comfortable flower, which has to relax, drink a cup of green tea with melissa and calmly gather your thoughts, gain strength and energy for tomorrow, full of difficulties and worries.

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