Beautiful yellow orchid phalaenopsis - especially the care and photos of the plant

Yellow phalaenopsis is a hybrid orchid species, stands out for its extraordinary beauty and simple care at home. The shades of this variety are simply amazing in their diversity. They can be almost transparent, pale yellow, and can be saturated with the bright yellow color of the sun.

The diversity of colors is simply amazing, a rich palette stretched from white and cream to burgundy and black. Phalaenopsis with yellow flowers look especially elegant and elegant, but even here it is not so simple. Flowers can be pale yellow, almost transparent, and can cut the eye with a rich sunny color. As a rule, shtambov will have the brightest core.


Phalaenopsis yellow - a long-blooming flower with a pleasant smell, honey shades of yellow. Its wide leaves do not require much sunlight.

Like other types of orchids, Phalaenopsis is a small plant with a long peduncle, reaching up to half a meter in length.

The name of this plant was given to the botanist Karl Blume, who noted the similarity of the flower with butterflies (Phalaenopsis means butterfly, moth). Phalaenopsis is home to the tropics of Southeast Asia. The main feature of this orchid is that it blooms at any time of the year. Flowering occurs several times a year and lasts up to two months. During this time, about 60 flowers appear on the peduncle.

Varieties and their photos

Phalaenopsis has up to 60 varieties, they are mostly different shades of color and size of the plant. At home, most often grown the following types of yellow orchids.

Big Lip

These flowers have very large flowers. The height of the peduncle reaches 80 cm. The leaves are dense, bright green in color, covered with a thin layer of wax.

Big Leap blooms twice a year, with each plant can have two peduncles. From 4 to 6 large flowers appear on each peduncle.


Orchid Multiflora has a very bright color., on petals small specks of red or crimson color are noticeable. Leaves are leathery, dense, dark green.

The height of the peduncle reaches 60 cm; 7-9 large flowers appear on it, with a diameter of up to 6 cm.


In addition to bright, unusual flowers, the peculiarity of this type of orchid is motley leaves. Flowers of medium size, painted in bright yellow color with red dots and variegated core, reveal up to 60 pieces along the entire length of the peduncle. The resulting waterfall of flowers pleases the eye with its flowering for a long time - up to 5 months.


Mini orchid has a small size, the height of the peduncle does not reach more than 20 cm. It blooms for a very long time, releasing arrows in turn, with flowers of a pale yellow color and a bright center.


Usually the flowers of this species have several shades. Yellow color is complemented by pink, red and purple tones. More other species require moisture and sunlight. Peduncle usually reaches 70 cm in height.

Phalaenopsis Pelorica blooms no more than 2 times a year and has a long rest period.


Differs very pale, barely noticeable yellow shade of petals. Peduncle grows to 70 cm, and about 100 flowers are revealed on it, with a diameter of 5-6 cm.

Care features

Phalaenopsis yellow is considered not a fastidious plant. It quickly adapts to the changing environment, it is suitable temperature, light and humidity of the air of urban apartments.

For Phalaenopsis, you should purchase:

  • transparent pot;
  • special substrate;
  • special fertilizer for orchids.

Suitable for the cultivation of orchids soil consists of pine bark, peat peat and charcoal. After flowering, the spike begins to wither, but you do not need to prune it immediately. Slowly drying out, it gives the remaining nutrients to the plant.

If the peduncle remains green and releases new buds, it may not be cut off.. Soon the plant will bloom again. Peduncle cut off at a distance of 1 cm above the sleeping bud, around which wet moss is applied. This will stimulate the appearance of a new outlet.

We offer you to watch a video about the secrets of growing Phalaenopsis orchid:

Irrigation recommendations

It is enough to water a flower 2 times a week, at the same time it is better to pour water into the pan. It is necessary to observe the color of the root system, which normally should be green.

Silver color of the roots is a sign of insufficient watering. The brown color of the roots means an excess of moisture, which can lead to rotting of the horses. During flowering, the flower with flowers should be sprayed with warm, clean, settled water.

We offer to watch a video on how to properly water the Phalaenopsis orchid:

Top dressing

Application of fertilizers is best to start after the first store avoid wilting of flowers and leaves. Then the plant is fed fertilizer for orchids twice a month, along with watering. During the rest of the plant it is enough to fertilize it once a month, reducing the concentration of fertilizer by half.


Phalaenopsis does not need frequent transplantation, once every 2 years is enough.

During transplantation, you need to carefully examine the roots and cut off the sick and sluggish with a sharp knife. It is obligatory to process places of cuts with coal or sulfur to avoid rotting of the roots.

We offer to watch a video on how to properly transplant phalaenopsis:


Phalaenopsis The main condition for reproduction is that the flower must be absolutely healthy, with a well-developed root system and a rosette of 5-8 dense, fleshy leaves. Phalaenopsis can be propagated in several ways:

  • Reproduction of Falnopsis children.

    All Phalaenopsis varieties with proper care periodically appear not on the peduncles flowers, but the so-called children with their air roots 3–5 cm long. They can be planted in a separate pot.

    1. first, they must be carefully separated from the parent plant;
    2. to dry;
    3. to process cuts with coal;
    4. then put in a pot with a substrate for orchids and wait for the growth of a new plant.

    Even if you do not plan to multiply the plant, babies need to be separated, otherwise over time, too many babies can harm the plant, it will weaken and wither.

  • Reproduction by dividing the bush.

    In adult orchids, several basal rosettes are formed over time.

    In early spring, the best during transplantation, the plant can be divided into several copies. Each will have its own root system and its own leaves.
    1. using a clean knife, the plant is neatly divided, and the cut sections are covered with coal;
    2. it is better to leave the plant overnight to dry;
    3. then put in a pot with soil based on pine bark and charcoal.

  • Flower stalks.

    This is the most popular breeding method.

    1. after the plant has faded, the peduncle is cut off with a disinfected knife and divided into several parts at a length of at least 3-4 cm and always with a sleeping kidney;
    2. places of cuts are covered with coal;
    3. cuttings should be planted in sphagnum moss using a mini-greenhouse or a container with a lid;
    4. The cuttings are placed in a warm, bright place, and soon they begin to grow.

We offer to watch a video about the methods and methods of phalaenopsis reproduction.

1 way:

2 way:


For the prevention of diseases and the appearance of pests, it is necessary to inspect the plant a couple of times a month. Phalaenopsis can suffer from the following diseases:

  1. Fusarium.

    Very dangerous incurable fungal disease. Appears when using unsuitable soil, waterlogging plants, lack of oxygen and sunlight. Manifested by the appearance of white spots with a touch of the root outlet. If the plant becomes ill with Fusarium, it will have to be destroyed along with the pot, otherwise other flowers may get infected.

  2. Root rot.

    Occurs in a humid warm environment due to excessive watering. The leaves will have a creamy yellow color, and the rest of the plant will turn brown.

    With early detection of the disease, the plant can be saved by cutting out the affected areas and treating the wounds with a fungicide. To avoid relapse, place the plant for a couple of days in a dry, cool place.
  3. Bacterial disease.

    Manifested by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. As soon as you find such a stain, you need to immediately cut and treat the remaining damaged sheet with crushed charcoal. Otherwise, the bacteria spread throughout the plant and it will die.

  4. Viral infections such as Cymbidium Mosaic and Odontoglossum virus.

    Streaks or spots appear on petals and leaves. They are first discolored and then deformed. The disease is not treated and is contagious to other plants, so the flower along with the pot will have to be thrown out.


Phalaenopsis is most often attacked by pests such as thrips, spider mites, scale insects and aphids. They suck the juice from the plant, disrupting the photosynthesis of the flower. The stalks wither, and the buds and leaves begin to fall off.

At the first signs of the appearance of parasites, it is necessary to wash the plant well under a warm shower in order to wash off most of the pests. Then you need to treat Phalaenopsis insecticides. It may take several treatments to completely get rid of parasites..

Phalaenopsis - an excellent choice of indoor plants, for both experienced and novice gardeners. This hybrid with amber-yellow flowers stands out for its extraordinary beauty. It refers to hybrids that have taken over their attractiveness from orchids, while not a capricious care, pleasing with frequent flowering plants.

Watch the video: Yellow Phalaenopsis orchid blooming (January 2025).