Save the orchid from death. Why do leaves rot and how to stop it?

Orchid, a flower striking its beauty and unique flowering. The spread of the plant is gaining momentum.

This is due to the fact that there are many different articles and forums on the cultivation and care of orchids.

But even knowledgeable growers can not catch up with the pet, and this is fraught with the appearance of various problems, one of them is leaf rot.

Plant life cycle

The orchid has 3 periods - the period of rest and active growth, as well as the flowering time, which lasts about 2 months. Up to this point there is an increase in flower stalks and buds. After the last flower has fallen off, the plant does not immediately retire, but after 15-20 days. A natural process is yellowing and falling off of the lower row of foliage.

Orchids need to shed the old foliage when a sufficient amount of new grows, because it is not able to “feed” all the leaves.

Rotting - what is it and how does it look?

Rot - one type of fungal disease. The affected leaves are removed and the sliced ​​areas are disinfected. The main cause of decay is excessive moisture at low temperatures. Ailment appears as dark spots on the leaf plate. Over time, they increase in size.

External signs depend on the type of orchid, as well as the causes of rot. For example, if the cause was the fungus Pytium - the first thing pseudobulbs are formed, then they turn into sprawling spots.

Why is this happening?

The reasons why leaf decay occurs are many, and they all lie on the surface. In almost 100% of cases, improper care of a flower leads to ailment.. If you do not adhere to basic tips and recommendations, you can expose the orchid attacks of fungal diseases.

What to do to the plant is not sick, and the leaves are not rotten? The main reasons leading to decay:

  • Irregular irrigation.

    Do not make the procedure too cold or warm water. Spraying should be regular, but not excessive. Water must be watered, which is settled, its temperature is room temperature. The plant takes time to dry the root system. At increased room humidity, spraying does not need.

  • Incorrect feeding.

    Fertilizers are selected for orchids. Other mineral complexes are not suitable, as they often contain a lot of nitrogen, and this adversely affects orchids. Feed containing potassium and phosphorus, perfect fit.

  • Stagnant air.

    The room in which there is a pot with a flower, must be constantly ventilated. Fresh air is a great fighter against fungal diseases.

  • The orchid is not looking around.

    Attention! Regular external examination - the key to timely detection of infection. Flower growers, who neglect this rule, then suffer themselves, because the neglected forms of ailments are more difficult to withdraw and they lead to decay.

Means that can save the plant if the leaves have rotted

  1. Chemical.

    Fitoverm (or analogues) - harmless to humans, but effective against pests. In no case should the solution that remained after the treatment procedure be poured into a pond or sewage system. Tara, in which Fitoverm was divorced, is burned. Another potent agent is Actellic. It is used in the most difficult situations.

  2. Natural.

    One of the most common natural remedies is a soap solution. It helps to overcome various infections, fungi, insects. Very easy to prepare. They can wipe the roots, foliage, fill the soil completely. In order to prevent, the next 5-6 days should be sprayed with a flower soap solution.

What to do and how to reanimate a flower - step by step instructions

  • Phytophthora fungus.

    Dangerous disease for orchids. Just a few days can kill the plant. Having found this fungus, you immediately need to act:

    1. Keep away from other indoor pets.
    2. You will need a sharpened knife or scissors. Instruments must be sanitized.
    3. The affected areas are removed, up to healthy tissue.
    4. The affected areas are treated with crushed coal.
    5. Wait until the wounds are dry.
    6. Earth change.
    7. The pot and the place on which he stood also handle.
  • Fungus pythium.

    Often the infection appears initially on the root system, and then spreads throughout the orchid. The fight goes the same way as with the blight. However, a one-time procedure will be small. Processing is repeated several times. The break is at least 1 week.

  • Wet Bacterial Rot.

    Standard scheme for the destruction of the disease. With bacterial decay, the areas that were cut are subject to treatment with green paint, iodine, because coal is powerless here. The main thing is not to overdo it. The fungicide is selected on the basis of copper. It is better to use Bordeaux fluid. The flower grower should not forget that the plant needs rest between treatments.

  • Fusarium wilt.

    A type of fungal infection, characterized by its survivability. The method of struggle and the sequence are the same, but there is a nuance. Choosing a fungicide, you need to pay attention to the fact that the drug was intended for this particular disease.

  • Rot caused by improper care.

    There is no need to isolate the orchid. You just need to remove the damaged foliage. In the future, it is necessary to analyze and observe the care so as not to repeat mistakes. Any infection has a fairly rapid spread, so act - immediately.

Prevention of damage to the base, edges and tip of the leaf blade

  1. Choosing a place for a pot, attention is drawn to the amount of light. It will take a lot. It must be scattered.
  2. Do more airing.
  3. Excessively moisten the soil is not worth it.
  4. Water retention in the sinus, is fraught with bad consequences.
  5. Immediately after buying an orchid, she needs quarantine for 1 month.
  6. During transplantation the land is decontaminated.
  7. Maintain optimum temperature. Coolness only contributes to the development of disease. Temperature range - within + 18 ... +24 degrees. differences not more than 5 degrees.

To maintain the healthy state of the flower, you need to follow all the rules and recommendations for care. Do not forget to regularly conduct inspections. If infections are detected, act immediately.

Watch the video: 10 ways to almost destroy Orchids & how to fix them! (January 2025).