Abundant and long blooming geraniums: how and what to feed the plant at home or at the dacha?

Among flower growers, geranium is one of the most popular plants. And this is not an accident. First, the flower does not require special conditions, it grows relatively quickly, the period of lush flowering lasts for 3-4 months. Secondly, geranium fits perfectly into any interior of the apartment and also looks good on the dacha.

To buds pleasing the eye as long as possible, you need to properly care for the flower, especially to be careful with dressing during flowering. We analyze in the article, what and how to properly "feed" your green pet.

Rules for watering at home or on the street

Watering mode depends on the time of year. In summer, when the heat reigns outside, it requires abundant watering. The plant must survive high temperature in comfortable conditions for itself. The best way to add a liquid is 2-3 times in 7 days, as the soil dries. In this case, you should not overdo it, the bay bush, there is a high probability that the roots will start to rot.

Periodically it is necessary to do a visual inspection. If drooping leaves were noticed, on which dark spots are visible or the stem is blackened, watering is urgently reduced.

Geranium is considered a dry flower, because it comes from South Africa. But, the less moisture in the soil, the less will be flowering in duration and pomp. It is necessary to carefully observe the earthy clod and water it in time, especially in summer, when the air temperature is high.

In winter, there comes the so-called rest period, so the procedure is reduced by 2 times. It is enough once in 10 days to do watering. In order to prevent the death of the pet, the soil moisture is maintained moderate.

What is a top dressing and why is it needed?

Nutrient enrichment is an essential part of care.. Geranium, which grows at home, especially in need of feeding, because it has nowhere to take additional nutrients.

Flowers in open ground is much easier. They can take vitamins and minerals from natural sources.

Achieve abundant flowering without fertilizer will not work, precisely for this and need feeding.

Purchased and homemade folk remedies: what and how to fertilize a flower?

Let us analyze how and what better to feed the geranium for lush and abundant flowering, what ready-made or home-made means can and should be used.

In order for the plant to bloom magnificently

Easiest and A common way is to go to a special flower shop and buy ready-made fertilizers.. The advantage of this method is that you can contact a consultant who will advise the best option suitable for geranium. Most often, the choice stops on nutrient solutions intended for indoor flowering plants.

Let us consider in more detail than to water the geranium from liquid dressings so that it blooms magnificently. Selecting fertilizers for flowering, you need to pay attention to the composition, but rather to the trace elements: potassium, copper, nitrogen, zinc, calcium, iron, boron, phosphorus.

Self-made folk remedies:

  • Dairy top dressing. It is necessary to dissolve 100 milliliters of milk in 1 liter of water. Used alternating with regular irrigation (1 times milky and 3 times with water).
  • Among flower growers, yeast solution has proven itself well. It is easy to prepare and can replace the drug aimed at the development of roots. Mix 1 liter of water and 100 grams of raw materials.

Purchased funds:

  • Zircon "," Royal Mix "," Pelargonium blank sheet "- additives, sold in dry form, which are necessary for the preparation of an aqueous mixture. Make it quite easy, the instructions for use and dosage are written on the package. The advantage of these drugs is a long shelf life .
  • "Garden Club" belongs to the class of liquid feedings and is a solution of vitamins and salts. The advantage over dry is that when diluted with water, it dissolves completely.


Wood ash - a great option feeding at home. Prepare an aqueous solution as follows:

  1. A tablespoon of ash is diluted in a liter of water.
  2. The liquid must be warm, at least 20 degrees. At this temperature, all the particles quickly dissolve and give the maximum nutrients.
  3. The mixture is poured over the soil.

Iodine is a good fertilizer that helps an indoor plant to bloom more abundantly.. It will accelerate the formation of inflorescences, as well as increase the number and volume of buds.

It is very simple to prepare a mixture: 1 drop of an alcoholic solution of iodine is added to 5 liters of water. 50 milliliters on 1 bush of a geranium will suffice. So that the flower does not get burned, the earth is watered along the walls of the pot.

Vitamins of group B: B1, B6, B12, are common and effective fertilizers. They are sold in glass ampoules. This dressing will enrich the pet with vitamins. It is prepared as follows: 1 ampoule is dissolved in 2 liters of warm liquid, thoroughly mixed, and then the soil around the plant is watered.

After several weeks it is necessary to produce the following feeding, but with a different vitamin, and then with a third one.

What else can be fed geranium during flowering? Magnesium sulphate - has a beneficial effect on flowering geranium. It cannot be used in its pure form, therefore a solution is made: 15 grams of a substance is required for 5 liters of water.

We offer to watch a video about homemade geranium feeding:

What is better on the street?

If geranium is located on the plot, you can use fertilizers that are intended for flowering garden plants.

In the role of feeding manure cow. Proper application and optimal dosage will allow you to get not only lush buds, but juicy bright leaves. Also, the flowers themselves will increase in size, and this is a good bonus, because at home this is not easy to achieve.

Often used and universal complex fertilizers. They are added to the substrate every 14-18 days. With the onset of cold weather, such dressings are reduced by 2 times.

For good growth

Starting in early spring, fertilizers should be applied, which include nitrogen.. Thanks to him, the growth of foliage and rhizome is activated. Special stimulants are used for active growth: "Heteroauxin" or glucose solution. Soil they fertilized once a week.

You can prepare your own means. The eggshell contains a large amount of calcium, which favorably affects the growth of the flower. The shell is crushed, filled with water and left for 3 days. Then it is thoroughly mixed and watered geranium at the root.

Consequences of improper fertilization

Frequent additions are not welcome, as they may harm the plant, and it will start to hurt and fade. Main consequences:

  • yellowness and spots on the leaves;
  • the root system is burned;
  • increases the growth of greenery, while the buds do not have a lush flowering;
  • flowers are completely absent;
  • leaves fall.

Any florist has a goal - to achieve bright and abundant flowering. It turned out that it is not so difficult to do, especially when it comes to geranium. The main feature is the following: geranium grows initially in a land sufficiently enriched with useful substances.

In summer and spring, it is recommended to give complex additives with mineral content. Also do not forget about watering iodine. Competently calculated volume and optimal application of fertilizing will ensure long-term blooming of the pet, which is good for the owner's eye.

Watch the video: Родовое поместье Александра и Екатерины ПРП Росы (January 2025).