Ivy ampelous geranium: planting and care at home, flowering and possible problems

Not many people are surprised by blooming geranium at home, but this statement does not apply to the amber geranium.

Thanks to the wonderful climbing stems and beautiful flowering, the plant will decorate any corner in the room.

The article will discuss how to achieve lush buds, what conditions are suitable for growing, what are the main features of the flower.

You will also learn about possible problems - diseases and pests.


Often, ampelnaya is also called ile. This type of geranium is designed for decorative hanging garden. Also used as a home decoration in flowerpots.

It has long shoots that tend to branch. In length, they can reach 1.5 meters. Foliage large enough with a smooth surface. Color - saturated green. Diameter - from 4 to 6 centimeters.

Peduncles elongated, on them are terry terry or simple inflorescences. The flowers are star-shaped, with different shades.: purple, purple, white, there are even two colors and spotty.

A photo

If you ensure proper care at home for ampel geraniums, following step-by-step instructions, the plant will look as beautiful as in the photo:

What does a plant like?

  • Lighting. The plant is positive for sunlight. Can tolerate a long time hit by direct rays of the sun.
  • Air. Ampel geraniums need a constant supply of fresh air, so growing it in an apartment should not be forgotten about regular airing. Sometimes allowed to take out on the street.
  • Temperature. In summer, it will be necessary to ensure optimal conditions: the temperature should not exceed +25 degrees. On hot days it is not easy to achieve. We'll have to clean the pot with a flower on the veranda and a cool balcony.

    Attention! In winter, it is necessary to maintain the temperature regime within +15 degrees.
  • A place. Since the pet loves the light, it is placed on the window sill, whose windows face south, if it is not possible to place there, the western side will do.
  • Priming. In nature, Ampel geranium grows in mountainous regions, which means that it is unpretentious to the soil. Houseplant planted in the fertile land, which add a little clay. At the bottom of the tank should be a powerful layer of drainage.

Planting and transplanting

Plants can be planted with seeds and cuttings. But, since the second option is the most convenient and simple, it is most often used. Before the procedure, you need to prepare the material: within 24 hours, the cuttings of the cuttings should dry.

  1. It is recommended to dip slices in coal powder.
  2. Then they are planted in the ground, which was previously disinfected. It is important to keep the distance between the specimens, about 2 centimeters.

Geranium does not need an annual transplant, it is necessary only when the root system has grown strongly and no longer fits into the previous container. This is usually done 1 time in 2 years, in the spring. If the flower feels good in a pot, then no transplant will be needed. It is necessary only to update the top layer of soil.

To understand the extent of planting an ivy ampelous geranium, you need to have a general idea of ​​its roots. Flower growers are not advised to choose large pots. It is necessary to estimate the size of the underground part and pick up the container in which it will occupy almost the entire volume, without reaching the edges of just 1 centimeter. Relative crowding causes lush and bright bloom.

How to care and how to feed?

  • Watering and feeding. Wet soil on an ongoing basis - the pledge of a healthy and flowering plants. Although geranium also likes moisture, it is not necessary to overdo it, otherwise it can lead to mold. For quick passage of fluid into the ground, a good drainage layer is required. In winter, watering is reduced and held 2-3 times a month. The contact of foliage and water is destructive, therefore it does not need spraying.

    Fertilization is one of the most important components in care. During flowering, feeding is carried out every week. The best option is mineral fertilizers of a low concentration, which include potassium and nitrogen, where the first one prevails.

  • Pruning geranium for lush flowering. Before proceeding to the procedure itself, the pet is carefully examined, because you need to decide which parts to remove, but not to kick. If the pruning was correct, then the flowering will be intense. It is done as follows:

    1. First, remove all dry and fading leaves with flowers.
    2. The cut is performed on a leaf node, previously disinfected with a sharp knife.
    3. To prevent rotting, the wound is treated with crushed activated carbon.
    4. After the operation, geranium is fertilized with a mixture containing nitrogen.

Possible problems

Why does not bloom?

  • If the plant looks healthy and does not bloom, it means that the temperature is above the norm. It is necessary to move the flower to a cooler place.
  • An unsuitable pot can also cause a lack of flowering.

    Attention! Capacity is selected strictly in accordance with the size of the root system.
  • Abundant watering often leads to the fact that flowers do not appear on the stems. It is necessary to review its regime and take breaks between watering. The top layer of soil must have time to dry.

Pests and diseases

Ampel geranium, under optimal conditions for it, rarely gets sick. But still, sometimes it happens that a pet is attacked by various ailments or parasites:

  1. Regulation of bush density prevents the appearance of fungal diseases and protects against possible decay.
  2. In some cases, the flower becomes ill with a black leg. To get rid of it, it is necessary to remove the affected areas and treat the plant with a fungicidal agent. During the recovery period, the room should be regularly ventilated and watering reduced.
  3. Yellowness on the leaves and its subsequent fall - a clear sign of lack of moisture. In such a case, the amount of fluid increases.

To pests belong:

  • aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • whitefly.

They often attack with too dry air. Treatment for parasites involves washing the geranium followed by treatment with insecticides.

Ampel geranium is a wonderful flower, fascinating for its beauty. Properly selected conditions and competent care, will preserve a healthy plant for many years. Pet necessarily thank the lush flowering, if you give him enough attention.

Watch the video: How To Grow Flower Plants At Home (January 2025).