All about the reproduction of geranium cuttings. How and when to plant a plant at home?

Geranium refers to plants that eventually lose their aesthetics. Therefore, it needs to be updated once every three years, some species require it even more often.

The update is growing again. Cutting is the best way to rejuvenate geraniums. The article will tell you how to properly propagate and grow geranium from cuttings at home.

General rules

Cuttings recommended to cut from the top of the stems. Use only sharp objects for cutting: a knife, a blade or scissors. Before use, they must be processed. Alcohol-containing liquids can be used for disinfection. Calcination with a fire can also help. Each cutting must have at least 6 leaves about 7 cm long.

When to chop?

In order to plant a plant, it is important to know not only how to properly cut geraniums, but when it is better to do it. In theory, geranium cuttings can be harvested year-round.

But for successful rooting it is better to carry out the procedure in the period from the end of February to the end of March, when the plant begins to actively move plant juices. Flower geraniums from such cuttings will be at the end of summer. You can also multiply in late August or early September, this is the time when geranium has not yet reached a period of rest. This plant will bloom next year.


Dry the cuttings before planting in the open air. They are enough to put in a shaded place for a couple of hours. Damaged areas should dry out. As soon as the cuts are covered with a thin film, they must be treated with absorbent material, crushed coal or wood ash.

From the cuttings should be cut off all the buds and flower arrows. It is necessary to remove all leaves from cuttings, except for one top or side. If the sheet plate is rather large, it is recommended to cut it in half. Otherwise, the geranium cuttings may not have enough strength to form and nourish the root system.


Geranium, depending on the species, rooted for 2-6 weeks.

  • Zonal and ileum geraniums take root in 2 weeks.
  • Royal - 4 weeks.
  • Scented - 6 weeks.

Cutting in the cold season will double these periods.

Step by step instructions and photos of plants

Stalks prepared for planting. The next stage is the choice of rooting method. There are several ways to plant cuttings of geraniums.

In the package

Cellophane prevents the evaporation of moisture.

  1. To perform this method in the package it is necessary to pour the soil.
  2. Before planting it is necessary to moisten the soil mixture.
  3. After, tie the package with a rope.
  4. In its upper part it is necessary to make holes. Cuttings are planted through them.

In a pot

  1. For growing geraniums from cuttings at home, you need to take small pots or any other containers. Their bottom should have drainage holes.

    Important! You can sit in one large capacity, but you need to keep in mind that the roots can get tangled. This complicates further transplantation.
  2. The drainage is laid. Pebbles, broken bricks, foam plastic, etc. can be used as drainage. Loose soil is poured over it. Suitable mixture of turf, garden land, humus and river sand. The soil should occupy only half a glass.
  3. The soil should be thoroughly shed with boiling water.
  4. After the earth has cooled, the cuttings are planted in the ground to a depth of at least 2 cm. The ground must be tamped on the sides.
  5. Gradually it is necessary to add soil, also tamping it.

Do not completely fill pots with earth. After rooting cuttings soil can be added. No need to create greenhouse conditions, since there is a high probability that the sheets will rot when they are wet. In the greenhouse condensate is formed, which is collected on young plants. For the same reason, watering should be done very carefully so as not to wet the leaves.

Pots with cuttings must be placed in the lit place, they should not fall into direct sunlight. The temperature in the room should be in the range of 15 to 25 degrees. Rooting is slow. As soon as new leaves begin to form, this means that the plant is rooted.

When is it better to do?

Definitely in the warm season. The cuttings at home during this period have enormous advantages.

  • Shorter rooting period.
  • No need for additional highlighting.
  • The need for pruning in the spring disappears.

Reproduction in water

Propagation by cuttings in water is the easiest way. Let's see what is the best way to root a geranium in water quickly and without loss.

  1. It is necessary to take a glass of dark glass.
  2. It is necessary to pour water into it.
  3. Add crushed coal to it. Thus, the plant will not be subject to various diseases.

After that, it remains only to wait for the appearance of the roots. As soon as they grow in length to two and a half centimeters, they should be carefully taken out of the water and planted in a permanent place in the ground.

Why not give roots in water and what to do?

This breeding method is not suitable for all members of the geranium. Some may simply not have time to take root and rot. In this case, you just need to choose another method of reproduction in the home.

How to plant?

Many gardeners recommend that before planting pots, they should be transferred to fresh air. This contributes to the growth of geraniums. Plant the plant better in the fall. Next, tell you how to transplant the cuttings.

  • A place. It is better to choose a room without drafts.
  • Watering. In the first week after rooting do not need to water. After that, watering is carried out only after the soil dries and at the edges of the pot.
  • Air humidity. At low air humidity the plant can be sprayed from a spray bottle with filtered water at room temperature.
  • Temperature. The favorable temperature for rooting and growth of cuttings is considered to be a temperature in the range from 18 to 24 degrees. At higher or lower thermometer survival rate of cuttings is reduced.
  • Fertilizer. You can begin to feed the geranium immediately after rooting. Suitable mineral complex fertilizers for flower plants.
  • Lighting. Geranium is pleased with the capriciousness of the lighting. It can even be placed in direct sunlight. Lack of sunlight can bring to shredding of leaves and flowers.

    It is advisable to periodically turn the pot in different directions. So the plant is formed from all sides. Due to lack of light, geranium leaves can begin to fade rapidly.

What to do after?

Rest period

Geranium with proper care can bloom all summer. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a rest of 1.5-2 months. During this period, the plant can not be watered and fed. If geranium is grown in the garden, then in the winter it is better to transplant it into the house.


Experienced gardeners recommend cutting the geranium every spring. It is necessary to do this so that every year it pleases with abundant flowering. It is advisable to pinch the tops of the shoots. They are ideal for further rooting and obtaining new plants.


Geranium refers to plants that do not tolerate transplantation. Therefore, it should be transplanted only in extreme cases.

  • If the pot has become small and the roots closely in it. It is better to choose small pots, because abundant flowering can only be obtained in cramped containers.
  • The plant began to wilt.
  • Geranium does not bloom and develops poorly.
  • The roots of the flower stick out and bare.

Do not replant if the plant blooms. Instead, you can sometimes update the top layer of soil.

If something went wrong

  1. In the first days after the beginning of rooting the leaves wither from cuttings - they need to be cut off.
  2. Cuttings rot at the ground level - it is recommended to root them again, simply cutting the stem to the healthy part, dry it and re-root it in the new soil.
  3. Leaves dry and turn yellow. The reason for this may be a lack of moisture. To remedy the situation, you just need to increase the volume of watering.
  4. Geranium does not bloom. This is a consequence of improper care, namely, failure to comply with the regime of the plant (winter rest is not provided). Another reason - picked up too big pot.
  5. The leaves become sluggish, rot appears on the stems - this is a sign of overflow. It is necessary to reduce watering. If this does not help, then the plant should be transplanted so that it does not die.

Over the years, geranium gradually exposes the lower part of the trunk. Fluffy dense bush with a huge number of flowering shoots suddenly turns into a regular stick with rarely flowering arrows. To avoid this, it is necessary to properly cutting, observing all the recommendations of experienced flower growers.

Watch the video: Plants You Can Grow From Cuttings and Leaves That gives excellent Results (December 2024).