Garden Hibiscus - tropics nearby!

In Hawaii and Malaysia, this flower girls decorate their hair.

One glance at him is enough to plunge into the atmosphere of the tropical coast.

This delightful flower can be grown in your garden!

According to the names given to hibiscus in different countries, one can judge the attitude of people to the flower:

  • "Princess Earrings" in Brazil;
  • "Sudanese Rose" in Egypt and Sudan (and also "Chinese Rose" and "Syrian Rose");
  • "Flower of beautiful women" in Hawaii (there he is a national treasure);
  • "Mallow" - not very harmonious, but in the wet forests of America, hibiscus grows thickets - it is clear why it is so called.


This is an evergreen belongs to the family Malvaceae. There are many types of hibiscus. According to various estimates - from 150 to 230.

Among them are ornamental trees, shrubs, dwarf shrubs and grassy hibiscus. Originally from China.

Occurs wherever it is warm - in Africa, Asian countries and America.

The flowers are very large. Three petals on the bottom. Golden stamens, fused into a tube, protrude beyond the flower.

The flowering period - from early summer to early autumn.

Garden, in different parts of the world, are called different species. In Russia, the garden is conventionally considered to be the Syrian tree-like and grassy hybrid hibiscus.

In the Krasnodar Territory in the ground manages to grow changeable Hibiscus.

Read about the rules of breeding Gloxinia.

Find out here especially care for hymenocallis.

Specificity of planting and care for the crocosmia flower: //

Where and with whom to plant

By choosing a place for planting Hibiscus, take it very seriously, because with good care, a flower can live in one place for many decades!

Options for how to beat the hibiscus in the flower garden - a lot! Get creative, and here are a few ideas:

  • plant hibiscus among rose bushes of the same color range;
  • the neighborhood with lavender is both beautiful and useful (it will drive the aphids away);
  • separate bush - in the center of the lawn;
  • on both sides of the walkway (if this is an alley of hibiscus - just great);
  • together several hibiscus of different shades;
  • in the background flower beds with perennials;
  • in a company with short conifers;
  • hibiscus hedge

Like a hedge, hibiscus is really perfect. In height it can be from 1.5 to 3 meters. Gives dense dense greens. In addition, great for cutting and giving it various forms.

No matter how you decide to plant a hibiscus, the main thing that you need a flower is a lot of light and little wind!


There are three ways to grow hibiscus:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • layering.

We consider the first two, as they are simpler and more often used.

Method of cuttings

To prepare the stalk you need in the summer. The top of the youngest growth is best suited.

Method 1. The stalk is placed in the water, and when it is wintered, it is transplanted into the ground.

Method 2 The cuttings are processed by a growth stimulator and placed in a mixture of peat and sand.

Approximately in a month, when there will be roots, it is planted in a potty. Mix for planting - humus, leaf soil and sand. In the spring - in the ground.


Time for sowing - from January to March. Seeds are soaked for 12 hours. After that, put in a pot with peat and sand.

Cover with glass, but, regularly open for ventilation and spray with warm water.

The room temperature must be above 26about C. When hibiscus is planted with seeds, it needs 3-4 years to grow up and start blooming.

You should not try to grow from the seeds of terry varieties of hibiscus. For them, better still cuttings.


Hibiscus prefers the soil fertile, loose (the same as for roses). Landing only when the soil is well warmed up, and frost is already behind.

Features landing and care forzitsii.

Learn about the simple rules for growing flowers of celosia: //

Working process:

  1. Dig a hole twice as large as the root ball.
  2. We make compost.
  3. Carefully place the seedling in the hole so that the root ball does not fall and does not rise above the ground level.
  4. We fill up the voids in the fossa with earth and compost. We condense the earth.
  5. Form a watering circle.
  6. Liberally spill warm water. If the earth has settled - add more.
If you live in an area with a cool climate, choose only strong seedlings with well developed roots for planting! Then they will have time to get stronger before wintering.

Hibiscus Care


Watering requires regular, not too abundant. But in the heat, when the temperature is approaching tropical, make sure that the ground under the bush does not dry out.

Strengthen watering and stands during flowering. But do not pour.

Top dressing

The first, with nitrogen, is done in the spring. In the summer, if you want to achieve lush flowering, make phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

Small portions about once every three weeks.


Do not be afraid to prune hibiscus. It is only for the benefit of him - and it will be more magnificent, and you can give a decorative form.

The procedure is done at the end of winter, or in early spring. Before the start of shoot growth.

It looks very interesting hibiscus, which was formed in the form of a stem tree. Everything is simple - from the very beginning of development, side shoots are removed until the flower grows to the desired height.

Hibiscus wintering

In the autumn, conduct dressing with potash fertilizers. If you live in warm areas, it is enough to mulch the soil, and in the winter to cover with snow. Just in case the bush can be tied with lapnik branches.

But, if temperatures in winter fall below 30-34 degrees - this is detrimental to hibiscus!

In this case, the heat-loving creature is taken into the house for the winter. You can put the plant in the basement, and you can lodge in a large pot.

What hurts hibiscus

Chlorosis. Fell down the lower leaves - it means that the water for irrigation is supersaturated with chlorine and calcium.

Spider mite It affects the flower in dry hot weather. In the evenings, spray hibiscus with warm water to prevent this from happening.

If the flower is already infected - apply Aktar and Fitoverm.

Aphid. Methods of dealing with aphids, as well as on other plants. For example, tobacco or ash.
If the conditions of detention are violated:

  • did not open, or at the same time all the buds wilted - a little moisture and nutrition;
  • no flowers, and lush foliage - overdone with nitrogen, either little light, or it was too hot in winter;
  • dirty pink spots on the leaves - little light, and a lot of food.

Learn how to propagate roses by cuttings at home.

Read on our website the rules for planting and caring for aquilegia: //

Useful, not only beautiful

Hibiscus has found a use for itself in medicine, cosmetology, it is eaten and drinks are made from it.

Famous tea Karkade made from sudan roses. On sale you can find: "Malvovy tea", "Hibiscus tea", "Sudanese rose".

The composition of the hibiscus - pectin, flavonoids, phytosterols, anthocyanins and hibiscic acid.

If you are the owner of your own hibiscus, you can make a healing drink by yourself.

Take 2 tablespoons of crushed hibiscus flowers pour boiling water (400 ml.) Let it brew and strain.

This red infusion:

  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • easy laxative;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • regulates blood pressure (hot - increases, cold - lowers);
  • good for the liver;
  • antipyretic

Moreover, pounded flowers are used externally to treat:

  • boils;
  • ulcers;
  • wounds;
  • warts.

Contraindicated hibiscus treatment: pregnant women and small children.

From the hibiscus flowers make hair dye black and purple - for industrial purposes.

In general, hibiscus - unpretentious. Apply all these simple recommendations and he will respond to you with rich colors and lush greens. Plant a hibiscus and enjoy the exotic, which is always there!

Watch the video: How to Aesthetically Prune A Tropical Hibiscus In Spring Joy Us Garden (January 2025).