One of the most favorite berries - Strawberry - does not always give the desired yield when grown in open ground. Its taste depends on weather conditions.
Strawberries on the garden bed suffer not only from them, but also from diseases, and from garden lovers of delicious berries - birds, mice and pests.
I want not only to grow a lot of strawberries, but also to have the opportunity to feast on it as long as possible throughout the year.
Strawberries in a greenhouse
Strawberries, like any garden plant, grows well and bears fruit in the greenhouse. The advantages of this method of growing berries are obvious:
- the possibility of creating a favorable microclimate for high yield;
- possibility of growing on racks, which saves space;
- reduce the risk of infection by various diseases and, as a result, increase the yield;
- getting strawberries all year round, or starting in early spring, depending on the cultivation purposes (for personal consumption, for sale).

In a greenhouse, it is easier to care for plants., because planting can be placed on racks in pots or containers. There is no need for constant weeding of the soil, which facilitates maintenance. In the greenhouse, you can organize an automatic irrigation system.
Also, on the site you can learn: how to grow strawberries in greenhouses, the secrets of growing strawberries in the greenhouse using Dutch technology and the subtleties of growing raspberries in the greenhouse all year round.
Suitable for those who want to get early harvest. Usually frame greenhouses covered with foil. Their advantages are that they are not expensive and can be easily disassembled and installed. The disadvantage is poor frost protection. Such greenhouses are not suitable for year-round cultivation of strawberries.
This is an option that fits perfectly. for organizing strawberry plantations on an industrial scale. Large fruit nurseries use exactly this type of greenhouse.
They can be used to install internal heating systems, create the necessary lighting and use various auxiliary technical tools to facilitate the care of plantings (automated irrigation and fertilization systems).
The disadvantage for personal use is the complexity of the construction - the need to lay the foundation, impressive size. This may also include the fragility of glass. The advantage of this design can be considered its durability.
Polycarbonate - modern material, which significantly facilitated the life of gardeners and became the most popular in the construction of greenhouses in the garden plots. It is perfect for the construction of greenhouses. under strawberry beds.
Disadvantage is it rather big cost, but it will not be used for one year.
The advantage of such a greenhouse is the possibility of creating the necessary conditions for obtaining a crop (as well as in a glass greenhouse).
Most comfortable and reliable Polycarbonate greenhouse is considered to grow strawberries on any scale. Beginner manufacturers increasingly refuse glass, preferring flexible, durable and durable polycarbonate to it.
Home greenhouse
It is possible to grow a small crop of strawberries for your family, even in an apartment. Especially if you use Dutch technology. A room in an apartment, a heated loggia, and even a garage are quite suitable for home cultivation.
The room itself will already be a greenhouse, which must first be installed special lighting. The same applies to the garage, where in addition to the additional light should also be heating. Creating a greenhouse for growing strawberries at home is not difficult and will not require large financial investments.
Facilitating equipment
Garden beds can be made traditional - on the ground. And it is possible to install racks in several tiers so that access to them is easy and convenient. On the shelves strawberries are grown in individual pots or in containers.
Considered comfortable Dutch method of cultivation - in hanging beds or in horizontal boxes.
If you plan to grow strawberries year roundthe greenhouse should be heated. In the south, biofuels can be used.
In the middle and northern regions it is not enough, so it is better to mount a permanent heating system.
It can be heated beds below, a kind "warm floor" for plants. To do this, in the construction of a capital greenhouse under the beds, pipes are laid, through which hot water is supplied during the cold season.
To heat the air is mounted water heating circuit.
Glass and polycarbonate greenhouses are good because they are easier to conduct electric lighting than in film. When growing strawberries in the autumn-winter period, it always requires additional lighting, therefore, to obtain a crop Fitolamp is required.
Irrigation systems
You can, of course, spend time on manual watering. And you can automate it. The simplest drip systems and technologically advanced automatic systems are a matter of the scale of cultivation.
Drip irrigation allows you to significantly save water and feed it to the plants dosed in the required amount. There are many types of systems available, and you can do it yourself.
For drip irrigation, stable centralized water supply to the site is important. If the greenhouse is established on a site of a private house with permanent residence, then this problem is easily solved.
Automatic irrigation systems appropriate to install in greenhouses for industrial cultivation berry. It pays off along with the rest of the business investment.
Air vents, or, quite simply, window leaves must be required. During construction, they should be provided on the roof and in the end walls.
Fanning ventilation is justified only in small greenhouses. Sometimes it is not enough, especially in calm weather.
If it is about large areas, justified the installation of automatic ventilation. Modern climate control systems with electronic equipment automatically maintain the optimum temperature mode with exhaust and circulation fans.
Easy access
This is one of the important conditions. The inner space of the greenhouse should be arranged so that you can easily get to any corner of it, especially if strawberries are grown in the soil in traditional beds. Their width should not exceed 0.7-1 m.
The height of the shelves is adjusted to the height of the person who will carry out the main care for strawberries.
It is convenient to separate a place in the greenhouse (for example, a small vestibule) where the inventory necessary for maintenance will be stored.
A photo
You can visually familiarize yourself with the main aspects of the strawberry growing technology in a greenhouse built with your own hands in the photo below:
On the plot, the place for the greenhouse should be flat, not foul (lowland does not fit) and located not far from the house. Beside there should be no buildings and treesfrom which the shadow can fall on the greenhouse.
Building a greenhouse in close proximity to the house has several advantages. It is easier and cheaper to conduct communications to it - water and electricity. Some gardeners generally attach it to the house. In the cold season, you can get into the greenhouse without going outside.
Construction of a greenhouse for growing strawberries all year round
Before proceeding with the construction, it is necessary to think over to the smallest detail of its internal structure and make drawings. This is followed by the calculation of the amount of building materials and funds that will be spent on it.
Capital greenhouse requires a good foundation. A foundation is being built for this. It can be tape or columnar. Most often is a strip foundation.
- the trench must be filled with sand 20 cm below the ground and carefully tamped;
- the formwork in the trench is installed 20 cm above the ground level and is smoothed around the perimeter with a metal bar or reinforcement;
- thus reinforced mandrel is filled with concrete;
- on the perimeter of the greenhouse on top of the poured concrete is done brickwork in one row. It will be convenient to attach the rack frame;
- put on a brick waterproofing laying from roofing material.
Frame Racks can be made from a metal profile with a section of 50 x 40 mm. They are attached with anchor bolts at equal distances from each other. You will need a profile rack and guide.
Vertical racks are made of rack profile, the horizontal part of the frame - from the guide. Between themselves, they are connected by screws or riveting.
All corners must be reinforced. triangular elements. This will give the structure strength.
The most practical coating is polycarbonate. With its use it is recommended to build direct greenhouses with a gable roof. The fact is that with a large fold arc, this material partially loses its light transmission, which is very important for growing strawberries.
Polycarbonate 6 mm thick is recommended. The optimal cell size is 75 x 75 cm. The insulation of the greenhouse depends on how the polycarbonate is fixed. There are 2 ways to mount:
- Fastening with pads. At the junction of the material to the frame put strips of rubber. Sheets are installed on them. The metal strip is superimposed on top and secured with screws. Seams can be additionally treated with sealant.
- Fastening with H-profile. The method of attachment is clearly represented in the figures.
Corner joints are closed with corners and sealed with rubber or sealant.
It remains only to make the vents and install the door - and the greenhouse is ready.
You can learn more about how to build a greenhouse with your own hands in the video below:
Good luck and good harvests!