Are woodlice dangerous to humans and what?

Woodlice are small pests that multiply and live in conditions of high humidity. Natural habitat is mouldering wood, wet litter, the ground under wet stones.

Licks in the apartment - a sign of excessive humidity and dampness of the room. For humans, individuals do not bear danger, but their appearance causes hostility and disgust. Another of the issues that bother the occupants of the premises is whether these insects bite or not. Next, consider whether they are harmful or not; Do I need to destroy them and how to do it safely for your health.

What it is?

Mokrits belong to the crustacean subtype due to the fact that their body is covered with shell. The average length of one specimen is 1 cm. Activity of arthropods occurs at night, as they do not tolerate bright light and noise. In the afternoon, spotting a woodlouse in an apartment (if the number of individuals is small) is difficult enough.

Reference. Movement of woodlice fast, agile individuals. If there is a threat to life, they are rolled into balls. Life expectancy is 10-12 months.

Ordinary habitat - under the bathroom, behind the toilet, near the boiler, in closets with stocks of vegetables. This is due to increased humidity and the presence of the necessary microflora for food. Wood lice, which arbitrarily through the ventilation system moved into the room from the basement, roof or street, are of particular danger to the apartment. Such individuals actively breed, it is difficult to fight them.

Do they bite or not?

The oral apparatus of individuals is not intended for bites. With it, you can only eat soft rotting remnants or small parts of plants. Licks do not bite and do not eat live microorganisms. These individuals are saprophagous - they live off organic decomposition products.

What is the harm?

Are lice in the apartment dangerous for people and what? The ill fame of woodlice deserved because of its unpleasant appearance and predispositions to gather in colonies. For many, if one looks at such a creature, a persistent feeling of disgust arises, and constant contact (if woodlice appear as soon as you turn on the light) can provoke stress or a nervous breakdown.

Despite the awesome appearance, these representatives of crustaceans are practically safe for humans. They do not bite, do not spoil the food, do not contaminate water, do not buzz and do not penetrate into the body. But individuals feed not only alive, but also rotten plants.

There is a threat that woodlice on their paws can carry pathogens of infectious diseases (fungal spores, depriving, bacteria). But this question remains ambiguous, since there is no scientific evidence and evidence.

Woodlice live in the bathroom, toilet, basement or kitchen. If these individuals appeared in the premises, you need to pay attention to the state of sewage and water supply. In these systems, leaks or faults that are invisible to the human eye may appear. If the problem is not solved, the lice colony will increase.

For plants

For indoor plants, these crustaceans carry the greatest danger. The harm is as follows:

  • eating living leaves;
  • damage and violation of the integrity of the root;
  • soil compaction (loss of oxygen occurs).
On a note. A sign that the bush is attacking the wood louse - small holes in the leaves and on the flowers. 14-15 days is enough for individuals to make the home flower completely withered and die.

Is it worth fighting with them?

Licks do not bear any particular harm, but it is not necessary to “breed” them in an apartment. Pest control is an important and necessary procedure. These crustaceans do not bite humans or animals.but disturb the comfort in the apartment. The appearance of wood lice - a signal for urgent sanitization of the room. This will allow the timely destruction of individuals and reduce the risk of possible spread of fungi or lichen.

It is necessary to distinguish woodlice from scales. The latter prefer dryness, eat sugar, food debris. In silverfish, the shell is smaller and the paws are longer. These individuals are insects. From the exact definition of the type of pest depends on the effectiveness of combating it.

When is the urgent destruction of woodlice?

  1. The number of individuals does not decrease, but grows.
  2. The landlord sees the lice even during the day.
  3. Individuals appear outside the boundaries of a possible or ordinary location (outside the bathroom).

Ways to fight

Destruction of a pest should be complex:

  • Be sure to adjust the humidity in the apartment: reduce moisture, check the ventilation system and the state of the pipelines.
  • The gap in the bathroom and toilet is recommended to seal.
  • Debris that has accumulated under the bathroom, be sure to remove - it will deprive the wood lice.

For further struggle to use mechanical, folk and chemical methods. The first 2 options are effective only when arthropods have not yet had time to breed and settle.

Mechanical methodFolk recipesChemicals
  1. Take a broom, wet it. Put at night in places where the wood lice congregate (at night, individuals will climb under wet rods). In the morning, carefully remove the besom from the room, shake it outside. Repeat the procedure 2 times.
  2. Also for the physical extermination in the corners of the bathroom, you can sprinkle salt or put a bucket of lime.
  1. Make 2-3 holes in potatoes or carrots and leave overnight. These root crops contain a lot of moisture, which attracts woodlice. In the morning vegetables with the creeping in them individuals to destroy.
  2. Mix red pepper, tobacco powder, soda (1: 1: 1). Dissolve in water, mix. The resulting solution to handle the accumulation sites.

Gett, Tarrax, Mole are suitable for processing walls and floors. Among the universal means that will help if necessary to get rid of ants or cockroaches - Tetrix. The dosage is indicated in the instructions.

When working with chemicals, be sure to wear a mask and gloves.

If there are no results, and Wood lice continue to spread around the apartment, requires careful treatment of the premises by specialists-disinsectors.

Watch the video on how to get rid of wood lice in the apartment:

So, wood lice are small individuals that represent the crustacean subtype. Differ in unpleasant appearance. The greatest threat in the apartment is for home plants - eating roots, leaves, leading to death. Man and animals do not bite. With the appearance of several individuals, it is necessary to begin the fight against them.

Watch the video: Deadly species of spider spreading the woodlouse Till End (January 2025).