The best folk remedies in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle: armed with knowledge!

In the fight against Colorado beetles popular proven funds are not only good, but also necessary.

If, for example, all other methods did not pass the quality check, or if you are not ready to resort to the help of chemicals, trusting more natural and, judging by the reviews, effective methods.


Planting dill seeds between the rows of potatoes (or other cultures) has long been considered an easy and affordable means for scaring Colorado beetles.

Colorado beetle is afraid of dill! The reason for this is a sharp peculiar smell, which, apparently, not much fell to the taste of the pest. Similar features can be used beans, beans, calendula, borage, coriander.

Dill are planted for one plant per two culture bushes (potatoes, tomatoes, etc.) and along the perimeter of the plot.

The remedy is also well-lasting. The plant repels beetles regardless of the stage of growth. There are no problems with compatibility with other drugs. Non-toxic and not harmful to humans.

Generally safe and easy way get rid of annoying pests.


Urea is another non-toxic method against the colorado beetles. Moreover, unlike some other means, urea helps to scare away not only adults, but also larvae.

The action algorithm depends on the goals you are pursuing.

Urea from the Colorado potato beetle is used as bait to repel pests.but are not effective for the larvae. This method is used in the spring during the period of active breeding of beetles or in the fall to get rid of beetles that are going to spend the winter in your garden.

The lures do not have a long action, so you need to repeat the procedure about once a week.

For the procedure itself approximately 1 kg of potatoes and a solution of urea will be required (1 cup for 2 l of water). Tubers cut into slices and insist in the solution for about a day.

Infused potatoes from the evening laid out in rows (you can use cans). The very next day, observe the paws lying to the top of the bugs.

In order to get rid of the larvae, the bushes must be sprayed with a solution of urea and water 1: 1. In addition, it contributes to plant nutrition with nitrogen.


Tar - a product often used in traditional medicine, but there are also some effective methods for using beetles using tar in horticulture.

Colorado potato beetle does not tolerate wood ashand tar is a liquid product of wood distillation. Therefore, the pest can "survive" from the site, simply sprinkling the crop with diluted tar.

This liquid does not combine well with other chemical additives; already used on adult bushes before the appearance of inflorescences. Tar is able for a week or two to completely expel the Colorado potato beetle from plants.

To prepare the solution is very simple: 100 g of birch tar will be required for a bucket (10 l) of water.

Tar is lighter than water and dissolves only in alkalis or alcohol, therefore it is completely dilute it in water will not succeed.

It is necessary to process potato bushes 3 times a week. It is advisable to do this in a sunny, clear weather - the rain will wash away the entire infusion. Pay special attention back of the leaves!

Tar, in addition to an unpleasant smell, is in no way able to harm human health.


Ammonia from the Colorado potato beetle: it has a smell repelling beetlesand therefore spraying is another popular way of pest control among summer residents.

The procedure is carried out in the morning and preferably in the absence of wind.

The solution requires 10 liters of water and 0.5 liters of ammonia. Spray the bushes without fear of burning the leaves.

Repeat the procedure as necessary.

Coca Cola

Many have heard about the use of Coca-Cola in everyday life: it perfectly removes rust and scum, cleans frying pans from soot and coins from plaque, but only a few people know about the use of Coca-Cola in the country or in the garden.

Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink, which, in addition to sugar, caffeine and dyes, contains phosphoric acid - destructive substance for insects, mites and other pests.

Himself phosphorus is the basis for most insecticidesincluding karbofos widely used for the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle.

In addition, many do not recommend the use of chemical additives during the ripening of the crop. Therefore, sometimes Coca-Cola is more suitable and affordable means for the destruction of pests.

Coca-Cola against the beetle is fast enough, after a couple of days after use, significant changes should appear.

Choose sunny and cloudless days for the procedure, because otherwise the entire Coca-Cola will be washed away by rain and there will be no effect.

Spraying the beds with Coca-Cola can be combined with substances poured into the ground.

It is undesirable to use Coca-Cola at the same time with other means for spraying, whether it be purchased insecticides or other folk remedies.

Preparing Coca-Cola for use is fairly easy, although there are several recipes for breeding:

  1. Coca-Cola and water in a ratio of 1: 1. In this case, it is better to use 2 liters of each liquid.
  2. Dilute 5 parts of drink and 1 part of water. In this case, a fairly concentrated mixture is obtained, but it also acts faster.
  3. 2 liters of Coca-Cola 7 liters (small bucket) of water.

Do not use undiluted Cokeotherwise, all kinds of insects will flock to the smell of caramel and sugar, and there will be no effect besides the time spent.

Choosing proportions, proceed from the size of your plot, allotted for potatoes, or the number of plants suffering from the Colorado potato beetle.

Use diluted Coca-Cola, as well as any other spray. A lot of liquid should get on the leaves; inflorescences, if they are, it is better not to touch.

Attention must be paid to the back of the leaves - they are constantly the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle.

Coca-Cola is not dangerous to human health., if it is not applied constantly inside, therefore rubber gloves and other protection can be neglected.

Onion Husk

Onions have long enjoyed the glory of the multifunctional ingredient used in medicine, in cooking, and even in cosmetology.

But not only the bulb itself has bactericidal properties - no less useful and onion peel.

It has long been used as a fertilizer for indoor or garden plants. With it, you can grow healthy flowers, bushes and even trees without diseases and unhealthy symptoms.

The onion peel represents an even greater value in the fight against aphids, ticks and the Colorado potato beetle.

Usually it is used when they want to avoid the use of toxic chemicals, but at the same time get an effective result. The infusion of onion peel quickly rid the plants of the Colorado beetles until their next invasion.

This tool is better not to combine with the use of other chemicals or fertilizers. It is also useless to spray the plants during the rainy period — precipitation will quickly wash the substance off the leaves.

There are two options for making onion peel infusion:

  1. Normal application. To do this, the shells of healthy onions are poured onto a third of a three-liter can and poured the remaining 2/3 with warm (40 °) water for two days. After that, the strained mood is diluted in a 1: 2 ratio, household oil is added (2 g per 1 l) or liquid soap and used.
  2. Application in situations of rapid response. To do this, about 0.5 kg of husk is poured with boiling water in a bucket and insist for two days. Without dilution add soap and spray plants.

Such a means non-toxic to humans and applies like any other.

The Colorado potato beetle does not tolerate the smell of onions, so if you plant a handful of onion peel when planting in each bush, the pest is unlikely to appear until the very flowering period of the potato bushes.


Another effective remedy in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle is wood ash. It can be used in several ways.

When landing

Like onion peel, wood ashes are sprinkled into every potato bush when planted to avoid the emergence of the Colorado potato beetle.

Pollination of adult bushes

So that the larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle would die, already grown bushes pollinate with wood (usually birch) ash.

Material for such a procedure will require a lot - about 10 kg per hundred, but such an expense gives guarantees of getting rid of pests.

To enhance the effect, you can sprinkle the soil under the bushes - then all the bugs in the ground will die.


There is a recipe for the so-called "squirting" - an effective agent against the Colorado beetles based on wood ash. 2 sprays with an interval of a week are able to completely eliminate the plot from pests.

For the preparation of "squirting" the bar of household soap is crushed and dissolved in a bucket of water with the addition of a two-liter jar of ash.

Means insist 15 minutes, after which a liter of "squirting" is diluted in a bucket of raw water and generously sprayed the plants.

Wood ash is not dangerous to human health.It is used together with other folk remedies, for example, onion peel; like other solutions, it can not be applied in rainy weather.

Watch the video: Bee Beard GONE WRONG! (January 2025).