Persistent burly with a good reputation - tomato "Bourgeois": description of the variety, photo

For owners of dacha plots in the south and in the middle lane and growing tomatoes in the open soil there is a very good variety, it is called "Bourgeois"

This variety of tomatoes withstands extreme temperatures and lack of moisture. And these are not his only virtues.

Read further in the article a full description of the variety. We will also provide you with information on the characteristics, resistance to diseases, peculiarities of cultivation.

Tomato Bourgeois: variety description

Grade nameBourgeois
general descriptionMid-season determinant variety
Ripening100-110 days
The formRounded
Average tomato mass200-400 grams
Yield varieties12 kg per square meter
Features of growingAgrotechnika standard
Disease resistanceResistant to major diseases

This is a mid-season variety of tomatoes, from the moment you planted the seedlings and 100–110 days pass before the first ripe fruits appear. Bush determinant, standard. The plant is medium-sized 80-120 cm, in the south it can reach 130-150.

This species is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses, film shelters and in unprotected soil.

It has a very good resistance to fungal diseases and harmful insects..

Ripe bourgeois tomatoes are red. The average weight of the fruit is about 200 grams. The very first can reach 350-400. They are rounded in shape, dense fleshy flesh. The number of chambers is 4-6, but maybe more, the dry matter content is 5-6%. The collected tomatoes are very well stored and carry freight.

Compare the weight of fruit varieties with others can be in the table:

Grade nameFruit weight
Bourgeois200-400 grams
Nastya150-200 grams
Valentine80-90 grams
Garden Pearl15-20 grams
Domes of Siberia200-250 grams
Caspar80-120 grams
Frost50-200 grams
Blagovest F1110-150 grams
Irina120 grams
Octopus F1150 grams
Dubrava60-105 grams


The Bourgeois variety was bred in Ukraine by specialists from Odessa in 2002. In 2003, he passed certification on the territory of the Russian Federation, and in 2004 received state registration as a variety recommended for greenhouses and open ground.

Since then, it has been popular with amateur gardeners and farmers who grow tomatoes in large quantities for processing and for sale. In open ground, the Bourgeois tomato f1 grows very well both in the southern regions and in the middle belt regions. In the more northern parts of the country it is grown under film or in greenhouses. This does not affect the yield or incidence of the plant.

The fruits of this type of tomato are not very large and therefore are very well suited for whole-canning and barrel-pickling. Beautiful tomatoes bourgeois and fresh, their taste will decorate any table. Thanks to a good combination of acids and sugars, these tomatoes make a very tasty and healthy juice.

With proper care from one bush can get about 3 kg of fruit. Recommended planting density 3-4 bush per square. m. Up to 12 kg. This is not the best indicator among tomatoes, especially for varieties of medium size.

Grade nameYield
Bourgeois12 kg per square meter
Long keeper4-6 kg per square meter
American ribbed5.5 from a bush
De Barao the Giant20-22 kg from a bush
King of the market10-12 kg per square meter
Kostroma4.5-5 kg ​​from a bush
Summer resident4 kg from a bush
Honey Heart8.5 kg per square meter
Banana Red3 kg from a bush
Golden Jubilee15-20 kg per square meter
Diva8 kg from a bush

A photo

The photo shows tomatoes of the Bourgeois variety.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main positive properties of the Bourgeois variety, amateurs and professionals point out:

  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • tolerance for lack of moisture;
  • high immunity;
  • versatility of fruit use.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the low yield and fragility of the branches, this often causes difficulties for beginners. The peculiarities of the type "Bourgeois" undoubtedly include the high keeping quality of fruits. Also among the features should definitely be noted resistance to diseases and pests.

Features of growing

The trunk of the bush must be tied up, and the branches strengthened with props, this will save them from breaking off. The plant is formed in two or three stems, often in three. During the development of this type of tomato loves complex feeding. Before planting seedlings need to harden for 7-10 days. Soaking in potassium permanganate is not required.

On our site you will find a lot of useful information on how to grow tomato seedlings. Read all about planting seedlings at home, how long after planting the seeds emerge and how to water them properly.

And also how to grow tomatoes in a twist, upside down, without land, in bottles and according to Chinese technology.

Diseases and pests

"Bourgeois" has a very high resistance to almost all typical diseases, which does not exempt gardeners from prevention. In order for the plant to be healthy and bring harvest, it is necessary observe the mode of watering and lighting, time to loosen and fertilize the soil.

Of the pests most often attacked by spider mites and slugs. To fight the mite, a strong soap solution is used, which is used to wipe the areas of the plant that have been affected by the insect, washing it away and creating an environment unsuitable for their life. The plant will not be harmed by this.

In the southern regions, the most common pest of this species is the Colorado potato beetle. Against him use the means "Prestige".

Bourgeois variety of tomatoes - not the most troublesome, putting a certain effort even a novice will cope with it. Good luck in growing tomatoes and rich harvests.

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