Description of advantages and disadvantages, all characteristics of the Black Pear tomato variety

There are about 4000 varieties of tomatoes. Their size varies from "cherry" to quite good "pumpkin". The largest recorded weight of a tomato is 3.8 kilograms. He was raised by Dan McCoy, a resident of Minnesota, USA. The tomato is named "Big Zach."

In the same article, we will tell about the variety of tomatoes Black pear - perhaps the most famous and popular variety among black tomatoes. The name is given for easily recognizable shape and characteristic, almost brown color.

Read in our article a complete description of the variety, its characteristics and characteristics of cultivation.

Black pear tomato: variety description

Tomato belongs to the varieties with average maturity, from planting seeds for seedlings to the stage of harvesting the first harvest should be from 110 to 113 days. Indeterminate bush, with a powerful, rigid trunk reaches a height of 1.6-1.8 meters.

Fruit Characteristic:

  • Tomatoes variety "Black Pear" small, characteristic shape, resemble a small pear.
  • Mass of tomatoes from 55 to 80 grams.
  • Very tight.
  • The color of the fruit is dark burgundy, almost fully brown when fully ripe.
  • Possess good preservation during transportation.
  • Suitable for salting and pickling, when used fresh, great for decorative decoration of salads.

Grade advantages:

  • Resistance to late blight;
  • Increased carotene content;
  • Good taste;
  • Prolonged fruiting;
  • Good preservation and presentation;
  • Lack of cracking tomatoes.


  • High demands on the composition of the soil;
  • The need to remove stepsons.

A photo

Below are photos of tomato, variety “Black pear”:

Recommendations for growing

According to the feedbacks and recommendations received on open ridges, cultivation is possible in the southern regions of Russia, the middle zone and Siberia require cultivation in film shelters or greenhouses.

Yield when grown in a greenhouse will be from 3.0 to 4.0 kilograms per bush. When planting no more than four plants per square meter, you will get 12-15 kilograms of delicious original tomatoes.

For best results, it is desirable to form a bush in two trunks. Requires tying a bush. To create a bush experienced gardeners recommend on the trellis. To lengthen the period of fruiting, it is recommended to pinch the crown of the head after the ovary with 7-8 brushes. In the brush is obtained from 6 to 8 fruits.

Diseases and pests

Blackleg. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that infects the stems and leaves of a plant. As a control measure, it is possible to recommend planting far enough from each other, reducing the volume of irrigation. For prophylaxis, soil application is recommended when digging trichodermin.

Fusarium Most often affects young plants in greenhouses. The causative agent of the disease is fungus, most active at high ambient temperatures, as well as a lack of lighting. In order to combat, it is recommended to remove the plant along with a clod of soil. The remaining plants can be sprayed with phytosporin solution.

Whitefly. Small white-winged insects. Most often parasitic on plants in the greenhouse, which gets along with the air flow. For the purpose of prophylaxis, it is recommended to cover the vents with gauze. A possible measure of the fight with the whitefly landing in the greenhouse next to the tomatoes of tobacco bushes with leaves treated with aktellik.

Spider mite The most dangerous tick when setting hot weather. Despite the small size, takes a number. It sucks the juice from the leaves, which is why they acquire a "marble" color. As a measure of struggle, it is possible to recommend spraying the drug "Fitoverm", carefully observing the instructions on the package.

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