Heat-loving tomato "Golden Jubilee" f1 - bright early variety for your greenhouse

The spring sun has already warmed up and all summer residents rush to their sites. But which tomato to choose for planting? How to choose such a variety in order to get a tasty and beautiful harvest for the envy of the neighbors?

Pay your attention to the wonderful interesting tomato Golden Jubilee, because it has long been rightfully deserved to love as novice gardeners, as well as large farmers across the country.

In this article we have collected for you all the information about these wonderful tomatoes - a description of the variety, characteristics, characteristics of cultivation, resistance to diseases.

Golden Anniversary Tomatoes: variety description

Grade nameGolden Jubilee
general descriptionEarly ripe variety of determinant type
Ripening80-90 days
The formRound
Average tomato mass150-250 grams
Yield varieties15-20 kg per square meter
Features of growingThe grade is thermophilic, it is necessary to observe the mode of watering
Disease resistanceThe variety does not have high immunity

This is a great early-ripening variety of tomatoes, from planting to full ripening which lasts up to 80-90 days. For such a high rate of ripening, the tomato received the deserved love of gardeners. The plant is determinant-type, not standard and can grow up to 1-1.5 meters. The bushes are elongated, the color of leaves varies from light green to emerald. About indeterminantny grades read here.

This variety was developed for growing under film, in greenhouses and greenhouses, but with good care it grows quite tolerably and bears fruit in the open field. The plant gives a great harvest, but rather capricious and has a weak immune system. The soil must be enriched with compost or other organic fertilizers, while the acidity should be from 6.2 to 6.8 pH.


The fruits of the "Golden Jubilee" bright yellow color, medium size, weighing 150-250 grams. The skin is thick, but not hard. The flesh is juicy, fleshy with thick walls. The number of chambers 3-4, the dry matter content of 5-6%. The chambers are small in size, with a small number of seeds. The taste of the fruit is sweetish, pleasant with a bright aroma.

The weight of fruits of this variety can be compared with others using the table:

Grade nameFruit weight
Golden Jubilee150-250 grams
Ultra early F1100g
Big Mama200-400 grams
Striped Chocolate500-1000 grams
Banana feet60-110 grams
Banana Orange100g
Petrusha gardener180-200 grams
King of Siberia400-700 grams
Honey saved200-600 grams
Pink honey80-150

This is a foreign variety, which was first introduced in 1943 in America and received the prize Selection All America.

The golden jubilee is very thermophilic and a bit capricious, when planting it must be borne in mind that weak young shoots can damage even small frosts. This variety is suitable only for the southern warm regions with a sufficient number of sunny days. The best areas for growing Golden Jubilee are Astrakhan, Kuban, Crimea and the Caucasus.

In the middle lane, this hybrid can also show a good result with careful care and regular feeding, but it must be borne in mind that in more northern areas the yield is reduced. Recommended cultivation in glass or polycarbonate greenhouses.

This type of universal, its bright yellow round fruit will be perfectly combined in the collection of preservation and barrel pickling. Fruits give a good juice, rich in vitamins and nutrients. But, first of all, such tomatoes are appreciated for fresh consumption in various salads. Not suitable for the production of tomato paste. Golden Jubilee is considered to be one of the most delicious varieties.

The yield of the Golden Jubilee is very much dependent on many conditions, such as temperature, humidity and protection from pests. With one square meter can be collected from 15 to 20 kg of ripe tomatoes. But keep in mind that in cold climates fertility drops sharply and the risk of various diseases increases.

Yield varieties can be compared with others:

Grade nameYield
Golden Jubilee15-20 kg per square meter
King of beauty5.5-7 kg from a bush
Rosemary pound8 kg per square meter
Pudovik18.5-20 kg per square meter
Honey and sugar2.5-3 kg from a bush
Persimmon4-5 kg ​​from a bush
Demidov1.5-4.7 kg per square meter
Nikola8 kg per square meter
Dimensionless6-7,5 kg from a bush
Right size12-13 kg per square meter
Read also on our website: What should be considered when growing early varieties? What varieties of tomatoes have good immunity and demonstrate high yields?

How to get a good harvest of tomatoes in the open field? How to grow a lot of tasty tomatoes all year round in greenhouses?

A photo

The photo shows the Golden Jubilee tomato f1:

Advantages and disadvantages

This variety has a large number of advantages.:

  • beautiful and tasty bright fruits;
  • very fast ripening;
  • ample opportunities for use;
  • one of the best greenhouse varieties.

But he also has a lot of significant drawbacks.:

  • moodiness and increased requirements for care;
  • weak immunity and susceptibility to diseases;
  • not suitable for northern areas.

Features of growing

It is advisable to pre-grow seedlings of this variety, using special cups, containers or mini-greenhouses. Before planting, seeds are treated with a growth promoter.

A tomato, planted in a permanent place, needs regular loosening and fertilizer. As feedings you can use: mineral complexes, yeast, iodine, ashes, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and boric acid. Mulching will help in weed control.

The plant does not tolerate excessive moisture, so it is necessary to observe the mode of watering. It also requires a garter to the supports and pasynkovanie.

Read also on our website: How to prepare the soil in the greenhouse for spring plantings? What types of soil for tomatoes exist?

What soil is used for planting tomato seedlings and for adult plants in greenhouses?

Diseases and pests

Tomato Golden Jubilee f1 - not highly immune. About varieties not prone to diseases, read here. Often the plant gets fomosis. To combat it, it is necessary to regularly remove the affected fruits and leaves and treat with the drug "Chom". Also a big danger is brown spot. To prevent this disease, you need to use drugs "Antrakol", "Consento" and "Tattu".

With increased humidity may occur late blight. To warn him, it is necessary to regularly air the greenhouse and monitor the level of humidity. Read more about the most common diseases of tomatoes in greenhouses and about measures to combat them.

Despite all the difficulties in growing, Tomato Golden Jubilee - one of the favorite among experienced farmers. But for beginners, it is poorly suited, so it is better to accumulate experience and land a more unpretentious hybrid. Good luck and great harvest in the garden!

In the table below you will find links to other varieties of tomatoes presented on our website and having different ripening periods:

Early maturingMiddle lateMedium early
Crimson ViscountYellow bananaPink Bush F1
The Tsar BellTitaniumFlamingo
KatyaF1 slotOpenwork
ValentineHoney saluteChio Chio San
Cranberries in sugarMiracle of the marketSupermodel
Fatimagold fishBudenovka
VerliokaDe barao blackF1 major

Watch the video: Tomatoes for Hot Climates (December 2024).