Beauty on your beds - Golden Queen Tomato: variety description, photo

Yellow tomatoes look very elegant, besides they are ideal for people who are allergic to classic red tomatoes.

All this will be an excellent argument for choosing a promising variety called the Golden Queen. Large, smooth, very beautiful tomatoes ripen early, allowing you to enjoy delicious delicacies at the very beginning of summer.

Read in our article a complete description of the variety, get acquainted with its characteristics, learn about disease resistance and the features of agricultural technology.

Tomatoes Golden Queen: variety description

Grade nameGolden queen
general descriptionEarly, indeterminate variety of tomatoes with large fruits and high yields
Ripening95-105 days
The formLarge, flat-rounded, with pronounced ribbing at the stem
ColourHoney yellow
Average tomato massup to 700 grams
ApplicationUniversal. Suitable for baby and diet food
Yield varietiesup to 10 kg per square meter
Features of growingTomatoes are grown in seedlings. Agrotechnika standard
Disease resistanceResistant to major diseases of Solanaceae

Golden Queen is an early ripe high-yielding variety.

The bush is indeterminate, tall, moderately spreading, with abundant formation of green mass. Read about determinant varieties here. The leaves are dark green, simple, medium size. The fruits ripen in small brushes of 3-4 pieces..

Tomatoes are large, flat-rounded, with pronounced ribbing at the stem. Weight up to 700 grams. The color of ripe tomatoes is rich honey yellow. The flesh is juicy, fleshy, moderately dense, with a small amount of seeds.

The high content of dry substances and sugars allows us to recommend fruits for baby and dietary food. Delicious taste, sweet, with light fruity notes.

You can compare the weight of the fruits of the Golden Queen with other varieties in the table below:

Grade nameFruit weight
Golden queenup to 700
Russian size650-2000
Podsinskoe miracle150-300
American ribbed300-600
Prime minister120-180
Honey heart120-140

Origin and Application

The variety of tomato Golden Queen bred by Russian breeders, designed for growing in greenhouses, greenhouses, under the film. In regions with a warm climate, it is possible to land in open ground. The yield is very good, from 1 square. meters of planting can be removed up to 10 kg of selected tomatoes.

You can compare the crop yield with others in the table below:

Grade nameYield
Golden queenup to 10 kg per square meter
Gulliver7 kg from a bush
Lady shedi7.5 kg per square meter
Honey heart8.5 kg per square meter
Fat jack5-6 kg from a bush
Doll8-9 kg per square meter
Summer resident4 kg from a bush
Lazy man15 kg per square meter
The president7-9 kg per square meter
King of the market10-12 kg per square meter

Fruits are universal, they are suitable for preparing various dishes or canning. Ripe tomatoes make a delicious thick juice that you can drink freshly squeezed or harvested.

Read also on our website: We grow varieties with early ripening success. What tomatoes can boast of good immunity and high yields?

How to get a great harvest in the open field? How to grow delicious tomatoes all year round in greenhouses?

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of the variety:

  • tasty and beautiful fruits;
  • high content of sugars and amino acids;
  • early maturation;
  • high yield;
  • lack of care;
  • resistance to major diseases.

Among the shortcomings of the variety, it is worth noting the need for pasynkovani and the formation of the bush, sensitivity to the nutritional value of the soil. High spreading plants need strong supports and tying up.

A photo

The photo shows the Golden Queen tomato:

Features of growing

Tomatoes varieties Golden Queen grown seedling method. Seeds are sown in the second half of March, pre-soaking them in a growth promoter. The soil should be light, preferably a mixture of garden soil with humus in equal shares. For greater nutritional value, wood ash or superphosphate can be added to the substrate. Seeds are sown with a slight deepening, sprayed with warm water and covered with foil.

After the appearance of the first shoots, the seedlings are exposed to a bright light. In cloudy weather, it is illuminated with fluorescent lamps. When the first pair of true leaves unfolds on the plants, a dive takes place in separate pots. Young tomatoes are fed with a full complex fertilizer.

Properly grown seedlings should be strong, bright green, not too protracted. In the greenhouse it is transplanted after the appearance of 6-7 leaves and the first flower brush. On 1 square. m recommended to plant no more than 3 plants, planting thickening significantly reduces the yield. Tomatoes form in 1-2 stems, removing stepchildren. It is recommended to pinch off deformed flowers, it stimulates the development of ovaries.

Golden Queen Tomatoes are watered infrequently, but abundantly. For the season need 3-4 dressing full complex fertilizer.

Read also all about fertilizers for tomatoes:

  • Organic, mineral, phosphoric, TOP best.
  • Yeast, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, boric acid, ash.
  • Foliar and seedlings.

It is very important to use the correct soil when planting tomatoes, since there are different types. You can get acquainted with them in this article. And also learn how to prepare the soil yourself, what kind of soil is suitable for greenhouse tomatoes.

Diseases and pests

The variety of tomato Golden Queen is resistant to the main diseases of tomatoes in greenhouses: blight, fusarium wilt, alternariosis and verticillus, tobacco mosaic. For prevention, it is recommended to disinfect the soil before planting by spilling it with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. The methods of struggle can be found here.

During an epidemic of late blight, plants are sprayed with copper-containing preparations. Phytosporin helps well from the fungus; it protects from the root or top rot to frequent airing of the greenhouse, weeding, and mulching the soil with peat. Read also all about methods of protection against phytophtoras and about varieties that do not suffer from this disease.

Preventive sprays with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and regular inspections will protect against insect pests.

In the case of lesion with thrips, whitefly or aphids, industrial insecticides are recommended. When attacking the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae will help proven methods. Also, there are ways to get rid of slugs that can cause considerable damage to plantings.

Tomato Golden Queen - the perfect variety for fans of the original yellow fruit tomatoes. She perfectly reacts to top dressings, increasing productivity. Strong bushes do not get sick, calmly endure a small drought, the seeds for subsequent landings you can collect yourselffrom ripe fruits.

In the table below you will find links to articles about tomatoes with different ripening terms:

NikitichPrime ministerAlpha
F1 funtikGrapefruitPink Impreshn
Crimson Sunset F1De Barao the GiantGolden stream
F1 sunriseYusupovskiyMiracle lazy
MikadoBull heartThe miracle of cinnamon
Azure F1 GiantRocketSanka
Uncle StyopaAltaicLocomotive

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