Is dill useful for hamsters and what breeds can it be given?

When a funny animal like a hamster appears in the house, the question traditionally arises: how can you feed it, how to organize the jungar and other breeds of this animal a balanced diet, is there enough food for it or does it need to be additionally fed with some separate foods? Hamsters are quite sensitive to food and any feeding error that seems insignificant at first glance may cost the animal life.

What kind of greens can be added to the food of animals of the Jungar and Syrian breed?

Fresh greens should certainly be present in the diet of pets. This is especially true for small rodents, which do not have the possibility of walking and independent food extraction.

Attention: Veterinarians recommend supplementing the basic nutrition of hamsters with an additional delicacy, which may well serve as dill.

It will be useful not only for ordinary hamsters, but also for Jungar and even Syrian ones.

Is any variety suitable?

You can experiment and grow for the hamster different varieties of dill. But if there is no such possibility, but there is a cottage or own garden, then for additional prikorma quite suitable ordinary dill, which grows in almost every garden.

If the owner of the pet does not have a summer cottage, then such greens can be grown without problems at home, for example, on a windowsill, or periodically purchased in supermarkets.


The chemical composition of the culture

Reference: Dill contains 7 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product, which is about 54% of the total energy from a serving or 28 kilocalories. It does not contain harmful to the body trans fats and cholesterol.

But vitamin A prevails as well:

  • vitamins C, B1, B2, B3 (PP), B5, B6 and B9;
  • folic acid;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper.
  1. It is composed of fiber, which is necessary to maintain the health of the rodent.
  2. Hamsters are often susceptible to various colds, so dill will effectively fight off colds and improve the immune system of the pet.
  3. It helps the constipation animal, it acts as a laxative and contributes to a soft emptying of the animal's intestines.
  4. It will also help in the prevention of cystitis and kidney disease.
  5. From a sedentary lifestyle, hamsters are often prone to obesity, so dill will help avoid unwanted excess weight, as it normalizes the metabolism in rodents.
  6. Dill is needed for pregnant females, but not more than 30-50 grams per week.
  7. Greenery will help to recover and newly fed females hamsters. It improves lactation, enriches milk with vitamins, supplies them to the organisms of growing young.

Dill is a kind of greenery that can be frozen, while it does not lose its beneficial properties. In order for the pet to always have greens in the diet, dill can be prepared for future use, freeze in the refrigerator, and, as necessary, to give the rodent thawed, after washing it and drying it.

Dried dill also does not lose its beneficial properties, and it can be given to pets in this form. Even dried dill contains a large supply of vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, E, K, PP.

Possible contraindications

But do not forget that this type of greenery can not be the main source of food for a small pet. It should be given as an additional delicacy, not more than twice a week.

Important: the abundance of dill in the daily diet can provoke diarrhea and frequent urination, which adversely affect the animal's health, and it may require the help of a veterinarian.

How to give?

Pampering hamsters with fresh greens is necessary not only in summer. The green treat should be in the pet's manger all year round. In summer and autumn, the rodent should receive up to 300 grams of fresh greenery. A young individual will be enough 100 grams, and older rodents require two times more.

The main thing to remember is that everything should be a measure, and to treat a pet with dill should be no more than two or three times a week, then he will be healthy, vigorous and full of strength.

If the animal eats with various greens with pleasure, then it is possible to include in its food not only dill, but also other useful products - parsley, fresh lettuce or spinach. But sorrel, green onions, mint and basil are not recommended for rodents, as this green contains harmful elements for the organism of animals.

Watch the video: What fruits and vegetables you can give your hamster (January 2025).