The use of dill water for colic in newborns. Tips, where to buy and how to do at home

Many mothers are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as colic in newborns. Modern medicine offers several remedies for relieving symptoms and relieving pain, one of which is dill water.

The advantage of this type of medicine is a completely natural composition and the absence of preservatives, flavors, sugar. The article tells about the beneficial properties of dill water, as well as indications and contraindications for use for newborns.

Indications for use

The use of dill water is permissible from the first days of life, the drug is prescribed by the attending physician, but dispensed at a pharmacy without a prescription. Indications for use are:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased gas formation;
  • bloating;
  • colic.

The efficacy of the drug has not been proven, but it is traditionally prescribed to relieve pain symptoms in infants.

Dill water reduces flatulence in the intestines and relieves spasm of smooth muscles, helping accumulated gases go out. In addition, it has antimicrobial and diuretic properties, improves digestion.

Composition and use

Dill water got its name because of the fennel fennel, the beneficial properties of which have been known to medicine for a long time.

Fennel seeds have a rich composition of vitamins (A, C, B), mineral salts (iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium), contain essential oils and other biologically active substances. Due to this composition dill water contributes to:

  1. restoration of the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn;
  2. relieving pain symptoms of colic;
  3. removal of inflammatory processes;
  4. improve sleep and appetite.

Already 15 minutes after the intake of gases is noted and calm in the intestines of babies. Regular use of dill water reduces the risk of intestinal upset in newborns, normalizes its microflora.

Contraindications and overdose

The risk of allergic reactions in the newborn while taking dill water is minimal, but the first use should be started with small doses and constant monitoring of the condition. Allergy to fennel in newborns is associated with the immaturity of the digestive system, because of which the substances contained in the medication are not split and are not absorbed by the body.

In the event of the following symptoms, dill water should be immediately canceled:

  • rash;
  • red spots on the body;
  • swelling of mucous membranes;
  • upset stool;
  • vomiting.
It should be remembered that dill water is a drug, so the dosage and duration of treatment in a newborn must comply with the instructions or recommendations of the attending physician.

Symptoms of overdose are:

  1. increased gas formation;
  2. lower blood pressure;
  3. loose stools;
  4. vomiting.

In addition, despite the harmless composition, fennel seeds reduce pressure and are contraindicated in hypotension.

Instructions on how and how much to give medicine

There are two forms of drug release.

Concentrated solution from gazikov

The bottle contains 15 ml of solution, in which it is necessary to add 35 ml of boiled, cooled or distilled water and shake well. For accurate dosing, a 5 ml measuring cap is included. For newborns, the required dose of 10 drops of the solution is 3 to 6 times a day.

To eliminate the allergic reaction it is recommended to start taking dill with 0.5-1 tsp. For best results, dill water is given before feeding, either with a spoon or through a bottle. The finished solution is stored for 30 days at a temperature of + (15-25) ะก.

We offer to watch a video on how and how much to give the child dill water:

Filter package

Package contains 20 pcs. 1.5 g of crushed leaves, twigs and fennel seeds. The method of application is as follows. The filter bag must be poured over 200 ml of boiled water and infused for 15 minutes, then squeeze and remove. The prepared solution is cooled and given to babies by 0.5-1 teaspoon per day also before feeding. Ready infusion is stored at room temperature for no more than a day.

Because of the specific taste, the infant may refuse the medication, in this case the solution is mixed with breast milk or formula.

Reception duration

The duration of treatment may be several months. and is determined by the improvement of the state of the baby. As a rule, by the end of the first half of the year, the gastrointestinal tract is adapted, and the problem of colic ceases to be relevant. If the reception of dill water does not bring results, it is necessary together with the doctor to choose a more suitable means to alleviate the condition of the newborn.

Where to buy and what is the cost?

You can buy ready-made dill water at any pharmacy in the city or order it through an online store. The most popular are the following trademarks - manufacturers:

  • KorolevFarm, Russia. The average cost of 190 rubles.
  • Vitro Life, Belarus. The average cost of 75 rubles.
  • Health, Russia. The average cost of 140 rubles.

How to make some water yourself?

Prepare dill water at home is quite simple. Since the drug is intended for newborns, it is important to use high-quality raw materials and distilled water.

  1. Recipe 1. The preparation will require dried fennel seeds, which must be ground into powder. One tablespoon of powder is poured with 250 ml of hot water and infused for 45 minutes, then filtered and cooled to room temperature. For newborns, the permitted dose is not more than 15 drops of such a product per day. Shelf life is not more than a day.
  2. Recipe 2. To obtain a solution, it is necessary to dissolve no more than 0.05 g of fennel essential oil in 1 liter of water. The resulting liquid can be stored for up to 1 month in a cool place. Before taking the composition must be heated to room temperature and shake.
  3. Recipe 3. In the absence of fennel, you can use the recipe using dill. One teaspoon of dill seeds is poured with 250 ml of hot water and infused for 60 minutes. It is filtered, cooled to room temperature and ingested no more than 1 tablespoon per day.
  4. Recipe 4. You can also brew chopped dill. One tablespoon of finely chopped greens must be poured over 100 ml of hot water and infused for one hour. Strain, cool to room temperature and apply orally also no more than 1 tablespoon per day.

Thus, the use of dill water for the treatment of colic in newborns is possible and, as a rule, effective. Completely natural composition and unique properties of the components help to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and alleviate the condition of the baby from the first days of life. And the ease of preparation and availability of the drug will be a pleasant addition to the newly minted parents.

Watch the video: Pediatrics & Child Health Care : Newborn Colic Remedies (December 2024).