Valuable and inexpensive product in the diet: the benefits and harm of broth beets

For the treatment of many diseases, red beet is very popular in traditional medicine. If the remedy is properly prepared and used, then the body can be helped to cope with certain diseases.

The healing qualities of beets are explained by the presence in it of a large amount of vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances, most of which are preserved even after heat treatment.

Benefit and harm

What is useful decoction for the body? Its beneficial properties are explained by the biochemical composition of beets. A fresh vegetable contains a higher amount of vitamins, but the human body absorbs nutrients more easily and faster after its heat treatment.

Thanks to organic acids and other elements, beet broth is useful to use for constipation, as it improves intestinal motility. With regular use of the drink decreases the percentage of putrefactive bacteria.

Beet contains the substance betaine, which is able to regulate fat metabolism in the body, prevents the penetration into the liver of harmful substances and increase blood pressure. Betaine retains its properties after heat treatment, therefore, the decoction will benefit people suffering from obesity and having liver disease (we described in detail about the use of beets in the treatment of liver diseases in this article).

The magnesium contained in the beet broth helps to cleanse the blood vessels, therefore, fights atherosclerosis and hypertension (you can learn more about how to cleanse the body with the help of beets, as well as look for recipes for healing the blood vessels, intestines, and liver). A large amount of iodine makes the vegetable useful for disorders of the thyroid gland.

Folic acid content in beets makes decoction useful for pregnant women. and for those women who are only planning a pregnancy. Folic acid contribute to the formation of the nervous system of the future baby.

Restrictions on the use of broth beets are also due to its chemical composition. With caution should be used beet broth for people suffering from:

  • osteoporosis - This is due to the fact that beets slow down the absorption of calcium;
  • diabetes mellitus - beet contains a large amount of sucrose;
  • urolithiasis (first of all by oxaluria) - oxalic acid is present in beets;
  • hypotension - beet decoction is able to lower blood pressure;
  • chronic diarrhea - Beetroot and decoction of it have pronounced laxative properties.
Attention! The beet broth contains substances that contribute to the crystallization of the liquid and can provoke the movement of stones in gallstone and urolithiasis, causing harm to a person.

Indications and Contraindications

Beet broth has the following beneficial properties:

  1. eliminates edema due to diuretic action;
  2. fights against constipation, including chronic constipation, providing a laxative effect on the intestines;
  3. promotes the maximum digestion of protein, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis;
  4. lowers blood pressure;
  5. relieves nervous tension, fights insomnia;
  6. rid the body of toxins;
  7. used in the treatment of tonsillitis (on how to treat a sore throat with beets, we told in a separate article).

Despite the great benefits to the body, the beet decoction has some contraindications. It is not recommended to take beet broth:

  • hypotensive;
  • with diarrhea;
  • osteoporosis;
  • with oxaluria and urolithiasis.

With caution should take a decoction of beets for people with diabetes due to the high sucrose content.

Step by step instructions how to apply

How to cook, recipe

For the preparation of a therapeutic beverage based on beets, you need a medium-sized root crop with no damage and a 4-liter saucepan. Preparing beet broth this way:

  1. Do not peel the beets; wash them thoroughly and put them into the cooked saucepan.
  2. Pour the vegetable 3 liters of cold water and put the container on fire.
  3. After boiling, boil on low heat until 2/3 of the volume of the whole liquid boils.
  4. Vegetable get out of the water, cool, peel and grate on a medium grater.
  5. Put the grated beets back into the broth, mix and cook for another twenty minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Ready broth from the root filter through gauze or small strainer.
Important! Given the ability of the root to accumulate nitrates, when using vegetables for medicinal purposes, it is advisable to prepare a decoction of beets grown in the garden plot.

How to use?

Next, consider what to do with the drug, formed after cooking root, how and for what purpose you can use beet broth.

Rinse hair

Beet broth can be used to strengthen the hair and give it a lively shine. To do this, cooked in advance decoction of the root must be studded and rinsed their hair after shampooing.

Hair after such a procedure becomes fluffy and shiny.

From cracks in the heel

In order to get rid of such problems as cracks on the heels, it is necessary every day to make foot baths from broth beets. The product should be slightly hot..

Pour the cooked broth into the container, lower the legs into it for thirty minutes. After that, wipe your feet dry, smear them with cream and wear socks.


Healing decoction of beets can be used in home cosmetology. Regular drinking will help eliminate acne and pimples on the skin.will improve the complexion.

You can also make an anti-inflammatory mask for problem skin. For this you will need:

  • decoction of beets;
  • corn flour;
  • shredded raw potatoes.

All components mix in proportion 1/1/1. Apply the mask on the face and leave for fifteen minutes. After which it should be washed off with warm water.

To clean the liver

Beet broth is an effective means to cleanse the liver of toxins.and also promotes the entry into the body of essential trace elements. But it is not recommended to perform the procedure of cleansing the liver if you feel unwell. You should also know that the decoction has a diuretic effect, so cleaning the body is best done on a weekend.

To clean the liver, you should drink 200 ml of beet broth every four hours during the day. Allowed to reduce the interval between doses up to three and a half hours. Each time after drinking a dose of a drink, it is necessary to take a horizontal position and apply a warm heating pad to the liver area.

You can add honey to the decoction. On this day, you should exclude from the menu salty, fatty foods, spices, leaving vegetable products, and drink plenty of non-carbonated purified water.

The entire volume of cooked broth can not be drunk at a time, as this does not accelerate the purification of the liver from toxins, but only provokes a deterioration of health.

We offer to watch a video about the use of beets in cleaning the liver:

From atherosclerosis

Due to the fact that a decoction of the root helps the body to digest the protein as well as the high content of magnesium and iodine in its composition, regular use of the drink reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

For the prevention of atherosclerosis, you should drink 200 g of beet broth once a day before meals.

To combat obesity

Due to the content of betaine - a substance that can positively affect the body's fat metabolism, as well as its ability to reduce cholesterol in the blood, a root vegetable drink is useful to use in the fight against obesity (about how beet consumption affects human blood, you can find here ). To do this, the resulting beet broth must be divided into five parts and drink before each meal.

Beetroot drink taken to combat excess weight, must be used in combination with other low-calorie foods. For people suffering from obesity, it is useful to arrange unloading days, during which to use only beet broth.

100 g of beet broth contains only 49 kilocalories.

For the treatment and prevention of many diseases, in addition to decoction, they use freshly squeezed juice from beets. Read our materials on how to make beetroot drink, including with carrots, as well as how to properly take it in oncology, rhinitis, and other diseases of the nose.


Due to the content of a large number of valuable substances, this useful and inexpensive vegetable is popular not only among culinary specialists, but also among traditional healers and cosmetologists. Sometimes, to help your body, you need to pay attention not to drugs, but to products familiar from childhood.

Watch the video: Juicing BeetsApples - Builds blood cells, aids in digestion, rich in magnesium, iron, potassium (December 2024).