What scheme of planting carrots is better to choose and why is it so important?

Growing vegetables does not start with properly selected, elite seeds. And not even from the prepared, fertilized soil.

Planned in advance and using the correct landing pattern. For the seeds of various vegetables, it has its own. Including, for carrots.

How to plan a bed? What is the difference between winter and spring planting? What is the distance between rows? Answers to these questions can be found in the article.

The importance of choosing a seed placement depth and row spacing

The key moment of growing carrots is a certain pattern of planting seeds. It is important to consider the distance through which they should be planted and at what depth to sow. Properly marked beds and sketchy sowing, sowing depth of the material contribute to good seed germination, growth of root crops and high-quality harvest.

Sometimes it is impossible to correctly mark how and at what depth the seeds will be sown. The consequences of improper planting will have a bad effect on cultivation, namely:

  1. Disturbed air circulation due to closely located seedlings will increase the possibility of their infection with diseases, rot and fungus.
  2. Close plantings will shade each other, reduce the fertility of the crop. As a result of lack of lighting, shoots will appear later, due to poorly heated soil.
  3. Due to the density of planting, the sprouts will receive few nutrients. The root system of strong seedlings will prevail over the roots of the weak, along with moisture and vitamins from the soil.
  4. Wrongly developed stems, leaves and root vegetables. Carrots will grow small in size, with possible deformation.
  5. Complicated care for sprouts: you will have to thin out them often, and transplanted to a new place.
  6. Feeding and watering culture is difficult.
  7. The soil is quickly depleted, and it will have to be further fed.

Basic landing patterns

Planting carrot seeds depends on season, soil, plot, etc. For each season takes into account its nuances.

There are 3 main ways (schemes) of landing:

  1. Wide row For him prepare grooves up to 15-20 cm wide. The method allows root crops to grow freely.
  2. Private. It needs pre-fertilized with humus soil. After 1 row with carrot seeds, plant bulbs (other cultures).
  3. With the use of germinated seeds. For them, the width of the grooves increase to 5 cm.

Depending on desire, it is possible to use 3 named methods at once.

What is the difference between spring and winter sowing?

The differences between planting carrot seeds in spring and late autumn are as follows:

  • Autumn planting will allow you to harvest the first crop earlier than usual. Root crops will have a healthier appearance, are less susceptible to pests, and the size will exceed the fruits of the spring harvest. Many gardeners do not like this method because they have to additionally protect the seeds from the weather. However, the result is worth it.

    One feature: the fruits of this crop are not stored for a long time. They are designed for quick use. Garden beds are prepared for small size.

  • Sub-winter sowing will save a lot of time in spring: you will not need to prepare the beds and seeds, etc. In the autumn, landing is permissible to hold when the main garden work is done. And you don’t have to mess around with the seeds: they will have time to feed on the moisture of the autumn land, and will harden over the winter, which will ensure early, friendly shoots.
  • In the fall, you will have to carefully select the area for sowing A quiet, windless place where snow melts early is recommended. The plot should be horizontal so that when the snow melts in the spring, the seeds are not washed out of the soil.

In the remaining moments, there is no difference between spring sowing and winter sowing. For emerged shoots need to care equally.

Is it far from each other to plant seeds?

When a variety of carrot seeds has been identified for planting, a place has been selected and prepared, it is time for sowing. You can sow in:

  1. Open ground. The scheme of planting in the open field is quite simple. The depth of seed placement for light sandy or sandy soils is 2-3 cm, for heavy loams - 1.5-2 cm. The distance between rows is selected according to the size of each bed or plot, but at least 20 cm. This allows neighboring rows not to interfere to a friend of a friend, and simplifies cultivation

    Seeds are planted from each other at a distance of 3-4 cm. This is easy to do with paper tape: carrot seeds are placed on a strip of paper, smeared with glue, 3-4 cm apart. Then the strip is placed in a garden bed and covered with earth. The paper will soften after watering, and will not prevent the growth of seedlings.

  2. In the greenhouse. In the heated ground prepare the beds in 3-4 rows. The distance between the rows is 20-30 cm, between the seeds - 3-4 cm. For evenness of the row, you can use 2 pegs with a tied rope. Heavy soil requires a depth of 1-1.5 cm, light - 2-3 cm. The groove should be compacted, for the flow of moisture to the seeds.
  3. Under drip irrigation. The scheme is not complicated. Drip tapes (lateral) are suitable for irrigation, with droppers every 20-30 cm. For 2 ridges on a width of 0.5 m, 2 laterals are used, with a distance of 0.3 m and 0.2 m each. For 3 beds at a width of 1 m - 2 drip tapes, with a distance of 0.4 m and 0.6 m. The depth of the beds is the same as in the previous planting pattern.
  4. For seeds. Before planting, it is advisable to fertilize the hole with a handful of humus, or add 5 g of granulated superphosphate. The scheme is slightly different from the previous ones. Selected root crops for planting (mother plants) are planted slightly vertically, or horizontally, to such a depth that the head is flush with the soil. If there are yellowish leaves - they are sprinkled with earth. The distance between the plants is 40 cm, between the ridges - 70 cm.
  5. Together with the bow. With a bow, the landing pattern will be next. The width between the rows will be 30-40 cm. The depth of the groundwork for carrot seeds will be from 1.5 cm to 3 cm, for bulbs it depends on the size of the heads + 2 cm (for powder from above with soil). Seeds of carrots are spaced from each other at a length of 3-4 cm, bulbs - 6-10 cm.
  6. With radish. You can plant together (mixing the seeds of both crops), and separately: a number of carrots, a number of radish. The depth of the radish seeds is 1.5 cm, the distance in the garden is 2-3 cm. With mixed sowing, the width of the row spacing is 20 cm, with alternating up to 30 cm. cm.

At first glance, the schemes of planting carrot seeds with other cultures differ from day to night. In fact, there are no special difficulties. The main role is played by the depth of sowing, and the distance between the rows and seeds. The rest of the nuances (lightness or gravity of the soil, its composition, planting site, etc.) are minor, and have less influence on the germination of the future crop.

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