
Beets in cooking. Which is more useful for the body - boiled or raw?

Beets are very common in central Russia and the most useful root vegetable. It is used not only in cooking - in soups, salads, casseroles and vegetable stews - but also to improve health. Beetroot is indicated for enhancing intestinal motility, replenishing vitamin deficiencies, in combination with the prevention of iron deficiency anemia, obesity and liver diseases, the treatment of thyroid diseases, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Knyazhik Siberian: the use and types of plants

Creepers are usually associated with rainforests, where they, in attempts to reach the sun, often create impassable thickets. However, their relatively similarity, relatively small in length, called the "Siberian prince" is also widespread in areas with a continental climate, in particular, in Siberia and in the Far East.

The best time to plant winter garlic, or when to plant winter garlic

Garlic is indispensable for many dishes that are familiar to us, marinades, and canning; they also use it for the treatment and prevention of seasonal colds. There are also many recipes for traditional medicine to improve immunity, improve heart function, cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Not bad for all these purposes to have grown on your own bed, and not purchased garlic.

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