Interesting Articles 2024


Fascinating plant Amorphophallus: rules of care

Amorphophallus is a natural air purifier. When flowering the plant is not recommended to keep indoors. The plant propagates by dividing the tubers. In winter, the flower can lose leaves. Top dressing is made from the middle of spring at the end of summer. Further in the article we will talk about the plant amorphophallus: photo, home care, beneficial properties and diseases.

Golden pheasant at home: how to breed and how to feed

For beginners, breeding pheasants at home seems very laborious and not always a successful process. But in fact, this decorative bird is not much different from ordinary chickens and it feels great all year round in an open-air cage. How to arrange pheasants a safe winter in harsh climatic conditions, what to feed, how to avoid mortality and raise young offspring - we will tell about all this later in the article.

Grape variety "Furor"

The biggest fans of grapes will never stop in order to find out everything about the new variety and, if you like it, plant it on your plot. Usually, new varieties have a large number of improved qualities, far exceeding all previous ones. At the same time, today, hybrid forms of grapes produced by amateur growers, who certainly know a lot about this culture, have become very famous.

Why is it important to sow black radish on time and when to plant it in the Urals, in Siberia and the Moscow region?

Black radish is a culture that is useful in many ways. Despite the bitter taste, gardeners love this vegetable for essential oils, fiber and minerals, as well as a whole complex of vitamins. Black radish will help to get rid of colds both of young children and adults. In the article we will talk about when it is planted in the ground, as well as in different regions of our country: in the Moscow region, Siberia and the Urals.

Types of annual and perennial begonias and helpful care recommendations

Begonia is a herbaceous flower, dividing into perennial and annual species. It is very popular not only because of its unpretentiousness, but also because of the huge variety of species and varieties that are so loved by gardeners and gardeners, and residents of apartment buildings. In this article, we will analyze the types and varieties of annual and perennial begonias, their periods of life and possible causes of death, the rules of care and nuances in growing, as well as their use: There are about two thousand species of this plant.

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Determination of the period of hunting in rabbit

Those who breed and sell rabbits know that the process of mating in animals can cause considerable difficulties. It is necessary to maintain at the optimum level many parameters in order to achieve pregnancy, as well as the appearance of healthy young animals. Further you will learn about what hunting is, how it manifests itself, and what to do if the bunny does not want to mate.

Cherry mushrooms (gray): botanical description, useful properties and recipes

Mushroom dishes are favorites of any holiday table. Often, among them you can find dishes using ferry - inconspicuous, at first glance, mushrooms. But experienced supporters of “quiet hunting” will never pass by the little grayish hats of these gifts of the forest. Let us consider in more detail the botanical features of the sulfur series, the areas of its distribution, as well as the secrets of its use in cooking.

How to make a beehive Dadan yourself

Almost all amateur beekeepers use the hive of the design given or its modifications. The name of the bee house was in honor of Charles Dadan - a French beekeeper who, using advanced developments for his time, invented the design of a single-body beehive with a large wide frame of quinby 11 in number and several shops on top.

How to cover the weigela and prepare for winter

Weigela is a flowering perennial shrub that is valued for its spring and summer ornamental flowers. Their aroma resembles the smell of honeysuckle. Often planted in the form of hedges, these plants do not require special care, but still need to take care of them. Preparing the weigel for winter will help her survive the cold with minimal damage.

In winter and in summer it is covered with color: how to achieve the flowering of home balsam throughout the year?

The ancestors of indoor balsams originate from the African and Asian tropics - and numerous modern varieties with flowers of all shades and combinations of white, orange, red, and mauve inherited the ability to bloom from practically every year on their wild ancestors. In fact, the buds of a well-groomed plant unfold very early in spring and continue to form and bloom until late autumn, which is already passing into winter.

The whole truth about boiled garlic: good or bad?

Since ancient times, garlic was considered the main means of traditional medicine against diseases in different countries. Fragrant spice with a distinctive spicy flavor is added to all possible dishes, but few cooks know that this vegetable is a natural antibiotic and destroys fungi, bacteria and viruses like no other.

Gilyan chickens: characteristics and features of the content

One of the most ancient breeds of hens, known even in Russia, was the Gilyan breed. These birds meat and egg directions are large in size, unusual characteristic appearance and unpretentious content. Despite the fact that at the end of the XIX century the population of Gilan chickens was lost, today, nevertheless, some enthusiasts are actively engaged in its recovery.

Growing rapeseed in Ukraine is now very profitable.

One of the reasons for the profitable cultivation of rapeseed is its profitability, which is even more than that of sunflower. At this point in the rapeseed is very attractive value among other crops grown by Ukrainian farmers. The root cause of the tremendous demand for rapeseed is the crop failure of this crop, experts of UkrAgroConsult comment.

How to choose a snow blower to give, tips and tricks

With the onset of real winter, to the delight of children, mountains of snow appear on our streets. But not for all winter snowfall in joy. Particularly concerned with the issue of snow removal owners cottages and private homes. Such good old tools as a shovel are relevant, but it is much more convenient to use modern mechanisms.

Beautiful enemy of your garden: butterfly cabbage

The cabbage butterfly is familiar to everyone from childhood and is associated with spring - as soon as the sun begins to warm the earth well, these insects appear. Because of the color - white with black specks - it is also called white. However, this butterfly does not make everyone happy - these seemingly harmless beautiful insects cause great harm to crops, therefore its appearance for gardeners and gardeners is an alarming signal.